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So where is the flag pin on McCain?

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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by jhill76
reply to post by sos37

Uh, it wasn't the pledge of allegiance. It was the star spangled banner. So, that just tells me it was passed onto you, and you are spinning it as truth.

Source Quote:

Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama is again facing questions about his patriotism from some conservative blogs -- this time for apparently failing to put his hand over his heart during a rendition of the national anthem at an Iowa campaign even


All right, Star Spangled Banner. My mistake. In both Star Spangled Banner and Pledge of Allegiance, a hand over the heart is the traditional means of honoring what they stand for.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:09 AM
I do not feel that the Flag-Pin issue was stupid, in the context which it was discussed. If that was the only gaff or mistake someone had made, it would hardly be questioned. Here we are though, talking about a guy who would not properly acknowledge the National Anthem. Granted you ARE allowed to stand with both hands at the side, or in a respectful manner at attention, but that just does not bode very well for a United States Presidential Candidate. We also have the strange question of Barack Obama designing his very own U.S. Presidential Seal. Then on top of that, you have Obama spending an estimated $500,000 to give his new Boeing 757-200 a fresh, custom paint job; which erased all traces of the already well-done American Flag on the tail, and replaced it with his very own symbol.

I mean seriously, the list goes on, and on, and on. This issue would sound a bit ridiculous to some in an everyday circumstance, but when you witness a pattern of complete self-indulgence, and criticism for the very Nation which one seeks to be the Leader of, it does assist in concluding a point.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by TheAgentNineteen]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
I agree the whole thing was ridicules and childish. I simply wanted to point out the hypocrisy that goes on during this campaign. I know as an American citizen and personally I am sick and tired of all the hypocrisy and mud slinging.....not a fan of dirty politics.

You two don't have a clue what PATRIOTISM is or what it means. GET a CLUE !!
Obama didn't wear one because he was raised Muslim, had a Muslim advisor at age 25 and is nothing more today than a Wolf in Sheep's clothing. He won't wear one because he HATES America. He isn't proud of it. His wife has recently became "proud" of it. Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii. He is not an American. That is the reason he won't wear an American Flag lapel pin.

What is wrong with that picture?

McCain served this country during the Vietnam War. He survived what you wimps would be crying home to mama immediately about. At least he didn't dodge the DRAFT like Bill Clinton did. And my guess is that you two would be draft dodgers by your attitudes about the Freedoms you take for granted. McCain's life is colored Red, White and Blue. He eats, sleeps and breaths America.

Freedom is not FREE. It must be attained with a Price. A price many before you and many after you will have paid. But you wouldn't understand that having not served in the American Armed Forces like McCain and I have.

All I can say is that when the brown stuff hits the fan, and you two are hiding in trash dumpsters, those of us who have served and are not afraid to die for our FREEDOM will do so, while you two are shaking in your shoes. Pray that you develop the courage to stand up when the time comes.

[edit on 9/6/2008 by Evisscerator]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Evisscerator
McCain served this country during the Vietnam War. He survived what you wimps would be crying home to mama immediately about. At least he didn't dodge the DRAFT like Bill Clinton did.

Or Dick Cheney. Cheney had five deferrments to Clinton's single deferrment. Cheney never did serve.

Originally posted by Evisscerator
Freedom is not FREE. It must be attained with a Price. A price many before you and many after you will have paid. But you wouldn't understand that having not served in the American Armed Forces like McCain and I have.

Oh, please. Spare me the sermon about how great of a person you are, and how everyone who has a different opinion is somehow ignorant scum. You're just trying to put yourself on a pedestal here. It isn't working.

Originally posted by Evisscerator
All I can say is that when the brown stuff hits the fan, and you two are hiding in trash dumpsters, those of us who have served and are not afraid to die for our FREEDOM will do so, while you two are shaking in your shoes. Pray that you develop the courage to stand up when the time comes.

WOW!!! I'm impressed! You're so tough it's just amazing! They ought to have a TV show where the main protagonist is a character based on YOU YOU YOU!!!

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Personally, I could give a rat's junk whther a candidate wears a lapel pin or for that matter puts his hand over his heart during the pledge. The ONLY measure of patriotism in my book is that an individual 'faithfully uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America'. Serving in the military, though honerable, does not in-and-of-itself make for patriotism. Many military people have been engaged in activities that violate the Constitution (usually for political reasons).

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by sos37

I don't understand why, the pledge of allegiance is a relic for an era long dead. This isn't the cold war.

Jehova's Witnesses, for example always abstain from even reciting the pledge, let alone placing their hands over their hearts.

I think that we as a Nation have lost the meaning behind the pledge and cling to it simply because it is what we were indoctrinated with as Children. The pledge of allegiance is nothing more than a collection of words to invoke our memory of a country that doesn't exist anymore.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Evisscerator

Wow you base my patriotism on a single thread here.Ok I'll play..from your post I would say your belief is that only the candidate you don't approve of should be dissected and looked at and commented upon. As an American citizen it is my duty and right to look at the pros and cons of all candidates and base my decision on that information that comes out not just one side...if everyone did that then we might as well have a Monarchy.
If you feel we should not be looking into McCains dealings and his not wearing the pin as well then all I can say is they have streets named after citizens such as yourself.

I appreciate the fact you served this country and I thank you for that.

I also assume from you post that you are a conservative from Texas and are probably Christian as well. I bet you probably think that Bush and company did the right thing INVADING Iraq too and believe him when he said God told him to INVADE Iraq. Here something you should see then and pay special attention to what the words say.

I don't care one way or the other for McCain or Obama as I am not voting for them. So you right wing neocolonialism opinion does not phase me. With Obama I feel he is just to inexperienced at this point maybe next term would better.With McCain...well lets just say he is probably really like this:

Voicemail from McCain to Palin:

And to be honest this is who I would love to see as President, however that is not going to happen now:

[edit on 9/6/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 9/6/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 9/6/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by sos37

Originally posted by jhill76
reply to post by sos37

Uh, it wasn't the pledge of allegiance. It was the star spangled banner. So, that just tells me it was passed onto you, and you are spinning it as truth.

Source Quote:

Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama is again facing questions about his patriotism from some conservative blogs -- this time for apparently failing to put his hand over his heart during a rendition of the national anthem at an Iowa campaign even


All right, Star Spangled Banner. My mistake. In both Star Spangled Banner and Pledge of Allegiance, a hand over the heart is the traditional means of honoring what they stand for.

yeah thats exactly what it is. Tradition. I myself would put my hand over my heart but if it is something that is purely tradition i do not mind if someone dodges out on it, its what that tradition represents is what is important.

Originally posted by Dronetek

Anyway, McCain has done more than enough to prove his patriotism. No flag needed. He probably just forgot it, or maybe it fell off?

hehe old people

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Christ that flag pin thing with Obama was stupid. The no hand over the heart for the pledge was worthy of some scrutiny IMO ...

Nah, both were equally ridiculous.

What most people (including you) don't realize is that it was NOT the pledge of allegiance like the chain mail stated it was during the singing of the national anthem at a barbecue. So he didn't put his hand over his heart during the national anthem at a cookout but he did sing along as it was sung. I proved this long ago with the actual video of the event. It was only a steak-fry/meet-and-greet not anything sort of national observance that would require anything.

I mean if we want to be real sticklers for the rules none of them were facing the flag during the anthem so they all are unpatriotic.

Personally though I don't think pinning a flag to your shirt, wrapping a flag around your head, or tattooing the constitution to your chest makes you any more or less patriotic than someone who isn't caught up merely in the superficial symbols associated with pride in ones country.

I avoid the "nationalism" territory but still love what this country stands for.

That said...its in deep trouble and needs some fixin'.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by sos37
All right, Star Spangled Banner. My mistake. In both Star Spangled Banner and Pledge of Allegiance, a hand over the heart is the traditional means of honoring what they stand for.

Just let it go, man.

During a national observance yes the rules require this...but at a steak fry it just doesn't really matter. Standing or placing your hand over your heart is all good. Like I said if we want to get technical then they all should not have their backs to the flag.

Keep in mind this steak fry Obama was the FEATURED speaker!
Why would he go there just to offend those that invited him?

That was just much ado about nothing and it fooled a lot of people that should have been smart enough to see through the chain mail garbage that fills our inbox.

Don't believe any of it outright...research or go to at least.
Think it over first, people. Don't let the partisan garbage blind you.

- Lee

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