posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 11:27 PM
and i just thought of joining up.
ive alway thought that the government was holding stuff back.
ive also seen some out of the ordinary things such as,
(4 years ago) looked out the window of the vehicle and i saw that there was this animal looking thing running with us. the odd thing was that it
looked like it was decapitaded and running on hind legs, the body was sorta rounding . there ws arms but no head. was also a bit bloody.
(3 months ago) participated in a blessing sence some one had encourtured something that scared him. he was seeing people talk to him who werent
talking to him telling him to do malicius things. and when we went to bless the house i ws able to see (partial image of it runing into a room) and
feel him (the melevolent spirit). he was folowing my friend who was blessing the house (sence some past expiences in my life i was abl to feel him
more then other) scared my friend also when i told him he was over me looking at him and that he wsa getting very angry.
based on everything i am still a christian. also to all who dont like that please dont flame me sence i wouldnt flame you.
(as proof of my bad grammer i put would... lol sorry should be wouldnt)
(more about me w/.out expirences)
18/m in college
likes anime/ and other things
so heres a bit about me and my experiances. i hope to have a good visit here and maybe make a new online home.
also my grammer does suck im trying to better my self on that but in the mean time im sorry.... im suprised i even graduated and entered colleg
early... lol
[edit on 10-9-2008 by darkmdbeener]
[edit on 10-9-2008 by darkmdbeener]
[edit on 11-9-2008 by darkmdbeener]
[edit on 11-9-2008 by darkmdbeener]