Read this and make a decision. Im gonna send it to media outlets in my area, I guess if a large portion of people did the same it could have a huge
There is a plan afoot. To get as many groups who are proficient in organizing protests to come together as a coalition to demand an accounting from
our government. No matter what your usual cause there is a great need to come together on this effort. We want to organize a massive protest in front
of congress. This protest needs to have an indefinite time frame. We need to stay as long as it takes to bring this document (below) to the attention
of the general public.
Every citizen in America has a stake in this. This effects all of you whether you like it or not. ALL should be behind this. If you are a activist
minded individual or group, good at organizing rallies, protests, sit-ins, community action and alternative media.
The larger this gets the more it can't be ignored by the media or the government.
We need to call the criminals out and expose the truth. If this works it can "wake up" millions and avoid a huge cost of lives.
Everyone is always preaching change and waking up the public so now is time to bring out the big guns.
[Snip] If the demands are everywhere
they will not be able to hide from it and will be forced to address it.
It's time to put aside all our different opinions and focus on the ONE BIG ISSUE at hand.
This could be our "line in the sand" or the trigger of the next "Shot heard round the world". Don't pass this opportunity up. It may be our late
one at a peaceful outcome.
WHEREAS, on November 8th, 2002, every member of United States Congress in the House of Representatives and Senate, the President and other
officials, were served with a Petition for Redress of Grievances regarding the Federal Reserve system, and
WHEREAS, such Petition for Redress was subsequently ignored, and
WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States of America delegates to Congress alone the power to coin money and regulate the value of foreign
exchange (and implicitly the currency in circulation), and
Continued at source
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section 1 e.) Recruitment/Solicitation. Thank you - Jak
[edit on 8/9/08 by JAK]