posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by YourForever
Would give you a flag if it wasnt for my internet being crap today and I can barely see nothing on the page
I see this as the result of the "spiritual people" trying to run before they can even crawl. It is a very noble thing, wanting to be selfless. Seing
that to be the indicator that you are the most spiritually evolved being of all, no wonder people are trying to attain the goal. That we are still
humans in material bodies and not a ball of energy floating around the dimensions, are totally forgotten
The teaching of Alice Bailey (An important theosophist) about the three crosses is interesting in this discussion. As I understand it, the developing
of a strong and self sufficient ego and mastering of the material worlds demands is necessary to start walking on the spiritual path. Hence, not to
run before you can walk. This is offcourse a very simplified view of her thoughts, but cannot make the post too long either
My teacher puts it nice too. He is still lacking a wife and children. He says its very difficult for him to find a girl that would fit. She would have
to be fairly interested in astrology and the spiritual path...and still be able to cope with the material world. This is ,according to him ,a rare
combination as those alternative women dont have the control of anything material in their lives