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Fulford: US coup d’etat, martial law, prison camps early October

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posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 12:08 PM

Benjamin Fulford of Project Camelot fame in a new September 6, 2008 interview said his sources are telling him of dire events to come soon in the US:

K: Oh, right. Sunday. So this is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and Bill Ryan. And we’re talking to Benjamin Fulford in Japan. So, Benjamin, last time we talked, you were very, sort of incognito, talking about September 8th as an interesting date.

BF: Well, actually, I don’t know about September 8th, but, you know, the dirt I’ve been hearing is September 30th, and then some sort of event in the US in October. So my understanding from my various sources is that there will be an attempt at a coup d’etat, martial law, and rounding people up for the detention camps in early October.

These people have been trying very hard to start WWIII. As you know, the Israelis had an Air Force base in Georgia and they were planning to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities from Georgia. The important thing is though... a friend of mine who was at the Trilateral meeting in Tokyo in 2006 told me there was a technical explanation there, where they said that because the Iranian facilities are so deep underground, they would have to attack them with nuclear weapons. Now, the Russians and the Chinese have said they will destroy Israel if they do that. OK?

If you all remember, Fulford is the guy that has deep connections in China and elsewhere, and has given the NWO an ultimatum to stop their plans or face 2,000 ninja assassins.

But the problem is, it looks to me like a delaying tactic. These people were planning something for 2012, and events are spinning out of their control. So they’re trying to fast-forward it, but they need more time. That’s my understanding of it.

But we really, clearly, must not let them strike first. That’s what they did on September 11, 2001, and they’re gonna do it again. In other words, we cannot react. They’re gonna do something so radical that... We have to have a critical mass of people in the military and the intelligence establishment, whatever, among the civil population, to take these people down before they make a move like this.

Please read this very interesting interview at the link provided above.

It makes sense to me what he says about the internal power struggle going on in different factions of the US military. It's why I personally believe the Barksdale nuclear bomber incident was thwarted, otherwise Iran may well have been a wasteland, and we'd probably be in WW3 by now.

I'm not sure what to think of this guy, but for those of you who have not seen it, try to watch his previous long interview with Project Camelot. Some very interesting things said indeed.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Great find bro.....Interesting how this lines up with what I posted back in March.

Have a look and tell me what you think.


posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:12 PM
I heard the interview, he um...I don't know if I trust him. Something is just a little "I made this up off the top of my head" about some of the things he says. Then they ask him about his sources and he responds with "um.......well....uh a CIA guy...and a FBI guy...and a NSA guy too, they all told me".

and the ninja thing...Well...

Cool, I like ninjas.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by solarstorm
Great find bro.....Interesting how this lines up with what I posted back in March.

Have a look and tell me what you think.

Yeah, that does line up pretty close. I remember hearing about that closed session too. Dubious sources aren't the only ones who have been saying a serious financial meltdown is coming- and look at the government's bailout of Fannie. Ron Paul's been screaming about it for years, as well as many economy experts.

Interestingly, most of our gas stations just ran out of gas, and this is North Carolina, pretty far from Ike. And the ones that have are charging $4.50 and up. But that seems to be due to them shutting down a certain pipeline in anticipation of Ike, and some refineries being damaged. This didn't happen during Katrina though, and from what I heard on the news today, the damage to the refineries was quite a bit less than in Katrina. I also heard that there have been state investigations into price gouging, and apparently, 7 indictments so far.

So why these shortages and astronomic prices? I just had to wonder if they weren't testing to see how a small number of people react to insanely high prices, in a place known for rednecks with guns.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:49 PM
Isn't this the same guy that threatened Rockefeller with specially trained
Sorry. (-_-) . I don't think I believe him as he seems a bit.....well ...not right.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
I just had to wonder if they weren't testing to see how a small number of people react to insanely high prices, in a place known for rednecks with guns.

No way, they raised gas prices here in Alabama too, so there goes that theory. *laughs hysterically*

I don't see his theory as logistically possible for the military and any other lettered organizations to achieve in the next 3 weeks. *but hey, it's not Sorcha Faal!

[edit on 15-9-2008 by beaverg]

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by beaverg
*but hey, it's not Sorcha Faal!

Come on now, even I won't stoop that low.

So your stations run out of gas too, to the point where some people didn't make it to work and were raising hell at the pumps?

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

The way Fulford seems to me...based on nothing/, I don't think he is lying very much, I just don't think that his sources are telling him very many accurate things...why should they...he's like the pope, he has no divisions...and then maybe he senses he's an inaccurate-talking fool, but doesn't want to examine it too closely, he wants to keep feeling like he's all magic...why shouldn't he, it's all he's got...and so it goes...

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

I hear ya, I don't know about him either. Something doesn't feel right about him, but something doesn't feel wrong. It's weird.

But I figure if any such coup was to happen, October would be as good a month as any. Right before the elections, it would play into theories that Bush: "so long as I'm the dictator." And then of course there's good old NSPD-51 to remind us that it IS possible. That's right. You in a prison camp, wondering why the heck you didn't listen to Fulford, as you get hauled off to the gas chamber.

Here's to wishing like hell this one's wrong like all the others.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Well not really, life continues as usual this far north in the state.
Most stations are carrying either regular or premium now, haven't seen any plus.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:08 PM
Well, I had to come back to the post because of something I remembered and finally found.

During a raid at Collin McKenzie-Gude's home last week, investigators seized four assault rifles, two shotguns, a handgun and bomb-making materials, including wires, timers, pipes and 50 pounds of chemicals from his home. In addition, they found a map of Camp David -- the presidential retreat in Maryland -- with the presidential motorcade route marked on it, police said.

Also found were two fake photo IDs: one for the CIA and one for a government contractor, such as those working in Iraq (web|news), police said...

...McKenzie-Gude, who'd been in JROTC and on the St. John's rifle team, also had a to-do list. Prosecutors say that by October, he planned to acquire body armor and range-finding glasses like those used by snipers, and other equipment."


His father, Joseph Gude, 62, a retired Air Force captain who works for the Treasury Department, also was charged in the case, accused of buying guns for his son.


This lifted my brow once I remembered it.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by beaverg

Interesting. More things tying to October. What, you think he might be one of the Ninja assassins?

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 03:32 AM
Coup d’etat,
I swore to defend the constitution when i joined the US Navy in 1970.
A coup d’etat, would be a violation if the constitution and i never unswore from defending the constitution when i left the Navy.

You can guess what my action would be if a coup d’etat, happened.

Anyone that was operating as a member of the unconstitutional government would be a enemy target.
that means anyone that took orders from them.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 03:41 AM
I read all these threads about the &*# hitting the fan in August and September.

Are they pushing it back to October now? Whoever is in charge of the chaos would of been fired by now.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 08:56 PM
well guys, looks like it's all underway

9-15-08 market sharps down

i guess this is the first step!!!!!


posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by indigothefish
well guys, looks like it's all underway

9-15-08 market sharps down

i guess this is the first step!!!!!


It's not so black and white just yet. Many people outside of the conspiracy circles predicted we'd have some terrible economic backlash as a result of our ways. This may be the beginning of the American Nightmare, or just something long time coming. We'll have to wait till October

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by ANNED
Coup d’etat,
I swore to defend the constitution when i joined the US Navy in 1970.
A coup d’etat, would be a violation if the constitution and i never unswore from defending the constitution when i left the Navy.

You can guess what my action would be if a coup d’etat, happened.

Anyone that was operating as a member of the unconstitutional government would be a enemy target.
that means anyone that took orders from them.

Well since the last couple of administrations have effectively shredded the constitution doesn't that mean you should get off ATS and go to work?

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
Well since the last couple of administrations have effectively shredded the constitution doesn't that mean you should get off ATS and go to work?

lol, that was a great reply to ANNED.

Seeing as Bush himself called the Constitution just another damned piece of paper, and the Navy takes orders from him, I think you just made yourself your own enemy, ANNED. Unless of course you left the Navy long ago. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya...

There's a thread floating around about Arizona declaring itself sovereign if martial law comes about, and absolving the federal government. You can betcha I flagged that one! With powers reverting back to the states, and a completely new government being formed based around the good old standard Constitution, that legislation is landmark.

That Bill by the way is HCR 2034, and a direct link to the pdf from the Arizona Legislature gov site is here.

[edit on 17-9-2008 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:44 AM
I don't trust Fulford. This guy said that he channeled his father and that his father and Rockefeller were good buddies. He then proceeded to meet with Rockefeller and get all chummy about it, just after he basically threatened to kill him. Does that sound stable to you?

Also Israel is not likely to be nuked out of existence. The country will survive up to the very end, although it's people will have to be saved miraculously. That's what Bible prophecy says, and Bible prophecy is never wrong.

I also don't trust Fulford since he thinks christians are nazi's and uniformly support the neocons. Christians, in general, do not like the neocons since they are not conservative in any sense. Most of the major genuine, large evangelical organizations oppose both candidates (with the possible exception of Pat Robertson). Palin was brought in to bring them back to the fold.

I'm not sure it will entirely work. Third parties are going to do well this election.

Unfortunately Israel has little choice but to attack Iran prior to the development of their nukes. Iran fully intends to use it's nukes against Israel and probably the US, perhaps through various proxy terrorist organizations. Thus WWIII is inevitable. The US would be best off letting Israel handle this.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Well, even without your great post I had the feeling that there must be some lunatics scheming the third world war - Why? That is beyond my comprehension. Maybe it is the 'mother nature' who produces these kind of people in order to get rid of the human kind that causes so much pain for her; maybe the singe hard 'surgical operation' would remove the cancer? The life would continue even after WW3. Well, then again it wouldn't work since there would be a chance that only humans left alive would be exactly these lunatics mentioned

Well, above is just a mad thought which sometimes pops up from my mind. Benjamin Fulford is a mixed person in my books - I'd like to believe him and his claims that there is a balance between the 'world powers' and that the NWO is not the only power currently affecting. Yet some of his claims seems quite ridicule (not meaning the channeling here, but more like those 2000 ninja assasins) that it almost seems like the man is 'out there'. But no matter what, I listen his words with great curiousity - because sometimes even the truth may seem to be ridicule and bizarre.

Thanks for posting, your posts are almost always tickling my interest! All the best!



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