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The Myth of Ego Destruction

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posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:03 PM
In the non-dual "spiritual" tradition, the death of the "ego" simply refers to the death of the mind conceived "self." In essence the death of the "me" so that the awakened "I" may be liberated. The ego is just one more layer to be peeled away, albeit one that we empower with the most resistance.

Edit to add: If you've ever thought to yourself: "I can't believe I just did that!" Ask yourself who did "that" and who it is that can't believe it. This is a useful doorway to distinguish between the "me" and the "I".

[edit on 9/15/2008 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

The focus of duality is to illustrate the simplicity that in order for you to exist there must be something that is not you. The observer and the observed. The finite expression of infinity. But expression is not the thing that it expresses. It is only an interpretation. It is all things but no thing can define it.

I hope that helps clear up the confusion

[edit on 15-9-2008 by TravelerintheDark]

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

I think the challenge on this level is not to get rid of the ego, but living your live in a harmonious way, despite of having the ego.

On the other hand if you look at it from a reincarnation/ascension standpoint, the ego is needed to learn some lessons.

I don't think you're going to need your ego once you pass this level.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:08 PM
To everyone their own.

I see no reason to rid one's self of an ego, only to rid one's self of lies, deceit and bad things.

Self importance is good. I find myself to be important and I'm also conceited. However, I don't use this importance in a bad way, what I find most important about myself is truth.

This "release" the ego jibberish is just new age jibber jabber. It's all about attempting to create another cult. When you enforce a way of life onto people they will always rebel.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Thank you for this thread. It was exactly what I was looking for tonight. I don't know if you're still around, or not, but thank you.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark
if you so much as think, its the ego...but to be in a state of non thought is such a relief you should strive for it as often as you can

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:01 PM
The spirit is pure spirit. It doesn't have an ego. The ego comes into existence as part of the spirits survival equipment for it's descent into the material regions. The I or self is not the spirit, nor permanent, nor part of the nature of the spirit itself. The ego must and will be abandoned for the spirit to return to the purely spiritual. Beating and mending are very important spiritual concepts. Your post is an example of ego defending egotism. Freedom, freewill, intellect, having, wanting, are meaningless and have no place in regions where you have everything and anything worth having in the purest form you can accept it at any and every moment for all eternity. Ego comes from lack. When the spirit descended into matter it was away from it's home and ego is the part of the security blanked given to it as a substitute while it needs to remain here.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:26 AM
A wise man once said;

"Disillusioned ego."

And he was right.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by YourForever

Would give you a flag if it wasnt for my internet being crap today and I can barely see nothing on the page

I see this as the result of the "spiritual people" trying to run before they can even crawl. It is a very noble thing, wanting to be selfless. Seing that to be the indicator that you are the most spiritually evolved being of all, no wonder people are trying to attain the goal. That we are still humans in material bodies and not a ball of energy floating around the dimensions, are totally forgotten

The teaching of Alice Bailey (An important theosophist) about the three crosses is interesting in this discussion. As I understand it, the developing of a strong and self sufficient ego and mastering of the material worlds demands is necessary to start walking on the spiritual path. Hence, not to run before you can walk. This is offcourse a very simplified view of her thoughts, but cannot make the post too long either

My teacher puts it nice too. He is still lacking a wife and children. He says its very difficult for him to find a girl that would fit. She would have to be fairly interested in astrology and the spiritual path...and still be able to cope with the material world. This is ,according to him ,a rare combination as those alternative women dont have the control of anything material in their lives

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

I think this is largely a thing from the people that believe that only by abolishing difference will there ever be peace, more to less all individuals assimilating into a collective. Which has always struck me as rather like trying to scratch your head while reaching past your butt. Far better to just learn to treasure instead of fear difference if you ask me.

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