posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 01:02 PM
Okay, we should start by finishing the revolutionary war, and remove the british from our govm't. This inability brought on the self-appointment of
George Washington as President. So wonder, someone suggested taxes.
The enability to remove imperialistic societal beliefs has predicated the U.S. into the present impoverty. Removing the british meant removing any
notion of said middleman, such as tax agent.
Then let's finish the civil war. The conditions of Andersonville have gotten worse. We are all still poor and someone is still to blame. What will
the erradication of southern industrialist mean?
The fight was about suffering this debt and impoverishment. The union is worth what? What do they offer? This, 2008, is what they offer. Should the
south rise again and enslave some one so that 100% profit is endured or can there be an amical resolution?
We have never had any money for more poor. The union keeps dragging them in with rhetoric as if there is some great promise here under their control.
Strict immigration controls must be placed on the table limiting impoverishment.
The system of matriculation must firm, down upon the impoverished which exist. Educationally based benefits so that there is some guide to them
becoming educated and there for worthy of service. Without these proposals there can be no good end to the civil war.
At this point any manner to believe we should be involved in foreign conflict should be denied. The U.S.'s war record after wwII is needless. A great
government cover-up of military spending for no cause, Padding the pockets of government lobbyist who support economic destruction by fueling wars for
no cause.
We must stop the continued doling out of money towards a military which should be made dormant until a proper use is seen. This place is a history.