posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:32 PM
I envision my future as me having five million dollars and running away from the world in a save haven on 2012 december 21st. hopefully.
I envision the future of earth as this,
Gas prices for the USA are going to be as much as or more than Europe.
I believe the USA will be setup against from another #ry and will be at WWIII. This is ovious. Russia is already ticked off from the USA getting in
there way, and the USA doesnt mind world control and a failing enconomy.
We all should be blessed enough to enjoy this for now, because it was get much worse.
Talk and share about your freedom in the future, you may get lucky to share or honored to be bashed in the face.
I apologize if anyone is an intense spiritual postive person, however it is required to shift to your reality.
I will give it not even 20 years before the freedom of the USA is taken away by its own governmnt or forced away by another governmnt..
As for the intensive future, wich i wont give past 200 years due to natural or global warming changes.
*Fact* Global warming is real and ice is melting. Ask the polar bears where they will be in the future.
Can man and the entire civilization stop it? Yes, but the world is full of greed, power, lust.
*Fact* Alot of cars can be solar powered, water fueled and many other inventions have been invented, but they are extremelty priced or either sued to
stop the production thereof to encourage oil production and its greed.
*Fact, science and man has invented world changing technology to better the earth- ask yourself - where did this technology go?
[edit on 7-9-2008 by DivineLaw_Blasphemy]