posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 01:34 PM
This is my life, and the life that I have been living, and the life that is not what it once was. This is the time, and the place, and the very reason
to carry through, to move past the ignorance, and the pressure, and the illusion that eats away at me, every, single, day. I feel as though I have
been awakened from a lifelong dream, and now I truly see the world for what it is. One day I was sleeping, and the next I was not, and now I am torn
between two realities; the world of truth, and the world of not-so-truth, and the only difference between these realities is awareness. What does one
do when faced with an unknown? When ones' belief systems, if any, become shattered, and one is terrified of tomorrow, and unable to perceive one
reality from another. Welcome to my life and thank you for reading thus far.
This thread is being created for many reasons. One is nothing more than curiosity. The second: how many people have experienced and or are
experiencing what I have? The third: to hopefully fill in the gaps that are in my life and surely other lives. The fourth: to create a group that is
willing to get together (perhaps even locally) and investigate anomalies, experiences, and life, to form ideas, conclusions, and if nothing else have
a better understanding of reality.
I will start off the thread with the catalyst of my experiences:
After an OOBE (Out of Body Experience) I began to see things, and these things were new to me and very much unusual. Hold on, okay, I need to go back
a little. This OOBE made me realize that the human body is nothing but a vessel, or a shell so to speak, and that we are much more than the physical,
and that which is not the physical will continue to exist and even move on through the death process. I guess you could look at it like a game, and if
you will imagine your physical as the character in game, and your soul (Some might call this the spirit, etheric, astral, etc.) as the human
controlling the character, then perhaps it is easier to understand. I found myself very interested in this second state and I have spent the better
part of a year researching it. I bought thirty some books on OOBE, consciousness, astral projection, spirit travels, etheric worlds, parallel
realities and NDE. My favorite of these books are ones by Robert A. Monroe, and they speak of his OOBE and how they came to be, and what he did to
further research them. His books are Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and Ultimate Journey, and they are much interesting. I also recommend the
purchasing of his HEMI SYNC, which explores expanded states of consciousness. I have been using it for some time now and the results are more than
Okay, so now back to the unusual experiences. So directly after the OOBE I started seeing static, and this static was everywhere. I would look in a
mirror and see it in my reflection. I saw it in my home, and in the sky, and at my local supermarket, and even in my coffee. Whatever this static was
it seemed to be in everything. It looked like billions and billion of tiny specks flowing through the air as if on an invisible highway. They would be
black, grey or white, and other times they would be colorful and vibrant. The static appeared to be of an intelligent design, and it would weave and
wobble around things as if it were energy. Sometimes it would gather in one spot and become very dense, and other times it would disperse into almost
nothing. At night and in my bedroom while I was laying down for sleep I would see outlines and shapes in the static, and sometimes they were humanoid.
I could see what appeared to be another world right there in front of me, almost as if it was within our world by slightly out of sync. I researched
the static in hope to get a better understanding, and more so to figure out why I could see it now, but not before the OOBE. After what seemed to be
hours and hours of web searching I had found only one thing that was similar, a youtube video. This video had a young man taping the reflection of
pool water on a wall, and was attempting to make sense of his visual experience. He stated that he saw a static like presence everywhere and that the
waters reflection was the closest thing to its appearance. Bingo! His description and video presentation was spot on, and I could not have been more
excited. So it was not just I who could see this anomaly, but at least one other person. Eventually I found that this so called visual static was not
completely unknown, and in fact there were people all over the world seeing this same anomaly. Some called it the etheric world, and claimed that you
only need meditate to see it, and others claimed that it was the astral, or energy, or even the matrix. One person stated that I was simply seeing
floaters and flashes of the eye. Whatever it may be or may not be it is most unusual and only made birth directly after the OOBE.
I could also see a membrane or film around humans, and sometimes even plants and animals. This film is transparent and grey-whitish and is as if there
is a double of the object, and this double is slightly larger than the object itself. I found that I even had this film around me and it was most
interesting to look at. I could take the fingers of my left hand and place them within an inch of the fingers of my right hand, and watch the film arc
and connect with each other. I then began to attempt in manipulating this film and became very surprised when I indeed could do just that. I would
move the film (Soon I began calling this film energy) as if by my will alone. I also noticed that when I moved my hand from left to right in front of
my face, I would see this energy follow my hand but as if on a 1 second delay, and it looked like it was trailing my hand. My research suggests that I
am seeing auras, and the etheric or astral energy, however I do not really know for sure. I am open to the possibility of anything and everything, it
is just to soon to tell.