posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Simplynoone
I wondered what the UNs Agenda 21 had in mind for Iraq.The Biodiversity and Wetlands projects and the War in Iraq are working out well for them.
The United Nations has today launched a plan to list the recovering ancient Iraqi wetlands, thought by some to be the Biblical Garden of Eden, as a
World Heritage Site.
The U.N. World Heritage project is primarily trying to lock-down all the fresh water sources in the world as a means of water-warfare, i.e.,
controlling all the fountainheads of fresh water.
In the U.S., in California for example, the USAID, an intelligence network, has the National Heritage Program in the California Delta watershed, which
is the water that melts in the Sierra Mountains and runs down the mountains each year into the valleys then to the sea. USAID is, in effect, flooding
islands to make inland dams, then routing the water from northern California to Southern California.
Similarly, in and around all the major fresh water rivers in the world, the U.S. World Heritage programs established ownership districts, and by
metering water of the major world rivers, since the rivers flow though many countries, the U.N. can determine which countries will or won't have
droughts and starvation.
Primarily, it's a world water and land grab by the NWO disguised as 'conservation' -- as the designated properties ownership is automatically
transfered to the U.N. -- including U.S. national parks -- that are no longer U.S., but, U.N.
At this url is a country-by-country list of what the NWO has stolen.
The World Heritage List includes 878 properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee considers as
having outstanding universal value. These include 679 cultural , 174 natural and 25 mixed properties in 145 States Parties.