posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Astyanax
In that case you
really need to read The secret life of plants.
Jab aside, I agree with this post completely, there is much we do not know and science has made many a wrong turn and gone up several dead end
My personal feeling is we will have new discoverys in Physics, with the electric universe model coming up to top, and this changes everything, as I
suspect it's a conscious matrix, not just am inert background. Another area which needs some evolution is the human sciences, as psychology needs to
be taken down a notch as a lot of chemically treated psychological ailments are just healthy reactions to an unhealthy society, medicine needs to
realise more so than it has already there's an energy being to be treated and that also the mind reflects on the efficiency of treatment and economy
needs to adapt to the economics of abundance, if we can get out of fiat currency systems and into free energy economies.
And of course we've crossed swords over agriculture in another thread. I believe science will validate traditional organic agriculture, once it
realises how scientific it's systems really are and how much it can achieve.
[edit on 13-9-2008 by Zepherian]