posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:46 PM
It gets a little convoluted when one conspiracy theory rests on another conspiracy theory. When you begin to link theories of Blue Beam, to HAARP,
Earthquakes, Weather Control, WWIII, Mind Control, NWO, etc... it makes it less believable in my mind. It's like letting your imagination run
completely wild with ideas of the unknown. There is alot of bad information out there, so perhaps take a step back and evaluate with logic. All of
these things mentioned are precursors to some agenda or events that have not even happened.
There are conspiracy people who say "Oh Wiki deleted the Project Blue Beam" info because its classified and so-in-so died of a heart attack because
he wrote of a secret project. Arg...
If Project Blue Beam were a real covert operation, the lid has been blown off and it would make any element of the projects success highly scrutinized
by everyone. People are pretty smart, and probably would never fall for such a hoax if it occurred.
[edit on 9-9-2008 by mapsurfer_]