posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:38 PM
My internet connection has been fine Lately( see above posted comments), but I came home to 2 messages, first from a good friend on the same wireless
service, and he has been having problems all day.....OK not too weird.
Then the next message was from a neighbor that I talk to about once every 2-3 years. For him to reach out, to me, for net tech, shows me that he is
really desperate and at the end of his rope dealing with call centers. He wanted to know what service I'm with because his (he has 2 different
services) has been offline/probs alot recently. OK strange...
At work today, I received 400% more spam emails. Emails I've sent to certain clients, all over the world have bounced back, and once I've talked to
them on the phone, tell me their severs are having problems.
Gettin out there abit.....but my neighbor has a pace maker and it has gone from being utilized from 25% to 75% in the past few days.......