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Philadelphia Experiment?

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posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:12 AM
I honestly belive that area 51 and the other "top secret projects" all started from the Philadelphia Experiment. I could be wrong. (This is my first post of ATS.)

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:34 AM
This was something that I mentioned in another forum, but got no replies, maybe someone will answer me here...

(I am no scientist so please let me know your thoughts of the events I have linked below and whether they could all be part of a so-called Master plan)

It seems that Electromagnetism is playing a very big role in the bigger picture and we should be looking at all possibilities in this field (pardon the pun)!

Now If you look back at the "Philadelphia Experiment" and the "Montauk Project", and then read up on the "John Hutchison effect" in particular the fusion of dissimilar materials.. (As backup for the theory and probability behind the experiments)

And also where Long Island,NY is situated, in relation to the Bermuda Triangle.

It stands to question, whether the Bermuda triangle is really an unexplained phenomenon or was just a convenient experimentation area. How far ahead must the technology of these Parties involved not be today??. Note that these experiments must have literally been going on for decades.

Conveniently the Eugenics Labs are also situated in long Island and there is also speculation that they are behind numerous chemical & microbe (virus, bacteria, mycoplasma) experiments on the unknowing population, and might have been responsible for the design of the Aids Virus. This is supposedly all part of a depopulation program started as early as the 1900's.
You can read the "Full Disclosure" book by Dr Glum for background on this.

Now more recently, there have been talks of possible Chemtrails, that contain not only microbes (virus, bacteria, mycoplasma) but also aluminum Oxide and barium, these are not only a great health hazard (Respiratory but more importantly Cancer causing) but also possess
electromagnetic properties.

Suddenly France, Russia and China, alongside NASA and their SOHO project are all sending up Infrared Satellites. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't infrared have highly electromagnetic inducing powers?

I recall having read somewhere that the Russians did experiments (especially on the aids virus) and could make it 1000 x more deadly by use of electromagnetism. I have searched high and low and cannot find this article anywhere. Anyone else have info on this? But even more worring, cancer progress can also be accelerated by the same means.

So the way I see it, not only are we all possibly being poisoned, but the possibility might be there to turn viruses and cancers, deadly at the flick of a switch.

Now infrared & electromagnetism are also used for hologram creation right? And it is speculated that electromagnetism could also be used for weather(incl earth quake and volcanic eruption) manipulation purposes.

taking all this into account, could we Possibly be facing a FALSE; -"Planet X", -"Pole shift" -"Solar flare" -"Situation X" cataclysm created by the powers that be, in the near future???

So...this is probably we i get taken

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:36 AM

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:19 AM
My father, now 65 was in the US Navy back in the late 60's early 70's and has been abord the ship used in the Philidelphia experiment (I do not remember the ship's name). Though there were no signs of people ever being stuck in the hull as is the mordern day folk lore surrounding the ship, he did notice indented footprints on the walkways of the ship almost as if there was a shoe at the time the metal for the walkway was formed, which if you know anything about the way in wich metal is poured you would know that a shoe , would have been desolved and nothing left behind at the time the metal walkway was created. So how would these "footprints have gotten here, well the metal could have been softened enouf for the imprint to be left behind. But how could that have been possible to make metal soft without heating it to without making the deck warp but at the same time leaving a footprint behind? This just speaks that some of the myth could possibly be true, if my father presented me with correct info over the years.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by gordonwest

Then you honestly believe something that is wrong. Area 51 was set up for U-2 development.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by AlienCarnage
Though there were no signs of people ever being stuck in the hull as is the mordern day folk lore surrounding the ship

Could it be that they removed the parts that had infused humanoid parts and replaced them to try to cover up there mischievous endeavors?

[edit on 16-9-2008 by Aleksander]

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by corvin77

This is some of the worst scientific analysis I've ever seen. Take this line:

" Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't infrared have highly electromagnetic inducing powers?"

No, infrared light is just part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared and ultraviolet only "exist" as terms due to the limits of human vision. That is, infrared is longer wavelength than what a human can see and ultraviolet is shorter wavelength than what a human can see. So there is really nothing significant about infrared.

It only gets worse. Take this line:
"Now infrared & electromagnetism are also used for hologram creation right?"

A hologram is made with a laser, splitter, and recording medium (film). Yeah, I suppose you could make an infrared hologram, but holograms are certainly not limited to infrared. Now you toss the term electromagnetism around, but you should be more specific. For instance, are you talking about an electromagnet? If so, that is just one way to make a magnet. You can make permanent magnets as well. Or are you referring to electromagnetic waves, which span from radio to light.

Maybe you should avoid discussing science. I didn't even bother to comment on your virus comments though I doubt they are true, but have no college credits in biology.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by AlienCarnage

The name of the ship is the USS Eldridge. You can find more info here.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Aislin

Yes I know the name of the ship, remembered it later that day(too lazy to go back and edit my comments), however when I am writing, I get memory slips, happens when I am tlking to people I talk to all the time as well and suddenly can not remember the person's name. This was the main reason I am a horrible test taker. Many of my posts in the middle I will state that I can not rememember the name of something, it just happens that way. The name of the ship, however wasn't the important part, it was the content of my story.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Aleksander

Could it be that they removed the parts that had infused humanoid parts and replaced them to try to cover up there mischievous endeavors?

It is possible and I had asked him this same question, however my father worked on many ships and he told me that there were no signs of the hull being rapaired or altered in any way aside from the odd footprints in the steel of the ship. THis does not mean that someone did an excelent cover up job, but I know my father and he scrutinizes all of the datails even on the most mudane of objects, so much it was anoying as a child when fixing anything with the man.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by AlienCarnage
reply to post by Aislin

Yes I know the name of the ship, remembered it later that day(too lazy to go back and edit my comments), The name of the ship, however wasn't the important part, it was the content of my story.

A simple thank you for providing the name of the ship in case others reading this thread were interested would suffice.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by corvin77

on your bit about the Russians and AIDS, you may find this link intereting

AIDs As A Weapon Of War

im not suggesting this is all true but it is worth a read.

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