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Why are people still racist today?

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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:08 AM
Why do people today still be racist or discriminative to others still today i would have thought we would have moved on by now but people today are still very much racist and im really annoyed by it still cause i really hate it when people say racist remarcs and or being dicriminative to others.

one of my friends the other day was being really racism and bullying other people in theire cars as they were going by just shouting things and not loud enough so they could hear him obviously but it really annoyed me and i couldnt really leave cause we were quite far from where we live and i didnt really know the way home so i was kinda stuck so i just completely ignored them and put my music on.

but why do people still do that why are people still enjoy it when they make fun of others i certainly dont find it fun atall to be honest i dont really think its fun to point and laugh because someone is different

I get some abuse sometimes because i was initially born in Scotland and i moved to England when i was about 6 and im 16 now but i still get some abuse because i was from Scotland and some guy the othr day really ripped into me because of it and he really ripped into Scotland aswell but how can that be fun to people how can bullying people because of who they are be fun.

Am i so naive to think that we can live in a world without people bullying each other or tauting each other because of who they are and where theyre from it really annoyes me when people do these things and i cant really take it anymore to be honest.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:15 AM
I totally agree with you. I cannot believe in this so-called modern world with all our technology and science that people are still racist.

I am convinced it all boils down to an innate insecurity within these people. They only way they can feel powerful or good about themselves is to put others down. What sad pathetic little people they are.

But then just image how much beauty they are missing out of because of their narrow little minds. No wonder they are so negative and sad in all aspects of their life.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:20 AM
Hello. I think that this is because humans are social creatures. We have our social group. And then there are people from another group. This "another" can be racial,political,religious difference. Even geographical one. And if we point out this "other", we strengthen our own group, subconsciously.
Now we all have it. From the start. Kids are very discriminating - because they are very insecure and need to constantly feel that they are connected to "normal" social group. Adults are the same kids, only a little more experienced,aware and empathic to others. So we need to constantly control ourself.
Now i do not say that "grouping" is wrong. We are humans and it is part of us. I just say that it should not be used to show that "mine/yours" group is better then "theirs". Be proud of your heritage and status. It is just wrong to use it to humiliate others. I personally catch myself sometimes getting very close to it. So it is important to be aware of this side of our behavior and not let "dark" sides of human society to get out.
And once again, i think that the main reason for those things to surface is not evil, just personal insecurity of certain individual. Does not mean that it cannot lead to ugly stuff, though.
My opinion on this. As usual, could be wrong.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:24 AM
This is what I don't understand. I simply could never insult someone / rip into them for the way they look or for where they come from. It simply isn't within me to do it and it never has been. Back when I was in school i'd often see people being insulted and bullied and i'd always wonder why these people would be so unbelievably cruel.

I don't however agree with the new age thinking that these people have their own problems with insecurities and that it makes them feel better about themselves to target other people. Maybe the odd person like the fat bully kinda person but mostly i'd say it's a lack of empathy within certain people.

Don't take this the wrong way, I think you should take it easy and lighten up a little around your friend, especially since he didn't say it loud enough for them to hear. Some of my friends are quite dark and often will go straight for the most politically incorrect form of amusement as life does tend to be a straight jacket of "don't say this, you can't say that" - it's can be a release, even if the person isn't racist.

Aslong as there are people telling other people what they can or cannot say, there will always be racists/bullies. Simple fact is, people don't like being told what to do.

Thats my 2 cents anyway.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by dodgygeeza]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:24 AM
I think its partly to do with them being simple in the head.
And having low iq's.
They concentrate on simple insignificant things like skin color.
Whilst others have learned to be racist from others.
Only a simple minded person could support racism.
Some people will never see that its people in general some are good some are bad not what they are from.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

Thanks for your replies and everyone elses and no i didnt take it the wrong way i know what your trying to say but they were kinda loud they were practically shouting horrible tings at the drivers and i just couldnt believe it i really couldnt say these things either i just cant do it its clearly wrong.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:51 AM
Racism No longer exists

The problem now is Culturalism

A century ago Racism was rampant, Racism is people that Hate and Attack based on Ethnicity

It's out there, surely, of course but, those people are idiots and they are really few in number it is far from stamped out, but our society is far from Racist, most of the worlds Countires the people are not very Racist anymore, we know most of us ethnicty doesn't determine personality

So why do people still fight?


I'm an honest guy, I don't have a racist bone in my body, but there are cultures I'd refuse to live in...

Take for example I had an Iranian roomate once for a long time and i'm a Jew

Zero issues, I don't hate Iranian people, we were great friends, he liked being in America and we talked alot and, he was a cool guy.

In our home we developed a...microculture if you will,

But I could never, live in an Islamic culture, (obviously he couldn't either) and to be fair I couldn't ever tolerate a religous Jewish culture too well either for my own reasons...

But, it's culture... it's life, the life you want to live and Religion and Poltics and Lifestyle are the reasons for todays Hate

I think Racism is a bad word, that's why I am posting this...

Racism, is repulsive...there is no reason for it...

Culturalism is a far, far bigger problem

Because people can't be happy if they aren't free to live as they wish to live...

Some people Love multiculturalism... I do!

BUT Only when I want it around, I don't want it in my life All the time, I don't want MY culture eliminated in order for multiculturalism

Because out on a Friday night in a friendly atmosphere Multiculturalism works, it can work in alot of places, work and school even...

But maybe not on the bus on the way home, and maybe not next door to you every day...

It's a very, very different thing to, spend time in another culture and to have your kids raised being taught a culture you don;t agree with

One is dialouge and respect, the other is a personal invasion and causes hate

This is Americas no 1 problem and calling it Racism makes it worse because it makes people very, very mad.

Culturalism is where Global Economics, Integration and Multiculturalism FAIL and fail big time.

People will not give up on a daily and permanent basis Who they are

America has a very big challenge as we become truely a multi cultured society... I honestly don't think it can work in the long run, a degree of seperation is needed...

Strong State and Local law, is very important if it is to work, a system I think where, locally people can be assured of preserving their culture, even down to Race... and that doesn't mean it is raceist

Take Japan, i do not think Japanesse people are raceist, but it is not a culturally inclusive society, i think they like other people, just not changeing what it is to be Japanesse, not eliminating Japanesse people by proxy... and they are smart.

The US needs to... become very open and this is where PC is an abomination, because yelling Racism, disallows true dialouge into culture and ...even Race itself and there are real differences there as well...

A genuine capacity to respect culture and allow people to keep their distance or live as they wish the end will be found to be just as important as integration and that those 2 things in an America need to coexist side by side as best we can

again, I think strong state and local law is the key to avoiding some real problems in America, madated multiculturalism is failing and as a result... racism itself is making a comeback... that's why there is a post like this

But it's not the old problem and this is where real fights start, because both sides wanting their culture intact are in essence correct in a Cultural debate

It's not Racism in that... the hatred was blind, in culturalism the hatred is religion is being denied, my way of life dimantled, it is rightous indignation

Gay Marriage, Urban vs Country, Low tech vs High tech

These are the real disparities today and... the word Racism prevents understanding the conflict.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:03 AM
A great example would be a local conflict over Chritmas

Lets say a buch of Jewish people decide they don't think it's fair (this is real) that xmas be sung in school and lights be on houses and their kids have to suffer lonely through this whole thing of x-mas

Now That jew and the Christians next door...could always sit and talk business or even debate religion, maybe there was some racism but in our society we mostly are past that... it's racism but positive stereo types,... "if I ever need a lawyer I want that jew next door" or Wow "Bob is a better crpenter than christ! LOL"

But, then it hits, my Kid will grow up without Christmas What ... F YOU!!!!

This is where the USA is screwing up hugely, people need local law and a degree of seperation...this applies to the world, we don;t want One big Govtnment we want One govt for... only very basic things in the states, defense, disaster aid...

But social law...crime, religion, curfew, dress code lol... all of it, all human behavior needs to be at the least on a state by state basis and muticulturalism...can have it's cities and states where it's agreed this place is nuteral

and what we have to come to terms with is... you have to tolerate other cultures but not try to force others to follow yours or be made to follow anyone elses...

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by billyjoinedat2k8
Why do people today still be racist or discriminative to others still today i would have thought we would have moved on by now but people today are still very much racist and im really annoyed by it still cause i really hate it when people say racist remarcs and or being dicriminative to others.

one of my friends the other day was being really racism and bullying other people in theire cars as they were going by just shouting things and not loud enough so they could hear him obviously but it really annoyed me and i couldnt really leave cause we were quite far from where we live and i didnt really know the way home so i was kinda stuck so i just completely ignored them and put my music on.

but why do people still do that why are people still enjoy it when they make fun of others i certainly dont find it fun atall to be honest i dont really think its fun to point and laugh because someone is different

I get some abuse sometimes because i was initially born in Scotland and i moved to England when i was about 6 and im 16 now but i still get some abuse because i was from Scotland and some guy the othr day really ripped into me because of it and he really ripped into Scotland aswell but how can that be fun to people how can bullying people because of who they are be fun.

Am i so naive to think that we can live in a world without people bullying each other or tauting each other because of who they are and where theyre from it really annoyes me when people do these things and i cant really take it anymore to be honest.

Well, too sum it up...

I'm not a big fan of your grammar, the way you etch out a story line and try too place a perspective on it, really hurts.

That said, your disgruntaled attitude towards others may be because you feel alienated and that is why you have posted here. I don't think that it is because of your nationality... and no, I am not as qualified as Dr. Phil.

But, on the topic of nationality.
Nations and races have been fighting for years, it is apart of what makes them, "them".

Tribes over in Africa fight, Nations fight, Colonies in the West/East fight... blah blah blah.

It is ingrained into us not too like the other tribe... though there are other members of the same "tribe" that love everyone.

It's instinct too dislike and battle for control over another that is not aligned with you.

Thats why we have diplomats. (Yes, it is).

Neanderthals fought tribes of others that were not that distant from them... but they didn't have the close contact technology that we have today.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Kids are very discriminating - because they are very insecure and need to constantly feel that they are connected to "normal" social group. Adults are the same kids, only a little more experienced,aware and empathic to others.

You have that backwards. Kids are by naturee not self concious, and not discriminating. This is all taught by the parents. You seem to imply that adults mimic children, when it's pretty much common knowledge that children mimic the behavior of adults. That's how it works...

That brings me to the answer to this thread: racism still exists today, because adults are still teaching it to children. I most certainly do not think that racism is some inherent belief system that you are born with. If so, let's just all call it quits now.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:10 AM

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:11 AM
The most obvious answer is there personal experience. If they are treated bad by some group, it is obvious they will hate them.

Genetic memory probably plays a role in it too.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by MatrixBaller04
And I especially hate wiggers (ie:White kids that walk, dress, talk black). I hate ALL wiggers.

Do they still have them people, i thought they went out when i was at school. Could not stand them.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by billyjoinedat2k8

Because of the person a few comments up , matrixballer, and others like can't be that the guy is just an idiot or small minded or uneducated, it has to be a race thing.
His clothes were baggy or he liked rap music or used slang??

This and many other ridiulous statements like it are why racism still has a place today.
If people understood that they don't like the person, irrespective of race, then we could probably move forward a little.

[edit on 5/9/08 by blupblup]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
Racism No longer exists

The problem now is Culturalism

I think racism very much exists today still and i just cant stand it if im honest i hate some of the stuff people say about others just because theyre skin colour is different.

It may have been a lot worse along time ago but i think it is still really bad today and theyres just no reason for it.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by scientist

Well, i could easily be wrong on this. But if my memory does not fail me - kids are discriminating! I remember in school kid without hair, and she was laughed at and targeted by others. Now i did not say they can discriminate by race, this is naturally they learn from others. But they do against anything different to what they understand as the norm.
"Us" against "them" starts from very young age. And parents have nothing to do with it.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by billyjoinedat2k8

Because of the person a few comments up , matrixballer, and others like can't be that the guy is just an idiot or small minded or uneducated, it has to be a race thing.
His clothes were baggy or he liked rap music or used slang??

This and many other ridiulous statements like it are why racism still has a place today.
If people understood that they don't like the person, irrespective of race, then we could probably move forward a little.

[edit on 5/9/08 by blupblup]

Well my thing is that I have tried to get along with people like the ones I've mentioned above. It really does come down to skin color. For me atleast. Maybe it was just special circumstances for me.

I was in states custody for 5 months and during that time I had to live in a group home that was a stepdown from a kids prison. A little place called Mountain View. Anyways, all the black kids that came in there, this is always what made me hate them.

Every black kid that came through there, or white kid, they always acted "hard". They would always act really tough and like they didn't want to be around anyone. They just had this really up-in-your-face attitude.

But just to give examples of the type of people I lived with....One was a crack dealer, another was convicted of armed robbery and attemtped murder (15 year old white kid), my roommate had 57 felonies and was a member of the KKK.

It was just crazy. But I think for me it all stems from this. Everyone is a some degree.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:35 AM
So many replies...

dodgygeeza: I agree with you 100%.

mopus: You make some good points.

fox: I agree with you, I think self/other is just part of humanity.

scientist: You said,

You have that backwards. Kids are by naturee not self concious, and not discriminating. This is all taught by the parents. You seem to imply that adults mimic children, when it's pretty much common knowledge that children mimic the behavior of adults.

I think this is true, and yet it isn't. I think kids are more accepting on things like skin color because they don't understand the difference between races yet. However, if there is a kid or even an adult around with a deformity, a handicap, or a disability, there is no way all the kids present will not be staring with their mouth agape. You have to tell kids not to stare because they always will. Kids are downright merciless sometimes, like when it comes to the fat kid in class or the kid with a skin disease or some other visible deformity. Kindness is absolutely not inherent to children in these circumstances.

Matrix: I believe the term is 'wegroes'.

and for the OP: I believe most people in the civilized world are not racists. Everyone has prejudices but if they are proven wrong people usually accept that rather than insisting on being racist anyway. The reasons for prejudice are many. Sometimes it's the way a person was raised. Or they might have had a bad experience with a particular group. Or their race could have a troubled history with some other group. The only thing we can do is examine our prejudices and if they are proven to be faulty, then accept that we were wrong.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by MatrixBaller04

Every black kid that came through there, or white kid, they always acted "hard". They would always act really tough and like they didn't want to be around anyone. They just had this really up-in-your-face attitude.

So both black and white kids that came through acted the same, hard, aggressive and cut a solitary figure etc.... but you only hate the black kids???

But just to give examples of the type of people I lived with....One was a crack dealer, another was convicted of armed robbery and attemtped murder (15 year old white kid), my roommate had 57 felonies and was a member of the KKK.

It was just crazy. But I think for me it all stems from this. Everyone is a some degree.

Again, you lived with a crack dealer....whether white or black the guy is going to be pretty crazy, also a convicted felon....these are not good "people" to live with, irrespective of race, they are criminals and not just petty at that.
Also you say the white kid was a kkk member and had 57 felonies.....yet HE was your roomate?
Again, why do you not hate white people now.....he sounds like a pretty bad guy to know and be around, i mean if you can be so quick to say you don't like blacks because of crimes or attitudes, then it is definitely racism....

[edit on 5/9/08 by blupblup]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by MatrixBaller04

I agree. Same here, but the same goes for anyone else. It could be a white person, black, purple, green, whatever. It's more the attitude of some people I'm against, not so much race. Ya know what I mean?

As to why there is still racism? Could be some people are just really patriotic towards their own skin, much like their country and don't like anything else. Could be many other reasons, just because they were taught from their parents who got it from theirs, who got it from theirs, etc... EDIT: If someones racist, then wouldn't they hate everyone of that race? or all races whatever? I don't think you can be part racist, you either are or you're not.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by theknuckler]

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