posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:52 PM
, it is our whole, REALITY as we know and see it. It is ONE and it is ALL. And HUMANS are a representation of what that could be like. We are a
colonial, hive minded, telepathic species of super beings and we dont even know it. Kind of like Bee's... Or Ants... etc. I hope one day WE get
stepped on.
OK, Last thing im gonna say. I swear. Do we actually think the government has RULES? They dont have RULES. They operate wherever, whenever and on
whatever medium they want. They try to monitor every THING and every ONE, that is their GOAL, CONTROL. OF YOU.
# i can't get this edit to work. In the part about THE flag (im sure you know which one I'm talking about) They replace Yellow with WHITE. It tricks
your brain. Imagine the flag centered on a white sheet of paper, it has no borders, it doesn't look like a "flag" It makes you think the background
should ALWAYS BE WHITE. It makes you think everything "good" should be white, holy, etc.
I refuse to name names but one flag in particular, plain and simple says "Boys are Blue, Girls are Red, You should be white, so you can be a
They've split men and women up so we only talk within our own sex. This splitting takes place right after birth when boys rooms are decorated blue
and girls room's pink. It's all subconsciously programmed into us. We're like super advanced organic robots, which can be programmed. We're like
the earths natural slaves, it sounds #ty but its not a bad thing. Our routine purpose in life is thus: Wake
up,drink,eat,work,drink,eat,sex,sleep,reproduce. In other words: SPREAD AND MULTIPLY. Like Smith says, we're like a virus. But it's every form of
life's purpose. To spread and multiply, like a virus. Life ALWAYS tries to arise, in some form, it TRIES to break free , think about Extremophiles,
organisms that arise in the most desolate of environments, Why? Because they adapt to what's available.
They use our #ty evolution of the HUMAN EYEBALL to trick you, Colour is just something that inspires creativity. Our eyes will continue to evolve over
time to become even more attune to spotting colour differences, subliminal messages. ETC.
[edit on 8-9-2008 by Cawzality]
[edit on 8-9-2008 by Cawzality]