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Do You Close The Door To Pee? :O

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posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:05 AM
I played with a few ways of wording it, this works

What I mean is this; when you're home alone, or better yet if you live alone, do you close and lock the door when you use washroom? Seems like a silly question but think about it a moment.

There's no chance that anyone is going to come home, let alone try and barge in on you with your pants down. Do you still close the door? Do you also lock it?

I know I do and I lock it as well. I live in a condo by myself.

Believe it or not, my psychology prof brought this up today during a lecture. According to him, a study has shown upwards of 90% of people asked in a survey at some university said that they always close the door even when alone and over 70% said they also lock it. I don't know the name of the study but I'm inclined to believe him as I've always done it, just never considered why.

The reasoning we discussed was mostly related to a left over instinctual desire to protect one's self from predators, when that sort of thing was actually a concern. Personally if a lion was going to eat me, I think I might risk getting some on my leg during a dash for my life

I thought this was interesting though and that it made sense; what do you all think? And do you?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:08 AM
In short,no,unless we have people round.

Public places,obviously yes I do use pissiour ettiquette

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:14 AM
No if I am alone, it doesn't even cross my mind. If I have company, I usually use the bathroom in my master bedroom but I don't close or lock either door. 9 times out of 10, if I am home alone, I don't even lock my front door.

If someone did barge in on me, I wouldn't really be bothered. I am sure it would be more upsetting to the person barging in.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

Nope. Actually I rarely even close it all the way when people are home.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:21 AM
Only time I close the door when im peeing is when family is over. Otherwise i'll take a poo with the door wide open, reading a newspaper.


posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:28 AM
I always close the door even if Iam alone because I want privacy.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by peacejet]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:35 AM
I never close the door when I pee,

but oddly the Dog always does.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:38 AM
No not for a pee, used to piss-off my house mate.
Yes for number 2's with extractor fan on full

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:40 AM
Nope. I only close the door if there are other humans awake in my house, someone else's house I would.

Now here's a question for you! If ZyPHeR was reading the news paper while taking a dump, would you feel comfortable reading it when he brought it out and tossed it on the kitchen counter?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Um I'm weird I guess because half the time I don't even shut it at home to tinkle, hell I have conversations with my husband while I am peeing and he is standing in the hallway. I don't really care who sees me pee but I am conscious of proper social behavior!

But going potty is an entirely different issue. Most of the time I can only poo at home and only do so in public if I absolutely half to, and the door is shut and locked.
Oh and this is funny too, If I am getting dressed or getting ready to shower and I don't have any pants on I have to put some on to go to the bathroom, I cant sit their and potty without clothes on. Obviously the pants are pulled down but they are still there!

Yes I know I am weird and neurotic, but I embrace that fact wholeheartedly.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:44 AM
Yes glu, that is just freakin odd. Lol. You put pants on BEFORE you pee, seriously? Thats like wiping before you poo!!


P.S. It is weird, but I respect it. Cheers.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by ZyPHeR

no I put my pants on before I poo, otherwise I feel all exposed and vulnerable

Peeing doesnt bother me a bit and frankly I don't care if anyone sees, but we spend a lot of time in the woods and hiking and in my younger days we had a lot of large parties in large fields with no cover or bathrooms. I also pee behind the lone of port'O'potties at big concerts.

I am however respectful of proper bathroom ettiquette in public!

my son, who is 7 on the other hand feels the need to totally strip when going potty, He keeps his clothes on though in public now when he potties thank goodness!!!

[edit on 10-9-2008 by gluetrap]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:00 AM
When I am using the toilet, I do not shut the door in my master bathroom. Not even if there is someone over at my house. Usually if someone is over I use the half-bath though. Then I do shut the door.

The reason that I don't shut the door to the master bathroom is because I have three cats, and that is where the litterbox is located. I want them to have access, rather than have to clean up something gross. What was really weird was when I got my first kitten. Whenever I was using the toilet, she wanted to jump up to lay on her back in my lap. Weird time to want a tummy rub.

If I am taking a shower and I am home alone, I always close the door. This works out well for the cats because they always seem to want to be in there anyway when I am showering. The reason that I do that seems to jive with the professor's statement about protection from predators.

When I was in college (LSU), there was a serial killer in Baton Rouge. He actually killed several women pretty close to where I lived at the time. He usually entered their homes to kill them, so nobody even really felt safe at their apartments or houses. A girl was killed in a townhouse a few blocks down, and a girl in the apartments across the street turned up missing. They eventually found her remains and linked it to the other killings. Two or three other women who were killed also were close to me, but not as close as those two. Needless to say I was pretty scared.

I started closing and locking the shower door just to try to give myself more time in the event someone was in my apartment. They would have to get in before they got to me, and I was sure I would hear the noise. I also started limiting the amount of time that I had to close my eyes in the shower, because I felt vulnerable when I couldn't see.

These habits stick with me to this day. Thanks to Derrick Todd Lee, the Baton Rouge serial killer, I can no longer enjoy a shower when I am home alone. I wonder how he enjoys his showers in the state penn.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:00 AM
When I am using the toilet, I do not shut the door in my master bathroom. Not even if there is someone over at my house. Usually if someone is over I use the half-bath though. Then I do shut the door.

The reason that I don't shut the door to the master bathroom is because I have three cats, and that is where the litterbox is located. I want them to have access, rather than have to clean up something gross. What was really weird was when I got my first kitten. Whenever I was using the toilet, she wanted to jump up to lay on her back in my lap. Weird time to want a tummy rub.

If I am taking a shower and I am home alone, I always close the door. This works out well for the cats because they always seem to want to be in there anyway when I am showering. The reason that I do that seems to jive with the professor's statement about protection from predators.

When I was in college (LSU), there was a serial killer in Baton Rouge. He actually killed several women pretty close to where I lived at the time. He usually entered their homes to kill them, so nobody even really felt safe at their apartments or houses. A girl was killed in a townhouse a few blocks down, and a girl in the apartments across the street turned up missing. They eventually found her remains and linked it to the other killings. Two or three other women who were killed also were close to me, but not as close as those two. Needless to say I was pretty scared.

I started closing and locking the shower door just to try to give myself more time in the event someone was in my apartment. They would have to get in before they got to me, and I was sure I would hear the noise. I also started limiting the amount of time that I had to close my eyes in the shower, because I felt vulnerable when I couldn't see.

These habits stick with me to this day. Thanks to Derrick Todd Lee, the Baton Rouge serial killer, I can no longer enjoy a shower when I am home alone. I wonder how he enjoys his showers in the state penn.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:01 AM
I leave the door open when engaging in toilet activities and so does my maternal unit with whom I share an abode with.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:09 AM
My comment about open or closed doors?

I am around 99.9% females daily. I can "sense" who is in the bathroom by smell alone (no, not roses and cinnamon buns).

Plus, the toilet seat is never returned to it's proper "up" position.

I actually recently completed a short true story on the below outline.
I may submit it should interest be noted. ...

Once at a mountain summit area restroom, I watched under the stall door I occupied, minimum of 15 pairs of feet do the two-step, turn and vanish back out the door.

Later, I was informed of a woman, (the little girls room was to the right, the mens room to the left, off of a common walkway that lead to a "T" where you would turn depending on your gender, and take the now covered walk to the enterance of the facility desired), whom made it to the "T", turned, and a few steps later, dry heaved toward bushes adjacent to the walkway.

If there is evil in the world, this was it, in full manifestation. Not seen prior to, nor since this enomoly.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:10 AM
Door? What door?
I often pee in the great outdoors. Only recently have I been able to resist the urge to mark all the property lines ....

No, neither m'Bride or me are particularly concerned about closing the bathroom door for any ablutions. I DO have a somewhat obsessive nightly ritual involving checking locks and such before going to bed.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:18 AM
Never closed the door when i was a child, never closed the door when i was a teenage, and never close the door now at 45.
I am glade to see that I am not the only one with this habit.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by ANoNyMiKE
I thought this was interesting though and that it made sense; what do you all think? And do you?

I'd rather see it as a habbit formed from upbringing, thought that's an assumption on my part.

As for me, no I do not. I like to leave the door open, and I don't live alone. At first my wife thought it a little strange but now we both leave the door open for 1s and 2s.

Sometimes, if I have guests over and they are where I know they'd not see me I take a quick pee with the door open.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:23 AM
Oh my..I'm in shock that this is even a thread..
that you really want people to answer..

No such thing as privacy in my house. There are nine of us here, and being home alone just never happens. So to answer your question..
I always close and lock the door.

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