Sadly, people do steal the identity of minors. You should tell them that they should look into this further, just to be safe. My son is 2 and I
haven't had any mail sent to him at all.
Thanks for the post. Morals and captilism don't go hand in hand. Something is wrong when the need for money outweighs the common good. No system
is infallible; it is pertinent to continue the discussion of who is allowing the credit card companies to market in such a way and how is it that many
have becomes os conditioned as to accpet them?
I don't know about babies, but many companies and services that you sign up for will sale your information. AOL would sale email addresses when it
was still in the ISP business, and online email and other services do this quite often. If it isn't stated plainly in the TOS or Privacy Policy,
assume that they actively do it.