reply to post by projectvxn
The problem with both candidates, Rep. and Dem., is not so much the promise of 'change' without a concrete 'plan' but that both sides are FUNDED
and owed favors in return for those doing the 'funding'...the international banking cartel.
There should be no more 'divide and conquer' techniques such as infighting amongst the 2 parties (Democrats and Republicans) to distract the voter
for the purpose of those funding the candidates.
I don't dislike either candidate though what concerns me is who is owed favors in return for getting them elected in the first place.
The international banking elite is notorious for funding BOTH sides, both Democrats and Republicans to ensure that the international banking cartel is
owed 'favors', pork barrel projects and other means of undue influence. They operate in secrecy in the background like an unseen master at the
healm of a Pinnocchio. They pull the strings and when they don't get their way.....they send in the 'enforcers' or highly 'strategically' placed
agents within the NSA, Mossad, CIA, FBI, Dod, Dept. of Homeland Security etc. to commit crimes of espionage, payoffs, death threats, settups (ie.
Monica Lewinski), favors, illegal campaign contributions etc. etc..
The international banking cartel will stop at nothing to divide and conquer....strike fear in the people (9/11) etc. WTC93, USS Liberty, etc. etc. to
achieve their ends. What is 'good' for the American people as well as the rest of the world is of little or no importance; just as long as their
'plans' are on schedule. Are we not getting closer to realizing a NWO?
They have adopted a Machiavelian political scheme of which ....'nothing' is out of bounds to further an agenda to achieve an END. This same cartel,
one will find own majority stock interest in our defense companies, intelligence companies, oil companies, gold mining and gold in Fed. depositories,
diamond industry and every industry with any importance. Their 'investments' or controlling interests in various industries are concealed to public
view via an elaborate system of SHELL corporations concealing ownership. These shell corporations are often 'offshore' for added security. What
these people fear the most is Exposure.
Don't take my word for all of the above; take theirs and/or their victims throughout history:
Home schooling anyone? Can anyone afford to have their children programmed by the DOE of which this same cartel had designed and placed their
'people' in office to control that which is taught?
Do our children need a thwarted, biased, programmed, neuro-marketed education and totally inefficient educational system of which is further
bankrupting local govts.?
Is not a more efficient and professional educational system available online right now for use in educating one from preschool through University?
Would it not save the taxpayer a fortune whether administered at home or in the local school systems? Is it not an added benefit that the parent can
choose to admit/omit that which they choose to while educating their own child?
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