posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 11:37 AM
I tried to reply anonimously earlier but that doesnt seem to have worked (was on a different computer with no password).
The documentary is in 5 parts - the part that you want re:hypnosis is part 4, although there's not much mentioned in the documentary - google his
name and you will find information on the case.
I dont think its very fair to ridicule the documentary - its actually quite well balanced - and the focus is on public commentary and experience
rather than on footage or clips - the interest is in the story, so to dismiss it so quickly and fast-forward through the bits you dont like, wont help
you to understand the story.
Why criticise something you havent watched? It may be Channel 5, but its still interesting. If you're looking for footage of UFOs flying around and a
bit of alien probing, its probably not for you
[edit on 8-9-2008 by danny-arclight]