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Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Seriously, I think some of you are really caught up in the fantasy the government actually cares about what you think. The entire nation could've protested against the Iraq war and we'd have still gone to war.
Here's advice. You want to live happy, fulfilling, lives? Drop your politics and let the government do whatever it wants. You can't do anything about it, so why bother? In the long run, you will accomplish more by not being involved. Don't protest (they'll just send you to jail to be profiled), don't vote (they'll just throw it away). Just help society. That's all you need to do, help other people.
Look at it this way: if the U.S. screws up, it's not your fault. You did everything right.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
That's fine if you want to be the long arm of US policy overseas, but me I wouldn't serve right now.
I'll bet your additude changes after OCS if not, then surely after TBS.
Have fun.
Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
this country is the way it is. Many sit on their ass and have others make the decisions for them. Then complain when something is not right.
Your tenet is the reason why we are in the mess we are.
Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Elaborate on why you wouldn't serve right now.
Sure. I love this country very much. But I do not think that our leadership pool is very good right now and I can not trust that I will be serving the United States. I would not serve in the military of the United States only to be used for non-defense purposes.
You'd bet? How much? I mean, I think you're expecting too much there. This isn't some ideological phase. This was part of my "awakening." It really caught fire after finishing a book called Tomorrow Now. At the end, it says exactly what I warned against, not going head to head with a giant.
I would bet a lot. I've been there an know exactly the environment of the Marine Corps. You are limited in your working knowledge of the world and haven't yet worked to support a family only to have your money taken to support things you hate. You have not had to consider the future for your kids and what ramifications inaction could bring. It's not a put down, but life experience tends to change people greatly.
I plan to have fun. Thanks.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I would bet a lot. I've been there an know exactly the environment of the Marine Corps. You are limited in your working knowledge of the world and haven't yet worked to support a family only to have your money taken to support things you hate. You have not had to consider the future for your kids and what ramifications inaction could bring. It's not a put down, but life experience tends to change people greatly.
Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Limited knowledge? Well, the fact that you were in the Marines shows you know how the Marines work, but now that you're a civilian supporting a family, that is your central point. So, what else do you know besides the Marines and the traditional, mainstream America suburban family life?
I mean limited by age. I know you college kids think you have seen the real world, but things are much different that you know. Ask Amuk, he's much older than me and a Nam vet.
You imply that having responsibility brings knowledge, but in your case, that's not accurate. If you're saturated with responsibilities and work, then that's your world. Ever wonder why there are so many workaholics?
Knowledge is a fleeting thing. It's experience that makes people change their minds. The world is a vast place, and seeing many lands will change your perspective along with the knowledge you will accumulate along the way.
I have few responsibilities besides studying hard in college and ROTC, but I never attempted to hole myself up in a shell. I always tried to find out what was going on outside of Potomac, Maryland, where I lived in my teens. So it's not age or responsibility necessarily that brings knowledge, it's learning in general that brings knowledge. Just because you're old doesn't mean you learned a thing, and neither does responsibility.
First off, I'm not old. I am only 26 but it's the position I am talking about. You'll change your tune once you go out and actually do something in life, then be told by someone who hasn't that you don't know #.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I mean limited by age. I know you college kids think you have seen the real world, but things are much different that you know. Ask Amuk, he's much older than me and a Nam vet.
I know how different things are outside our enclaves, so that's a moot point. That's why I learn to listen and learn about what happens, not wait for reality to smack me in the face. That's what being a realist is all about, knowing what's going on and making your decisions off of that. Most people wait (albeit not intentionally) for their hearts to be broken instead of accepting what is what and preparing for the worst.
Knowledge is a fleeting thing. It's experience that makes people change their minds. The world is a vast place, and seeing many lands will change your perspective along with the knowledge you will accumulate along the way.
My perspective did change. It will change. But that doesn't mean it'll change to YOUR liking. And that doesn't mean my position is wrong. In fact, I believe my position is right because it complies with the laws of physics and human nature.
First off, I'm not old. I am only 26 but it's the position I am talking about. You'll change your tune once you go out and actually do something in life, then be told by someone who hasn't that you don't know #.
First off, I have strong, warranted beliefs. Second, if I do do "something" in life, I'll make sure it was worth my time. Third, if someone tells me I don't know #, then whose problem is that? Definitely not mine. If they think I don't know #, that's their prerogative. I can't change my ways just so somebody else is satisfied by it. In other words, if you think you know more than me, then great, I'm happy for you. My objective is not to prove anyone wrong or change people, for that is not any person's responsibility. We all have our own beliefs and I have no right to say everyone else's beliefs are 100% wrong. Maybe you are right. Who knows.
In fact, you'd be surprised at how much I've changed over the past few years. I am not the same person I was in 1999. Obviously, I was an ignorant loser back then, but still, I've changed in ways I never even guessed I would've. I went from U.S. government-gladiator to U.S. government-despiser to U.S. government-can-go-screw-itself. Having grown-up in a semi-abusive household and having more than my fair share of problems in life, I've had more life experience than most my age. It's not something you can get from living in a protective shell. And I'm not boasting, it's just the way it is, and that's that.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
What you fail to understand is that additudes like yours are the cause of the unbeatable government.
I do not think they are unbeatable in that we can vote in who we like although the choices at the moment suck.
That can change and I have yet to be "squashed".
What you prescribe to is laziness and a childlike mentality.
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I think your examples kind of suck, not to be nasty but it's true.
There is a big difference here as opposed to there.
1) We have a huge amount of people
2) None of us is talking about armed resistance
3) Simple things like being involved in the community, voting, and speaking out against injustice is "fighting"
4) No government is perfect and needs to be adjusted constantly to prevent major screwups, much like a car
5) You and your kind will be singing your happy tune until things get out of control, then you'll be too late (I don't think we've reached that point yet, but we are getting close).
6) Perhaps you might want to pop out some kids some day. I'm sure they don't want to live in the former America.
Originally posted by Saphronia
Some people will never care what happens. Even though its unconstitutional to kick them out of the country...I'd advocate that. Why should we let them sleep under the same umbrella of freedom and sercurity that America provides while they refuse to participate. I say ship them to a country where there is no freedom and let them start for scatch fighting for freedom then maybe they'll start to appreciate what we have here instead of taking it for granted.
[Edited on 21-3-2004 by Saphronia]
Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Tell me this: what are you doing? Are you just criticizing instead of going out and poking that tank with a toothpick? Let's hear it, I just want to make sure you're for real.
Oh, let me count the ways.
- I vote in all elections (yes even the small local ones)
- I speakout when and where I can if things are not right
- I get involved in my community
- I read, learn, and research
- I write my elected officials if I have concerns or to let them know what my position is
- I support the NRA and the Second Amendment as often as possible.
- I support Pro-Life orginazations
- I served my country
- And most importantly, I debate to 1) get my voice out there, and 2) to engage in the free exchange of ideas
[Edited on 28-3-2004 by sweatmonicaIdo]