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World wants Obama as president: poll

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posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by eNumbra
I care that we do what's best for America, right now that includes not listening to who the rest of the world would vote for.

We are not Britain, nor are we France, Russia, China or Chile. We are America and we should be following our Constitution.

The point that should come across by now is that the US IS Britain , EU and the rest...

And they ARE YOU!

Scary ...isn't it?

The nationality consciousness is only living inside the skulls of people who understand themselves as citizens of this or that country. Nobody else cares anout nationalities. You think Oboma or MCCain care about that? THey don't because it does not count anymore in their universe. They have moved on, but they want to keep you there.

At this moment there are only networks/institutes/industries and creepy boards you are not a member off. Some good boards too, but they have limited power.

I am you, you are me, pal, as long as you don''t feel that, you are lost and for grabs for the institutes that say YOU yeah YOU vote for ME.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by Pjotr]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Pjotr
The point that should come across by now is that the US IS Britain , EU and the rest...

And they ARE YOU!

Scary ...isn't it?

The nationality consciousness is only living inside the skulls of people who understand themselves as citizens of this or that country. Nobody else cares anout nationalities. You think Oboma or MCCain care about that? THey don't because it does not count anymore in their universe. They have moved on, but they want to keep you there.

At this moment there are only networks/institutes/industries and creepy boards you are not a member off. Some good boards too, but they have limited power.

I am you, you are me, pal, as long as you don''t feel that, you are lost and for grabs for the institutes that say YOU yeah YOU vote for ME.

I understand completely what you are saying. But the fact is the not enough people really understand that McCain and Obama both work for the same interests. And those interests don't include yours, mine, the US' as a whole, or any of the people polled in any of these countries. National sovereignty is surely to go out the window in the relatively near future, and the only way to stop it is to continually work against the agenda of the people like McCain and Obama as it is handed down to them from someone else. They can talk about change all they want but there isn't going to be any change of any substance.

The rest of the world needs to realize that they are in the same boat with us as their leaders are leading them down the same path. It appears socially that Europeans in general have been more successfully seduced to this mindset of ending national sovereignty than in the US. Correct me if I'm wrong, this is just going on the observations of the recent EU Treaty of Lisbon referendums and the words of Nicolas Sarkozy and his counterparts in other EU countries. As Jesse Ventura put it when speaking of US politics....

It's like wrestling, out in the ring they hate each other, but once back stage, they're best friends.

Not an exact quote as I couldn't find the video where he said it, or a quote online, but you get the idea. A perfect analogy for politics, not only in the US, but all over the world.

[edit on 9/10/2008 by ludaChris]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:42 AM
I think Obama is America's Tony Blair:

He is a younger fresher candidate.
He has better spin doctors.
He is not from the party currently in power who people are sick of, and seems to offer something different.

I think like Blair if he wins nothing really significant will change.

Also I bet most of the people polled in these countries don't even really know much detail about what the candidates actually stand for.

Don't think McCain gets very much coverage outside of the U.S., he certainly doesn't in Britain.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:25 AM
Maybe I missed the link in the article, but I couldn't find the results for each of the different countries. I would really be interested in which 5 countries voted for McCain.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:46 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

You guys have to vote for who you believe in. The majority vote in the US wins.

The rest of us have to put up with it - its a simple as that.

Both candidates could be brilliant, both could be rubbish. No one knows what they will have to face when in office. Its not necessarily the people, or their politics, but the situations they have to face when they have been elected that shape opinion.

The fact that a poll shows the world has reacted badly to the past presidency means nothing as far as a new one goes.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 06:54 AM
I'm part of the rest of the world and I think Obama is just more fascism.

Most of the rest of the world just wants America to shrink into it's own borders and stop trying to be a neoroman empire. Whoever gets that done would be "our" candidate.

More than a candidate we want Americans to come to their senses and wake up, even more than they have done already.

Then we can deal with real problems, like elitism and corporativism, which are starting to drag our lifestyles down. Then we can focus on the global elitist war against the middle class. Then we can break out of problem-reaction-solution, and focus on the latter.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:17 AM
You know it bugs the hell out of me that i have to be worried sick about who you(USA) vote for!

Believe me i would rather not.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:24 AM
If we as a Nation remained so focused on how the rest of the world perceived us, throughout our entire history, we would never have the United States of America to begin with. The reason why America is a leader in this World is that we put our foot forward, and delve into issues which others wish not to associate with. Anyone who has the slightest clue as to what it truly means to be an American, knows that you cannot tell them what to do, nor which path not to travel. America was born upon Exploration, and brought to life through the Daring, Tenacious actions of a very few. To tell us, as America, what the rest of the World wishes for us to impose upon ourselves, you will do nothing short of setting our resolve firmly into stone.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:27 AM
Who cares who you vote for? Do you really think anything will change? Of course it wont! Wake up. . . Prime Ministers, Presidents etc, are just the front men for something far more insidious that is lurking in the shadows which seems determined to bring about wars and world destabilisation.
In reality, America, and the UK, have a lot to answer for. Neither country is respected by the world at large because the only thing we've done for more than a decade, possibly longer, is kill innocent people!
So vote for McCain, vote for Obama- it Isn't going to change a thing. . .

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:29 AM
Many people have suggested that Bush (and, by extension, the Republican party) has seriously damaged U.S. relations with the rest of the world.

I would suggest that Bush is getting too much credit, and the Democrat party is being shortchanged... which is so unfair given how much time, emotion and energy they've expended screaming from the rooftops how evil and corrupt and contemptible Bush and his administration are.

And we cannot, of course, fail to give the MSM credit where credit is due. Without the press and their selective reporting, it would not have been possible for this Bush bashing and U.S. bashing to be spread so far and wide.

This has most definitely been a joint effort.

As a direct consequence of the filtered information available to most peoples and nations, their opinions must be weighed accordingly.

Or, to put it another way, garbage in... garbage out.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

"If we as a Nation remained so focused on how the rest of the world perceived us, throughout our entire history, we would never have the United States of America to begin with. The reason why America is a leader in this World is that we put our foot forward, and delve into issues which others wish not to associate with."

You say you put your foot in! What on earth are you talking about? Who asked you to put your foot in? What America, and the UK, need to learn is when they put their foot in usually people start to die! And for what? So they can help themselves to a countries oil reserves? Search for WMDs that never existed?
America and Britiain want to put their own house in order before they start trampling around the globe forcing their principles on others.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by whaaa

Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whaaa you nailed my friend is not such much as wanting obama they just don't want another republican like bush in the white house.

I think much of the world sees Obama as a weak leader, maybe, with this in mind, is it any wonder why our enemies would prefer him, over McCain?

now there's someone who gets it. excellent post, stormdancer.

Yes, our very existence as a Nation is in danger if such an Obamanation is elected to the Presidency of the USA.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 09:26 AM
Hmmmm... Several thoughts come to mind on this one. The first being, who cares!?!? This is the United States of America and only citizens of this country and those with special privledges are permitted to participate in our election. As a result, we the people of the United States shall choose our next president.

The next thought is, so what!?!? Both parties are owned by the corporatocracy (read as: NWO globalists) and neither candidate when elected will bring about any meaningful change to the world order whatsoever. The military-industrial complex and globalists are running the show from behind the curtain. McCain and Obama will take their orders from them anyway. The fact that the majority of the world wants Obama over McCain simply supports my belief that the rest of the world is naive to the fact that Democracy is a farce!

My final thought is that of course they want Obama as the next president. He has ZERO foreign policy experience, has demonstrated a weak global resolve and promotes visciously socialist ideals which would lead many countries to believe that they would a.) benefit from the largesse of undoubtedly increased US foreign aid, b.) not be held accountable for international violations and/or c.) see the US military contract back into the borders of the United States (which is not likely to happen).

Many outside the borders of the US are sick and tired of watching the US dictate global policy - on this point I could not agree more. I feel that they hold the belief that Obama would likely stay out of foreign affairs - a point that I could not agree with more (revert back to my first thought). My personal belief is that what America needs is a president that puts America/Americans first and focuses on our ills within our own borders. After all, it is difficult to put another's house in order whn your own is a disaster.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 09:44 AM
I completely fail to understand why some of the people here on this thread are saying they don't care about what the rest of the world thinks. Apparently regaining our standing in the world is of little importance to some of you. Drop the whole '# the world, we'll do what we want' mentality, it's not as simple as some of you people think it is.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by kozmo

So Obama is owned by corporate globalists but he's socialist also? Yeah, that's not a contradiction or anything.

Yes, the rest of the world cannot physically vote in our election, but they can let you know they are unhappy with the results. When other countries are unhappy with us, everything this county does suffers.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Sublime620

Sublime... You just don't get it and sadly, neither does the majority of the voters in the US. Its called divide and conquer. That is why you have a two-party system - to distract people and pit them against one another while the globalists execute their plan - with each side blaming the other for the results. Perhaps I should have clarified that better in my post.

Reality - NEITHER party has ever really implemented anything beneficial for the people of the United States without it also having a tremendous benefit for corporations. Simply look at the recent changes in the drug plan for Medicare - a HUGE benefit to the pharmeceutical companies masquerading as abenefit to the underprivledged.

The same will come from nationalized healthcare - already proven to be a HUGE benefit to the insurance industry at taxpayer expense.

The necessity to package everything as an "us" versus "them" mentality simple reinforces people's support for these ridiculous programs. The right caters to the weathy, indpendent business owners and those who live above the median household income. Their belief that the right "looks out" for them garners support in policies that largely benefit a few individuals.

The left does the same thing only toward a different target audience. The result is a bunch of people pointing fingers blaming the "other" party when, in effect, it is all pre-engineered. With the majority of the planet losing wealth and only the top 1% gaining wealth at an incredibly expontential rate, it only makes sense that teh vast majority of the world supports socialist-style programs. Does it not?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:13 AM

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by neformore

You guys have to vote for who you believe in. The majority vote in the US wins.

Well......not exactly.

If that were true then we would have President Gore. There is some sort of complicated process that we don't understand apparently. Some sort of Chads need to be hung and what not......And don't forget, 90% of the votes that REALLY count are in podunk Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida???!?!??!!?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by kozmo

Look, I realize this is a conspiracy website and all. I understand that many of us here believe that there is a group of globalists that control everything that happens in the world. Fine, whatever.

If that's true, what happens in the elections doesn't matter to you. So why bother sharing your opinion on it?

This thread is about whether people of this nation who are going to vote should care if the world supports Obama. Now, I could be wrong, but I assume that means you won't be voting in this election since it's a lose-lose situation for you.

So of course the world's opinion means nothing to you. No one's opinion on this election means anything to a man who knows something that most everyone else doesn't. Must really put you in a position of authority knowing such top secret information that no one else is smart enough to grasp.

For all of the rest of us who are uninformed of the giant global conspiracy that consumes us all, the world's opinion should concern us.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:51 AM
So,the rest of the world are "lemmings","brainwashed" etc etc...Oh well,i wasn't expecting anything intelligent anyway,i'll just get on topic.

Personally i was wishing for Obama to become the next president.I said "i was" because i don't anymore.No,no,i didn't change my mind,i still like the guy.I just started seeing things from a different perspective and now i really want and wish McCain will win. (offcourse you don't care about my opinion but i just thought to post it anyway)

To Sublime620:

................................could you tell me the name of the guy in your avi and the name of that speciffic movie??
(if it's from a movie that is)

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