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Aliens making viruses

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posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 10:09 AM
I was admiring my avatar when I thought, aliens would probably just destoy all life on Earth, if they could, without full-scale war.

I think that when some-one is abducted aliens, the aliens are doing research on how to make a virus. If they made a virus humans would probably find a cure.If not, they would quarantine the affected people. If the aliens made hundreds of viruses that destroyed all plant-life on Earth, humans would never make cures fast enough.

We'd have a world-wide potato famine. All the food-chains would start to crumble, and humans would become extict, just like everything else above the ocean.

Maybe crop circles are just gathering research, in some high-tech way. I don't have any facts to back this up, but facts are always hard to find when dealing with aliens.

[Edited on 20-3-2004 by AttackHippo]

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 12:03 PM
The cool think about viruses that cause disease is that in a huge population there are some exceptions, some will be able to fight it off, maybe 1% of the populus, have a strong enough immune system and/or the right genes that will fight it off and maybe hold the cure or revolutionary treatment within their blood stream. In other words it would take one hell of a virus to wipe out our species.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 08:23 PM
i think jrod is right, life has the the ability to survive its a built in thing. think it was jeff goldblum in jurasic park who said (life will find a way)

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 08:28 PM
It sounds like you are talking about the Screwfly Solution.

posted on Mar, 21 2004 @ 09:48 AM
Definitely an interesting subject.Here we've had cattle mutilations going on for ages now,and weird diseases explicit to cattle have begun springing up?SARS?Birdflue?Definitely creepy.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 05:13 AM
Viruses, illnesses and then the mention of cattle mutilation; Interesting approach is considering the human food supply. Mad-Cow disease, jumps to sheep, chickens with the flu.

Doing some research, the brain scans of an infected cow with mad cow shows tiny hole like markings in the brain tissue very reminiscent of the brain scan of Multiple sclerosis victims.

So if the BET�s can�t get to certain types of humans then why not their food supply, isn�t that a military tactic?
So if they can�t get to the human to experiment, chop up, mutilate or otherwise psychological crush them then affect their food supply.

Start doing some deep research into it AttachHippo and you can call it, as the stomach turns.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 05:26 AM
The reason the food supply is getting screwed isn't down to aliens. It's down to man and money.
Farming technology has made leaps and bounds in the last century and this costs money, but farmers themselves haven't really seen any major jump in thier income. They tend to cut corners and are open to lax methods.
Mad cow came about as a farmer decided that the recommended cattle feed was too expensive so he decided to import a cheap feed that had just been invented in South Africa. Why cheap? Well this one contained animal body parts. The disease took time to show it's symptoms but in the meantime this farmer had managed to convince a lot of people that it was a good thing. Other farmers started using it, cattle were sold on with the virus and it managed to spread.

Foot and mouth in the UK was a different story. When farmers discovered that the UK government would slaughter and replace their livestock at twice the market rate, a lot of the bastards went out and deliberately infected their herds. I personally met a farmer in a pub who boasted of this - needless to say, he happened to get a kicking as half of the other customers in the pub were farm labourers who had been laid off because of the epidemic.

It's a frightening scenario. The people who are supplying our food are often cutting corners and using illegal methods to make money. We are the recipients of whatever scam they have tried to work.

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Leveller]

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 05:39 AM
Leveller, like i posted, start doing some deeper research instead of pub talk, bar brawls and taking someone elses word for it. You will only get the bar brawlers highly reputable insights.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 06:18 AM
I don't think that aliens would have to manufacture a virus as they probably have viruses from their own planets that are totally different to ours. Who knows, perhaps the reason for abduction is to study us and develope vaccines to protect us from them and vice versa, so that it will be safe for contact to be made.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 06:46 AM
pantha, do you honestly think these ET's that are abducting our children and doing experiments are doing us humans a favor?
Oh you must be kidding, this is a joke, right?

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 07:06 AM
no I'm not kidding FieryIce1, I'm just putting forward another suggestion, just looking at it from another angle. Everyone talks about things as if they know for sure what is going on, and lets face it we don't know anything do we.
The way I see it is that we abduct a lot of the wildlife on this planet, experiment on it stick probes in it and then let it go. We do it for their own good , but they obviousley have no idea what is going on. It could be the same in the case of alien abduction.
I wasn't saying that what AttackHippo suggested isn't a possibility just that rather than assuming that aliens want to destroy us there could be other explainations.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by pantha
no I'm not kidding FieryIce1, I'm just putting forward another suggestion, just looking at it from another angle. Everyone talks about things as if they know for sure what is going on, and lets face it we don't know anything do we.
The way I see it is that we abduct a lot of the wildlife on this planet, experiment on it stick probes in it and then let it go. We do it for their own good , but they obviousley have no idea what is going on. It could be the same in the case of alien abduction.
I wasn't saying that what AttackHippo suggested isn't a possibility just that rather than assuming that aliens want to destroy us there could be other explainations.

Now I know you are kidding, because all those abductees with their emotionally frighten accounts cannot be discounted just on the notion that humans abduct wild animals. Are you equating humans with wild animals?

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by FieryIce1]

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by FieryIce1

Now I know you are kidding, because all those abductees with their emotionally frighten accounts cannot be discounted just on the notion that humans abduct wild animals. Are you equating humans with wild animals?

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by FieryIce1]

But how is an alien abducting a human any different to us abducting a creature from their natural habitat here on earth.
I'm sure that a dolphin that has been dragged out of the sea so that we can stick a thermometer in it's orifices and shoot a homing device into it's fin will feel just as confused as we would if we were abducted, but we do this to the dolphin as a way of preserving their species.
I'm not defending it by any means , I'm just saying that they may look at us in the same way that we look at other creatures here on earth.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 10:12 AM
I dont think aliens abduct people to make viruses.
It would be easier to just infect everyone with current diseases and illnesses like aids or cancer.
Anyway why would they want humanity dead?
It would be a better idea to enslave everyone than to just kill them all off.

Plus humanity is intelligent life, meaning that we a unique among other life forms.
In this way, aliens would have more sense to study us and keep us around than to destroy us all together.

The only way I see that aliens making viruses is to control the flourishing population.

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Eternal]

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by AttackHippo
...Maybe crop circles are just gathering research, in some high-tech way. I don't have any facts to back this up, but facts are always hard to find when dealing with aliens.

Or maybe crop circles are pranksters. I know it's crazy but hear me out.

You are an alien species, so advanced that you can travel faster that light speed.

You research a primitive culture like earth; so you make a deal with governments, occasionally abduct citizens, and ever so often [[[make fakkin circles in crops to see how humans react]]]?

No way.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 11:15 PM
If aliens are making us sick by viruses then im their dam ginny pig! im sick of the flu,virus, and other symptoms every month! can someone explain that to me?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by FieryIce1
Leveller, like i posted, start doing some deeper research instead of pub talk, bar brawls and taking someone elses word for it. You will only get the bar brawlers highly reputable insights.

Like you posted? I posted something that I saw and heard myself. You posted a hotch potch theory that is based on fiction, fear and ignorance.

Do you really believe that any civilisation that is advanced enough to travel to Earth couldn't deal with the human population within a couple of days? Do you think that they would have to mess about abducting people for years just to make a virus to wipe out mankind, when in all probability they could sort us out within minutes? What makes you think that a virus would be the best way to destroy mankind? There are far more cleaner and efficient ways that even man knows himself. You give aliens enough science to reach our planet and then endow them with a medieval method of disposing of us. It doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Tell you what, why don't you stop reading Dan Dare comics and wake up to the ridiculousness of your argument rather than accusing others. I've interjected fact into this thread whereas you have placed an argument that is illogical and fundametally flawed.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 06:42 AM
That's fine Leveller, lots of people assume the ET's that are here are smarter than humans, that they are our friends, all these fuzzy warm ideas about these ET's. You don't have to believe anything, no certainly they wouldn't want to hurt any human, no they have nothing to do with any hurtful virus, no they wouldn't hurt any people not at all.
Let's all have one as a pet.

I know where I stand.

I have checked into mad cow, the research done, the brain scan results. Was told by a MS suffer what their brain scans looked like, checked into MS research, discovered it to be true, the brain scan of MS patients show markings of tiny hole like breakdown of tissue, remarked in that research to be very similar to mad cow. The mad cow was cross species viable, now chicken flu. Certainly everyone will come to their own conclusions.

Cattle mutilations, soft tissue, specific organs missing, eyes etc. now mad cow disease, okay we can just say coincidence. Sure. Coincidence also with the similarities between brain tissue damage of MS suffers. Sclerosis suffers become multiple sclerosis, the break down in functions but oh it just has to be a coincidence, golly gee these smart ET's that are here just wouldn't do such a thing. It's unthinkable. Certainly the research is wrong, scientists are always wrong.

Excuse me Leveller, I was being facetious for a reason. People deny a lot of certain conclusions because they just cannot take the step from A to B to C. They believe if one of those steps to be false then they claim the entire equation is false.

The point is not if virus creation is an archaic method of effecting a lot of humans, the question is how do we stop these ET�s from affecting a lot of humans. These ET's that are here have an agenda and if this agenda seems archaic then it is because their thought processes are different than humans. It would seem archaic to the complex analytical potential of humans but that still does not nullify the damage potential.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 05:22 PM
i think pantha had some good ideas, and i understand what he trying to say too.

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