posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 03:41 AM
There are secrets hidden from me and from you
you can tell me to prove it
I'd say look all around
if the reason its like this, is because our leaders our dumb
then i submit that you will never understand
a perspective of an awakened individual
If your leader is dumb, he is a puppet
otherwise he would not be in power
he seems dumb, because he is lyyyyyiiiinnnngggg
have you ever heard the term, "playing dumb"
in reference to lyyyyiiiinnnngggg
lying proved+ 9/11 official story full of holes= some # is goin down
argue you might any specifics, so forget them
The decisions they make play on our strongest emotions... They say some vague statement that can only be translated into - These people are going to
KILL you!
The fact that they sell it like that screams - MANIPULATION!
If a company has hot girls seducing men to buy their product, via commercials, etc. - MANIPULATION!
I dont want our government using the same techniques as corporations...
Come to think of it... does our government have an incentive in our being afraid? Or being proud? Whatever emotion they sell us, do they not have a
profit incentive attached? Hmmmm... then you think.... Well why would the gov't act like its a business?
They are a business... They are looking for profit not progress... They want your money anyway they can get it, and we are forking it over by the
billions + selling our souls and the souls of our children to their bidding. We need a paradigm shift and we need it quick. Only you, only me, only
the individual can make a difference. Now I know its hard, I do. But we all individually have to live up to our individual standards. Dont let your
moral judgement conform. What you see is ugly? Then HATE it. Hate everything it stands for. Dont go along with a shallow conversation. Break it. Break
that mind set, that ANY of that # means anything. Do it for you, do it for all of us. And do it now... you never know who you may inspire.... Be a
PROTECT what you LOVE, HATE what you DESPISE
I love our potential... We can be amazing. Lets get the real people in charge. Lets be happy to be in the presence of amazing people. Quit listening
to lies that we all are equal... we can NEVER be equal, but we can be the same. Apart of the same organism where none of that "equal" nonsense
matters. Each has his role, each has responsibility, each has his tolerance for pain, each has his intelligence, each has his own perception of
beauty. But everything is done in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Complete total self-acceptance, coupled with complete understanding and
acceptance of you by your society. Everyone keeps what they earn. When money is needed, the people will be billed. There will documentation for every
dime spent, posted. Very little meddling possible with 100,000's of scrutinizers. Not only that, once we see what we are truly capable of, with a
mass attention shift, towards personal growth, we will melt our greed, pride and personas. Even comedy would die. Imagine a life with no need for
comedy. All the endorphines times a 100 are released when going through an empiphimatic experience, when learning something about yourself. Think
about the implications for hapiness and growth as a society, watching eachother go through this growth... I cant imagine the resonance... Seriously
sends chills down my spine.
"Imagine what great feats you would be capable of, if you knew you could not fail."
- Fortune cookie lol
Life threw this at me in a time I felt very helpless. I could have gotten the - "you have a very magnetic personality" - or my buddy has on his
fridge "you will have no problems in your home" - lol i dont even have a home. But you get my drift. Life is truly amazing and it hurts so bad to
see what people give their precious attention too. SEX... bah.