posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 03:09 AM
Everyone who's making the statement that the government should just abandon New Orleans and everyone should move apparently knows very little about
our national economy.
The Port of New Orleans is the 5th largest cargo port in the United States and the Port of South Louisiana (which also lies mostly below sea level
along the river coast line from New Orleans to Baton Rouge) is the largest seaport in the Western Hemisphere in terms of cargo volume. Over half of
our nation's domestic grain exports leave the Midwest down the Mississippi river and are transfered to oceanic cargo vessels in the Port of New
For as much exposure as New Orleans gets as a city of partying, revelry, voodoo, and general tomfoolery, people seem to be completely oblivious to her
true economic value & importance to this country. All of those Gulf offshore drilling rigs use the port to get the crude into this country and a fair
share of our national refineries are located in the region. Those ports also hold two of our 4 national strategic petroleum reserve stores.
Every single barge that comes down (or up) the Mississippi or Missouri rivers with imported or exported cargo passes through that port. Also, anyone
who loves gulf shrimp or gulf oysters/clams can thank the port of New Orleans for getting them from the gulf to the land.
Yeah, it cost us some money to rebuild the city after Katrina and it very well could happen again... but if you place the trade value (actually an
almost uncalcuable value) against the cost of rebuilding the city however many times it gets flooded, the vitalness of the city & her ports,
refineries, and storage capacity will tip the scales everytime.
[edit on 7-9-2008 by burdman30ott6]