posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Sleeper has treid to come clean on ET. He has enlightened us all on the possibility that there is more…much MUCH more going on than we have been led
to believe. In fact What amp aer youin
What’s sad is this…we. .humans…. are only waking up from a very deep, long LONG slumber regarding other sentient life within not just our own
galaxy for sure. But our own very solar system…yes..we are NOT the only inhabitants of this small blue oyster, visible atmospheres on the moon/other
planets with possible structures are just the pinnacle of what’s “really alive” out there…. You got a take leap of faith past that
biblical/religious pish that’s forced fed to us. and trust that there is a much bigger picture than you could ever possibly comprehend. now that IS
the grand design/scheme of things
Alas the masses will awaken also, in time. in time my friends
[edit on 14-9-2008 by kirky]