posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:03 AM
I was abducted in 1975,I was introduced throught that event to a coalition of several different races,one of which was human military and wore blue
onepiece uniforms.
In 1977 I sat in my class room and had a "moment"where I experienced a sort of self realisation of the moment I SAID TO MYSELF THAT 1977 WAS A
I was nine years old at the time.
I wouldnt be so quick to dismiss the Ashtar Message.
My story was posted when I first got on ATS,it has since disappeared,been taken down ,I cant even use key words in the search bar to find it,there are
a lot of commonalities to many of you in my story.
I keep seeing the same names over and over on threads I know are holding truths,there are not really that many of us who I know are valid or real
experiencers,but to me who happens to be one you are all easy to identify .
It takes one to know one I guess.
I want to know HOW those of us who remember our experiences were able to ACCOMPLISH THAT.
I know how I was able to remember,and it is i believe important for us to review this point.There arent that many of us and it seems like ALL OF US
ACCIDENTALLY retained our memories,and EMOTION or ability to EMOTE EMOTION seems to play a huge role.
I shut out streetlights all the time and other lights as well sometimes as I walk by them,often enough that the people that know me have almost just
taken it for granted in that they arent freaked out and dont seem to really care ,I find that SO ODD,I still havent met anyone like me and if I do I
will be totally freaked out.
Maybe some of us have a DEFECT OF SOME KIND that allows us to suddenly EMOTE a sort of EMOTIONAL DEPTH CHARGE .
I definately caused a major problem when I emoted ,lets say it got everyones attention,and I chose my spot,my outburst was planned and focused.
Has anyone heard from Martianboy,he was talking about a hyper dimensional cube of some sort and it sounded like a socalled "toy"that I and other
kids were coerced ito learning to operate.
On the moon by the way.
I couldnt contact Martianboy and when I checked the profile I found that it was inactive with only several posts.
Oddly enough on my own thread there were two posts that I am 100% sure were made by people that have direct knowledge of those that took me AND SAME
I am saying that the most concrete leads I have gotten have been one time posters so far and I cant find them.
If martianboy is talking about what i am talking about he might also remember his trip to the moon.
We were in a small saucer ship,flimsey little one or it seemed flimsey.
Anyone who has been in the small ships and travelled to the moon could you please describe your trip to me.
Thank you to all of you on this site,it has been a pleasure watching the speed at which our world is approaching disclosure with a group of fellow
experiencers and believers.
I cant believe how fast it is happening.
I would like to share one more thing that I have discovered,we cant force our loved ones or anyone to accept or choose our reality,if we do we risk
them shutting us out in a defensive measure designed to prevent overload.
we all chose to be here and we all chose to accept the possible reality or perspective that includes other races and spaceships and Galactic wars,some
of us were abducted and retained memeories and were forever intertwined with this reality but many have learned their way here.
I believe that we are all going to remain a minority in our perspectives on a global level,and I also believe that minorities equate to survivors to
me because I believe that throughout our history it has been proven that the majority always fail to proceed to change enough to be the tip of
humanities spear,survivors write history,victors or survivors which are the same thing in essence,his-story,THE MAJORITY are portrayed as the writers
choose because they are gone.
I have subtely tried to introduce the proper pieces of information into the lives of the people I love and have encountered what I define as DESIGNED
BARRIERS to the acceptance of the spark.
I have come to believe that there is some kind of balance and it is resistant to some degree to change,I believe that there are only a certain amount
of people who due to natural balance of some kind will comprise the humans who will forge ahead as the tip of humanities spear.
The majority obviously must go for history to be written,its just a matter of who when and where,when faed with this reality everything becomes
We have all met here for this reason,to remind each other of the fact that we comprise a very very educated minority compared to the average human we
We are migrating and its obvious.
When i was young I was extremely lucky to read a lot so I became a bookworm,when I hit puberty I became an unlikely gladiator,I was driven to win and
suceed,to conquor and dominate,to push MYSELF AS FAR AS I COULD GO.I was a short fat kid who did just that ,I dominated everything I chose physically
to the point that I was the voted the most valuable male athlete in my high school.Still short and unlikely.
I could never rationalise to myself how I was gifted with the ability to walk in both worlds,the bookworm world ,and the Jock athletic world,they are
absolutely different perspectives in there totality.
Well we are all doing the same thing right now,we are falling back on our instincts in a huge way,as I the bookworm fell back on the physical reality
I required and sought to challenge as an individual.
We cannot supress our instinctual fellings that something is going to happen,and we simply need to find a common point of mediation where we all agree
that once our experiences have reached a certain point we are all going to have a great chance to participate in the future reality humanity will soon
choose,then we need to begin to discuss as a group where we want to be soon and what we need to do to get our loved ones to go there with us.
It is time to begin to act,if you saw a ufo and you are a believer as a result we need you,if you were abducted we need you,if you were lead to this
information seemingly randomly we need you,we need everyone who is able to choose this particular reality or perspective to come together,and the
only thing we need to have in common is the ability to accept the possible perspective or reality that includes some commonalities.
Our group has already been formed and is growing ,our stand has already been taken by our choice of free will to accept this perspective or
reality,\I hope we all here continue to choose this one as we can all change with one thought.
I see our group of like minded thinkers as already being defined as being a minority perspective with NO CHANCE TO BECOME A MAJORITY PERSPECTIVE DUE
This is my formula,and I sure want to be around to witness a little more history happening.
Sorry for for the long post,but how often are so many of us on the same thread?We all recognise the names by now and the commonalities in our
stories,I just feel lucky to have had an opportunity to address this particular forum.
Thank you SM for providing this thread.
[edit on 8-5-2010 by one4all]
[edit on 8-5-2010 by one4all]