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Swing-State Newspapers Distribute 'Terror' Videos

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posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Of course all the libs think this is shameles propaganda - after all they are trying to elect a closet muslim.......
Is it not a daily occurance to see some muslim blowing themselves up or threatening the US? These people live to terrorize and more of them are radical than any of the liberal crowd wants to admit. Now we have Sharia courts in the UK? Give me a break - quit sticking up for these people - stop looking at everything as propaganda.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by slicobacon

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

When you compare Muslims to Nazis and Hitler like they do in this movie, I would call that propaganda.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Well it is obvious that the Libs live on ATS to smear anyone appossed to there way of thought,I really didnt think you people would be apposed to people being informed of the Muslim threat in the world today but thats what I get for thinking there is anything good about a Liberal.
I would imagine the people in the UK would have liked to seen this vid a few years back, anyway the point of my post is where I live this DVD is in 3 newspapers and all are OBAMA supporters as is most of the media but then again McCain is the new boogyman so lets blame him for everything instead of looking for the truth as apposed to your idea of truth without proof.Try going to the Clarion Fund websit and see what that tells you,they are the ones who put this vid out.

[edit on 15-9-2008 by Battleline]

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Battleline

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

It is one thing to be informed of a threat and another to promote a threat to push an agenda, which is to scare people into voting a certain way.

If this release of the DVD was really to inform it would have been shown on TV or sent out everywhere, but it wasn't. It was only sent out to battleground states as explained in the article.

Why can't you see it for what it is?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Well I am going to post this here because the thread I posted this before was closed as this one was older.

Well for what I was able to dig, the Clarion fund call themselves a non profit and bipartisan organization to teach the public about the evils or radicalism of Islam.

It seems that Wikipedia reports that the film’s producer is an Orthodox rabbi who sometimes goes by the name Ephraim Shore.

The Republican Jewish Coalition has also distributed free copies of the film in promotional mailings to U.S. rabbis and other Jewish mailing lists.

This to aid McCain campaign and so far the financial backing coms from anonymous backer.

So while the "Clarion Fund" call themselves a bipartisan organization they have ties with the Republican Jewish coalition.

I guess we can call it Republican propaganda.

[edit on 15-9-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 01:16 PM
FROM WIKIPEDIA.... (that makes it a lie right?)

Clarion Fund is a nonprofit organization founded in 2006 based in New York City whose mission is "to educate Americans about issues of national security," with its main focus on what it calls "the most urgent threat of radical Islam." The organization was founded by Israeli-Canadian film producer Raphael Shore.

Shore's documentary about radical Islam, Obsession, became a controversial part of the 2008 presidential campaign when he distributed copies of it to 28 million voters in U.S. swing states in an apparent attempt to remind them of the dangers of Islamic terror in the run-up to the election. Shore has refused to reveal who funded both the production of the film or dissemination of the DVDs.

Shore has collaborated with Aish Hatorah, an Orthodox organization devoted to promoting Jewish learning, and its sub-organization, HonestReporting, a pro-Israel media watchdog site.

Man politics is shallow. Pro-Wrestling lite. Partisanship and crossed loyalties are a disease.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Dronetek

Its interesting that you guys are actually arguing for the suppression of factual information, simply because it goes against your ideology.

I think, at least how I am reading the posts here on this thread, that nobody is arguing for suppression as you put it--as you stretched it--but rather they are pointing out that a lot of effort and money has been spent to make sure more people see this by sending it out with your morning paper. They [poster's] are then simply speculating as to what the motivation behind this expensive ploy right now is?

Yes I agree with you that it is real. Radical muslims will behead homosexuals on the street. They force their women under threat of death to wear the Burkah. They don't alow women to drive or vote, and stone them for being unfaithful even if they were victom of rape. Slavery, for an example, is still practiced in the form of indentured servatude whereby a Shrilankin family desperate for money to feed the family sells a youngster off to work in Saudi or wherever for 7 years in exchange for a small amound of funds...and on and on it goes with the abuse of human rights and radical unregulated, religious totalitarian system. But is this dvd being used to scare people into support of one particular candidate or the other? That is the question.

I'm not sure who paid for the distribution or exactly why. I do however find it interesting.

[edit on 15-9-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Hal9000

Thank you for not being rude,I expected worse.
I agree that this leans toward pro republican but it was in liberal papers so maybe someone would like to inform the left that there is a reason to be awear of this,weather you want to belive in radical Muslim threats or not it applys to us all.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Battleline

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

What you don't understand is that some of us are questioning the motive behind sending out the DVD and not what is on it, as skyshow also explained. It would be the same as if someone connected to the DNC paid to have Fahrenheit 9/11 or some other movie sent out to all the papers to try to get people to vote for Obama. How would that sit with you?

It is a fear tactic, plain and simple and not totally surprising. You think people should be aware of radical extremists, but I think that people should also be aware of who it was that paid for sending out these DVD's and why.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:37 PM
It's a great video and I'm glad they are distributing it. It's time people wake up to the fact that Islam is not the religion of peace but rather the religion of hatred and persecution and bloody war against all infidels.

However I found the video rather lukewarm and condescending in it's appraisal of Islam and it's threat. For one the statement that most Muslims are peaceful is not really true. Any true Muslim who follows the Koran must agree with it's teachings to "smite the infidel on the neck" and to wage war against the unbeliever.

For some reason our multicultural blinders have made us unable to realize that dogma, beliefs, religion and basic cultural attitudes are not all equal but in fact are critical to the functioning or in this case destruction of society. What you believe matters. Since I believe in Jesus Christ I am commanded to love my enemies and to do good unto them. I will try to do that, even if it goes against my nature to do so. The Muslim in turn will try to wage jihad against all others, because Mohammed commands this of him, even if killing goes against basic human instinct.

Thus every Muslim is a potential time bomb, a terrorist in hiding IMHO.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:09 PM
9/11 and the fear of terrorism won the election for the Republicans in 2004. Why wouldn't they want to try that tactic again? The message the video aims to send is " Only we (the Republicans) can save you from this threat (lest you forget Obama's middle name). The Democrats are a bunch of extremist-loving sissies who will sell us all out to the enemy." In this format they can imply all sorts of preposterous claims without having to validate them intellectually.

Skyshow has said it well. It's not the topic of the film that's the problem. It's that it's motives are so transparent.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:05 PM
Indeed, it's the motives and timing on this that lead me to be so disgusted. If one adheres to the belief that Radical Islam is such a constant threat and this DVD is being distributed for the benefit of the public, why send it out now?

This film has been around for nearly a year and a half now, out of sight and out of mind to the voting public at did we ever survive all that time without a mysterious organization around to put this DVD in our hands so close to the election?

Fear mongering is nothing new.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:23 PM
I received these dvd's in my mail sent directly to me. I watched it and I found that much if not all of it is factual evidence, and very strongly supported.

It is a fear tactic, plain and simple and not totally surprising. You think people should be aware of radical extremists, but I think that people should also be aware of who it was that paid for sending out these DVD's and why.

Since when is knowing the truth, a fear tactic? The truth is more often not pretty and all roses and butterflies, and which movie star is having which other movie star's baby. This DVD shows reality, and I for one am glad that someone, regardless of their political stance, is trying to get the message out. It is painfully obvious that our MSM refuses to do the job.

I am sorry, but when a country, or group, holds rallies in the hundreds of thousands, with a message of going to war with me, you, non-radical Muslims, and anyone else who is not a radical islamists, I want to know about it, and I want to take action to protect myself from it.

Let me put it into a bit more of a perspective.
If a neighbor of you tells you he is going to kill you, every time you see him, are you just going to laugh and shrug it off? I think not.

So I ask why would we just shrug this off as if it were just pure nonsense, or just some political power move?

People need to wake up to the reality of what is truly going on in this world. Thousands are being suppressed and killed daily from these radical islamists, but because it is not in our backyard, we do nothing.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Sestias

The Democrats are a bunch of extremist-loving sissies who will sell us all out to the enemy."

Well at least this implied message is correct, though I disagree with the "republicans have all the answers" message. The republicans differ very little from the democrats in most cases. One odd thing though, I didn't see any mention of republicans or democrats in the video.

It is interesting therefore to understand the full meaning of this. Without even stating it, the public knows that the democrats and especially Obama are weak with regards to national security and weak with regards to understanding the true threat of Islam. Unfortunately their multiculturalism at all costs mindset prevents them from exercising even the basics of self preservation.

With Obama it goes further though. His support of his cousin, the jihadist whose thugs slaughtered a half of a million christians in Kenya, speaks volumes.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Ok I watched its a scary video I was waiting to say that's not true ect. I tend to be skeptical go figure. However it makes valid points, Now lets look at the timing checked this video its 2 years old has gotten no press and largely ignored. So any body realizing people are looking at world politics in an election would know now is a good time to get out there message any surprise there?

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

For one the statement that most Muslims are peaceful is not really true. Any true Muslim who follows the Koran must agree with it's teachings to "smite the infidel on the neck" and to wage war against the unbeliever.

I would like to point out that there is a fair amount of material that is violent in nature and not pro-human rights and such in the Christian bible as well. By the same logic then we must condem Christians too.

Perhaps the problem is religion and religious dogma itself? If we must have it then why can't we take out the unwanted stuff? It's not like it hasn't ever happened before!

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by xmaddness

It is a fear tactic, plain and simple and not totally surprising. You think people should be aware of radical extremists, but I think that people should also be aware of who it was that paid for sending out these DVD's and why.

Since when is knowing the truth, a fear tactic? The truth is more often not pretty and all roses and butterflies, and which movie star is having which other movie star's baby. This DVD shows reality, and I for one am glad that someone, regardless of their political stance, is trying to get the message out. It is painfully obvious that our MSM refuses to do the job.

You are so right. The MSM has completely failed it's job horribly. We are not yet sitting home trembling in fear of those Muslims who are hiding in every bush, around every corner, wanting to destroy us!
I am afraid the mainstream media HAS failed to scare every one of us into submission and fear.
Well, just.. THANK GOD for whoever made sure to remind us that we are not yet afraid enough, in the form of a DVD with the morning paper.

This propaganda is disgusting. But after many of the replies to this thread, I have realized JUST how low some will go, to strip from us the American Spirit. The love for freedom that Americans held. Not wandering about their daily lives in fear, ready to give up more privacies because it will save us from Muslims.

Whoever did this, is pure and concentrated evil. The Americans who are too brainwashed by all of the propaganda, have made me ashamed. I really, truly hope something bad happens to those blindly hating others and cheering on their government's bloodshed inflicted on VICTIMS. Perhaps that means an entire country. The world would be better off without such concentrated hatred and greed.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:38 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by xmaddness
Since when is knowing the truth, a fear tactic? The truth is more often not pretty and all roses and butterflies, and which movie star is having which other movie star's baby. This DVD shows reality, and I for one am glad that someone, regardless of their political stance, is trying to get the message out. It is painfully obvious that our MSM refuses to do the job.

First of all, if "knowing the truth" is important, then tell me why the group responsible for funding the 28 million DVD giveaway is protected under a front called the Clarion Fund and it's officers and donors are not made public? Why not advertise the group responsible right on the DVD itself or at least mention it it the paper? What do they have to hide?

The Obsession movie may explain that there are radical extremist out to destroy us, but what it doesn't tell you is exactly why have they decided the US is their enemy. In the movie, all they say is that they want to destroy the West so that means us. They don't explain that the reason is because we have been supporting Israel and our CIA has interfered with Middle Eastern countries through covert operations, as they did in the 1953 coup detat in Iran for example. They don't tell you that AIPAC is the most powerful lobbyist in Washington, and is literally dictating our foreign policy for us.

Maybe to find the truth, you need to look a little deeper than some propaganda DVD.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:56 PM

The Obsession movie may explain that there are radical extremist out to destroy us, but what it doesn't tell you is exactly why have they decided the US is their enemy. In the movie, all they say is that they want to destroy the West so that means us. They don't explain that the reason is because we have been supporting Israel and our CIA has interfered with Middle Eastern countries through covert operations, as they did in the 1953 coup detat in Iran for example. They don't tell you that AIPAC is the most powerful lobbyist in Washington, and is literally dictating our foreign policy for us.

We have been supporting Israel, because without our support, the Jewish sector of Israel would have been slaughtered long ago.

Allow us to take a short look back into history. What exactly was the cause for the rise of Hitler’s Nazi Germany? It was directly a result of what the United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Japan dictated at the Treaty of Versailles. So in your way of thinking, you must now clearly mean that the extermination of the Jews in the concentration camps is entirely United States fault. I will jump on the phone for you and start spreading the truth behind the holocaust.

The United States caused the holocaust!

Past actions should not dictate future obligations, or be reason to simply give up and allow extremists into your country to do as they will.

I understand that the views in this thread are along very “dug in” lines, and that whatever I say will have no effect on anyone else’s opinions. The only thing I would like to come from my participation in this thread is to be sure that people do realize that there are unseen forces in this world that want everything Americans love, destroyed.

As I see that this line of posting is going no where, I also take this opportunity to bow out from further participation in this thread. It simply isn’t going anywhere pretty and I feel that my point has been made, even if you do not agree with it. Please do not try and bait me into having to further defend my views, as they have been clearly stated.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 01:43 PM
i dont see why people keep saying the republicans are stronger on national security than democrats....

...i mean most of the major terror attacks agains the usa home and abroad occured when the republicans were in 1 93,wtc2 01 , the acts in iran such as the kidnapping of the five soldiers and bombing of the base.

we do have mcvay and oklahoma,but he was a far right winger wasnt he?

looks to be the opposite to me!.

in fact i would say that elements alligned with the republican party actually promote conflict as a meams to increase thier control over the electorate and gain control over the executive etc.

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