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Palin and Secret Lover

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posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

OK, show me all the children with Down's Syndrome that ...

Nothing good happens when you start a sentence with those words.

The rest of you, why are you even responding to him?

mopus. you are very silly.

nighty night.

I am not even sure what that means but I am sure it got cheers from the other Palin supporters that also did not get what you meant.

Is everyone also forgetting that this woman would also be second in line to the presidency behind a 72 year old man with PTSD, recurring cancer, and has to be corrected in about 1 out of every 3 interviews he gives. ie the difference between sunni and shia. She could very well be president the very second day in office. Is she qualified and ready and tested and all those other empty buzzwords enough to be the president?

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by pavil

hey not a nick pic, that was some good info... I seriously thought the VP lived in the white house too!

Glad that info is online for every freak in the world to see


But seriously ty for the information

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

It was extremely helpful as apparently many of us suffered from such ignorance.
Also, it pointed out that the argument that living in the white house with its staff would make this all so seamless a completely empty, baseless, and just plain "i hope this is what the truth ends up being" kind of argument.


posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Azrael75

Because the point of white house vs very huge house makes a difference?

Your only point is a woman can't be a Mother and a VP at the same time, she certainly can, and you have no genuine concern for the child.

and hey,

meet my new friend IGNORE your not worth even debating with, a Friend just reminded me in a u2u that whatever your opinion of Palins child is, I'm Not Retarded and wasting my time and only encouraging this nonsense by paying attention to you.

Just a reminder... Misogyny won't ever get you any dates bro.


posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:29 AM
The desperation level of Obama and his supporters is pretty obvious. I've never seen such a collection of lies and half-truths in my life. We have a poster with an anonymous source, that claims to know someone, who has a video tape of Sarah Palin committing adultery. Give me a break!

I thought we were supposed to Deny Ignorance, not embrace it..

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by jamie83
I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt, but I just went through this. I had many people screaming bloody murder because I didn't post links to things that were common knowledge, let alone totally unsubstantiated rumors like this one.

You quoted things that were common knowledge AND had been stated by posters on various ATS threads.

I must admit I was SHOCKED when some high ranking individuals (admin and mods) implied your post violated T&C and the thread was even closed down (and then subsequently reopened after a few minutes). I mean, if you violated T&C by repeating the comments, why was there no concern about deleting the ORIGINAL comments that were lurking on ATS? It seems if the comments were THAT offensive the mods would be concerned about that too!
It struck me as quite bizarre and very very biased.

[edit on 7-9-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by LLoyd45
The desperation level of Obama and his supporters is pretty obvious. I've never seen such a collection of lies and half-truths in my life.


You are forgetting the Mccanine just introduced AMERICA to pitbull PALIN...

SHE will have to walk the fire as the rest have - like it or not.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Azrael75
It has a great deal of relevance since this is a position requiring far too much time and dedication to also be a fit mother of a special needs infant. Ask Dick Cheney how much time he had to be a good father to his infant children in the last 8 years? And if you think the VP does nothing more than sign some papers and answer a phone, then no wonder you would then also stick up for the motherly values of a mom who refused to teach her daughter sex ed, you know the pregnant underaged unwed daughter. These things do speak heavily to this particular position. It is amazing how republicans have already relegated the position of VP to someone of no importance whatsoever after letting expressing what a great asset Cheney has been all this time for all he has done.

Oh give me a break dude. You want to ramble about infants needing special needs, well guess what, there are millions of moms out there that have to work and also take care of their families including children with special needs. And many of these working mothers with special needs infants have help from specialized programs and in-home care assistants.

Many people these days "multi-task"...are you saying that candidates for P or VP should not have any external life at all if they are going to serve in public office or be some perfect person that they should have God like traits to have absolutely no human faults?

2nd. Teaching sex ed to a 17 yr old is like trying to teach them how to ride a trycicle. They already know about it! Again, have you been living under a rock for the last 20 or so years? Sex ed is taught to grades as low as 6th. Now do you really think sex ed makes any significant alteration to pre teen and teen sexual explorations and curiosity? If anything, it ADDS to their desires to "find out about it". No amount of sex ed is going to prevent human nature and behavior, especially at those puberty ages up to young adult ages.

3rd. Why dont you enlighten us all on when your first sexual encounter age was before spouting the "im so perfect and my values are too" garbage and judging others who are just as human as the rest of us!

4th. The fact that her daughter and her fiancee are going to marry, and the fact that the guy is standing up to his responsibility and going to be a father, and a husband..says a hell of alot for their up bringing and character, including her mother, than what your giving credit for. Again, do some homework and see the ratio these days of how many young parents choose to do the right thing vs how many do not. You will be amazed.

Oh, btw, her daughter is not running for VP, neither is her special need infant. She has managed to govern Alaska along with taking care of her family and does a top notch job at both. I seriously doubt that her special need infant's care or attention will be changed in any way if she became VP. If anything, it probably will be better.

Again all of this has absolutely no relevancy to her ability to be a VP.

I am sure all of this would not even be an issue if the VP candidate was male and had a son who was going to marry a 17 yr old pregnant fiancee.

This topic is nothing more than election tabloid page filler and is IMO, best left at the check out counter.


posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:15 AM

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:16 AM
I'll consider the status of the 'Palin secret lover' thing along with the 'Michelle Obama whitey tape' thing as the same - the status is this - I'll believe it when I see it.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator

You are forgetting the Mccanine just introduced AMERICA to pitbull PALIN...

SHE will have to walk the fire as the rest have - like it or not.

She may have to "Walk the fires" as you say, but I think she has the integrity and the backbone to do so, unlike Obama. I've been a Democrat since I was old enough to vote, but no longer. I'm sick of their smear campaigns and below the belt cheap shots. They've stooped lower this time than Bush ever did, and I can't stand the man.

When the shoe is on the other foot, and the crap starts raining down on Obama and his family, I hope you guys can maintain your current stance on fair play.

Like it or not, McCain will be you next President, and Obama will be just a footnote in the history books.

[edit on 7-9-2008 by LLoyd45]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Well - from what I've read they are looking at Scott Richter, a business partner of her husband. He recently wanted his divorce details sealed because...

According to the filing, Richter wanted the documents deemed confidential in a bid to cloak details about his home, workplace, and phone numbers because "reporters and news agencies" were using that information to contact him. Richter, a 39-year-old contractor, noted that he is "friends and land owners in a remote cabin" with the Palins and, as a result, journalists were intruding on the "cabin life and private life" of him and his 11-year-old son. The petition to dissolve the marriage was filed jointly last July by Richter and his ex-wife, who were not represented by lawyers. A judge granted the dissolution less than two months after the couple filed to end their marriage

As found here....

The judge denied the request, but apparently no mention of an affair in them.

[edit on 7-9-2008 by Frogs]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by LLoyd45
Like it or not, McCain will be you next President, and Obama will be just a footnote in the history books.

Wow. We agree on something. Obama will join the ranks of household names like Geraldine Ferraro. Except there will be riots.

I voted for Kerry in the last election and the next morning when it was announced he lost, I got very emotional. Even considered Canada. But this time the republicans look pretty good compared to the alternative.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 08:56 AM

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by pavil
There's a thread around here somewhere where someone predicted that Palin is supposed to be discarded as VP nom because of a scandal. McCain would then nominate his real choice in the midst of the spectacle caused by Palin's scandal. Supposedly this is all planned out by the powers that be.

The thread was made by one of ATS's more well known conspiracy theorists, however I don't recall the poster's name offhand. Maybe someone reading this thread knows what I'm referring to?

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Wow. We agree on something. Obama will join the ranks of household names like Geraldine Ferraro. Except there will be riots.
I guess we had to agree on something eventually, and I think you're absolutely right about the riots. It will give the PTB the perfect excuse to institute martial law in the U.S. and further restrict our rights and movement.

I voted for Kerry in the last election and the next morning when it was announced he lost, I got very emotional. Even considered Canada. But this time the republicans look pretty good compared to the alternative.
Same here, I felt totally screwed over. A year ago I could have never imagined supporting the Republicans, but things change..

[edit on 7-9-2008 by LLoyd45]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Atlantican

I hate money grubbing weasels like that and I think we are all just about sick of the sex tape follies already!

I am not sick of the sex tape follies.

I havent yet actually watched one, but I personally am fascinated how, in light of all the other sex tape scandals, supposedly intelligent people continue to make them. Particularly supposedly intelligent people whose careers do not stand to gain from said sex tape in the way that Ms. Hilton's did.

Of course this sex tape still appears to be in the speculative category, so it is too early to add this to my "What were they thinking?" file.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Syntaxstealth

I have no problem if indeed she had an affair, it's her life. What I do have a problem with is the incessant hypocracy of these politicians touting their 'family values' platform to everyone else. With her unsuccessful implementation of her 'abstainance, not education' stance with her pregnant, unwed 17 year daughter this would just be icing on the cake. If she can't control her own kid, how would she do against Putin if called on?It's the 'do as I say, not as I do' mentality of these people which turn me off politics completely,

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Areal51
reply to post by pavil
There's a thread around here somewhere where someone predicted that Palin is supposed to be discarded as VP nom because of a scandal. McCain would then nominate his real choice in the midst of the spectacle caused by Palin's scandal. Supposedly this is all planned out by the powers that be.

The thread was made by one of ATS's more well known conspiracy theorists, however I don't recall the poster's name offhand. Maybe someone reading this thread knows what I'm referring to?

I'm willing to read it, but from the cliff notes you provide it sounds like political suicide by McCain to knowingly do such a silly thing. Any bounce he would get from Palin would be totally erased by the Scandal and his poor decision making process. Makes for a good novel I bet.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:55 AM

According to the RTV08 blog, Palin is getting in trouble for having an affair with someone.

Didn't really get to read that much of it cause i'm at work.

Maybe this will be that "affair" you were talking about.

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