posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 10:37 AM
I didn't see my husband's doppleganger, but I heard him a few years ago. Bob's a commercial fisherman; he'd left one morning to go out on the
boat, and I was a bit worried because of the wind (as the morning wore on, it was really starting to blow). I was working at my desk when I heard
Bob's truck drive in; I thought, 'Ah, he's back." I heard his truck door shut, then the sound of the front door opening, then closing, and his
footsteps down the hall toward the bathroom. I know the sound of my husband's footsteps--it was him! But when I called out his name, he didn't
answer. No one was in the bathroom. His truck wasn't in the driveway. I know I didn't imagine it. Our dog even acted like he always does when
"Daddy" comes home!
When Bob (not his doppleganger) came home later that day, I told him about this, and he said at that same time, he was seriously thinking about coming
home because the sea was rough. We both have Scandinavian ancestry, but have never experienced dopplegangers before this.
Not even sure what dopplegangers are, but I suspect some may be forms of energy manifested by the subject of the dopplegang-ed person, if that makes
any sense. Interesting stuff, anyway!