First of all, thank you to ATS for putting this effort in order to add some FIRST HAND stuff around here: there will always be someone who don't get
the difference between this stuff and a video whatsoever upleaded by some anonymous to YouTube: And special thanks to JA and SO for their outstanding
work on the videos.
Please let me add my two cents about Robbie Williams beforehand: he took a decision, the people who loved him before love him NOW and will love him,
forever: when you love someone, even if sometimes it happens that don't understand his/her decision, if it's real love you won't leave him/her
alone: we are all individuals, free to take our own decisions without being bashed for that. Someone mentioned an article sourced "The Sun" that
tries to LOL at him while "camping" with ATS investigation team: that article makes me laugh, but not in the way that the "journalist" would hope:
if the purpose of the article was to share the truth then they would have made a better description of the events, rather than depict him like some
guy sleeping outside, eating beams, watching the sky and possibly with his horse parked somewhere, as if it was all a joke between kids playing
cowboys & indians: that's NOT journalism. The Sun is considered important, in many countries of Europe, only in case of absence of toilet paper, and
BTW it's giving a VERY bad name to UFOlogy and of course even to all the people who take this stuff seriously: whenever they publish some VIP's name
their purpose is just to take some advantage: i wonder what was doing the journalist while Robbie was enjoying his time with our fellow members and
friends: of course something of less funny, lol.
Sorry for venting, but this was a MUST, not because he's Robbie Williams, but because he's an ATSer.
I've been watching the videos for a while, and despite my first impression was that the daytime video was the most interesting one, IMHO the nightime
one has something more to say: i'm interested in some apparent variations of trajectories and and also in something that looks to change speed: but
it would require some precise measurement, and as said i could be wrong about what i think i saw:
regarding the daytime video, it would have been great to put another camera, time syncronized, at some distance, forming a 270 degrees angle: now that
would have helped in order to try to make something of similar to a triangulation, or at least in order to rule out birds, bugs and stuff like that,
and maybe even to calculate the approx. size of what was caught on camera. As is, the daytime footage looks honestly to be almost inconclusive to me,
but i will watch it, watch it and watch it again.
Anyway, even if all this would turn out to be just a bunch of satellites and other mundane stuff, well at least they've TRIED to bring to US some
evidence, unlike those who are waiting, day after day, that someone else brings to them on a silver saucer the ultimate proof that UFOs are not just
a bunch of BS but a REAL phenomenon.