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Trailer for the upcoming presentation from Pilots For 9/11 Truth

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posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by tide88
Please tell me you are kidding with this statement.

Well beleivers keep demanding when the truthers are going to go to court with thier evidence.

So i am asking the same question to them, when are beleivers going to take the evindece that they supposidly have to court to prove the official story.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Ultima... It WAS proven in a court of law. Remember the began with the letter M ... he was convicted...sentenced to life... he is in Colorado I believe.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I just want to point out how ridiculous it is to say it is "pissing on the vicitim's families" when someone doubts the OFFICIAL theory.

Let me explain. I do not claim that all truthers do this. I am claiming the CIT and PFFT do this.

You see, their investigations are crack pot at best. Both groups have been ignoring evidence since they started pimping their videos.

The pissing is this... They are telling the families that they did not bury the remains of their loved ones. That they were killed somewhere else. Some how else. They do this with their piss poor "investigations." Craig refuses to look at all the evidence and only relies on witnesses from 7 years later. (some earlier) Captain Bob plays with his FDR and that's pretty much it. If you listen to two other members here (Beachnut and Reheat) they refute the findings of Captain Bob. Bob refuses to put together a technical paper and only wants to show videos. He knows his technical paper will be refuted by even more. This is why he wont present and papers to anyone with knowledge.

[edit on 6-9-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

So does this mean that all Debunkers are snitches? It would make alot of sense.. Debunking the insane claims of some of the 9/11 researchers is one thing, snitching on someone out of some sick form of hatred is a whole other.

Not to mention it could cause real damage, I would say you are the internet tough guy, just like the TV or the radio in america if you dont like it change the channel and you probably think your some kind of patriotic american.

Do you really think your helping the 9/11 families doing this? Why dont you try donating to one of their charities.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by baffledon911

So does this mean that all Debunkers are snitches? It would make alot of sense.. Debunking the insane claims of some of the 9/11 researchers is one thing, snitching on someone out of some sick form of hatred is a whole other.

I dislike what Captain Bob does. He preys on anyone that listens to his bullsh*t while he disgraces the victims and their families. He sells 911 truth paraphernalia on his website. Making money off of the deaths of thousands and the sufferings of a nation. Yes, I am sicked by it. In addition, he adds popular music (illegally) to his faulty videos to get more people to buy into his filth. That is why I reported him to the record label. (I am not the only one) If you think I am a snitch, I am okay with that.

Not to mention it could cause real damage, I would say you are the internet tough guy, just like the TV or the radio in america if you dont like it change the channel and you probably think your some kind of patriotic american.

911 hit my home pretty hard. Not as hard as some, but I watched the suffering a family went through. Mr. Balsamo as far as I know did not.
Do I think I am patriotic? Well, I vote, I attend Democratic political rallies, and I read as many books as I can find time for. Most recently I am reading two books. (taking me far too long) "The Audacity of Hope by Barak Obama" and "Your Government Failed You" by Richard Clarke.

Do you really think your helping the 9/11 families doing this? Why dont you try donating to one of their charities.

I am not trying to help the families by posting in here and exposing the frauds that make money off of lies. All I want is to make certain the truth is presented. In regards to charity, if you read the bible there is a scripture about blowing your trumpet before ye. My charitable contributions are my business.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

I actually think I like you Throat. Even though I think you're full of you know what sometimes.

You seem to be moving in the right direction.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 08:13 PM
TY is that true are you Captain Obvious???

I'm kinda glad to know. You seem to have a different tone...I can't put my finger on it...maybe now that annoying mouth avatar is gone I just read what you write...sorry if that was off topic.

I am looking forward to the video!!! S&F!!

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
TY is that true are you Captain Obvious???

Geez, I hope not.

I hated CO with a passion when I was Conundrum04.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by JimBeam

Oh it's definitely him.

He just outed himself by admitting he was the "John from Mass." who called in to the radio show I was on.

It's amazing how much swagger and confidence anonymity and a sarcastic screenname can give to a grown man who is otherwise rather timid and nervous in real life.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Craig Ranke CIT


You are my hero. You sit on an internet radio show spewing lies. Trying to get feeble minded people to believe a fantasy you and your bloated friend Alpo invented. A fantasy that so very few are buying into.

You judge me for having the balls to call you out on your little fantasy? Never have I called a radio station (internet of otherwise) I thought it was the right thing to do to point out to those listening how much of a fraud CIT is.

Let's remember that during that call you admitted:

-You have never been involved in a construction site.

-You said if there was proof that there was a passenger strapped in an airplane seat (charred) it was planted.

- You have not interviewed any construction workers from the Pentagon (though you promised you would)

CIT is done Craig. PFFFT is done. Your interview on the OC was a perfect example of what those that have heard your story think of CIT and their theory.

You and Rob Balsamo try very hard. But for what? It isn't the truth. Rob is selling God D*mn 911 CLOCKS on his website. Yeah... brilliant.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:27 PM
When you get a moment that new video looks like flight 77 crashed into the CITGO!
Can you please elaborate?
Is that sorta like how Dylan or Jason said that they left errors in their movies on purpose?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Griff

Thanks, Griff! In reviewing posts, I have to say that yours is one of the coolest heads in the room! This continual slap fight between TY and Craig would be amusing if it weren't so damn annoying and counterproductive. TY, I would be much more prone to hearing what you have to say if you were to at least make the effort at decorum and respect. Same goes for Craig.

I GUARANTEE you that, if you two were face to face, the debate would sound MUCH different! That's the problem with the internet, is it gives one an excuse to bluster like a 7 foot Kung Fu Master on crack.

And while I agree that different people have different debating strengths and weaknesses, it is my opinion that if someone has beliefs, he/she should be able to defend that belief in a face to face debate, regardless of whether they are a stuttering, sweaty mess by the end, or not. I guess I consider the point of a debate (in here at least) to share opinions and theories, not beating people over the head and insulting their intelligence.

I'm gonna start a new thread about 9/11 and see where it goes- hope to see you there Griff...thanks again, brother

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by johndoex

I'll meet you anywhere you'd like. I won't hide. I'm in Boston. Come get me keyboard tough guy.

I don't care WHO else uses their music. You are using their music to get people to buy into your fantasty that pisses on the victims families.

Go get a REAL job.

Tssk tssk, throat, you should know better than that. Why is this 'pissing on the victims families'? You see, to me that is simply another 'sham' used oh so well by agencies that don't want the common folk of this country to even consider other options. Why?

Because I could just as easily say that I am HONORING the victims families by questioning what I feel is a very questionable 'story' presented by branches of this government and the corporations that work for them.

Shame on you my friend for trying to use that twist in this discussion.

I for one think that these guys already know full well what the process is for putting these films together and have made the precautions needed to ensure its presentation to the public.

Again, you use the 'attack' method and association as an 'evil' entity in the start of your letter where you showed that they were 'accusing the American government' and do they really want to be associated with 'people like that'. You have stated all along that you are not a tool for the government and do not work for them but the way you just worded that letter has forever changed my mind and opinion of you. You see, I'm a fan and student of psychology and that is a big slip up on your part. Your intentions were made very clear there.

I look forward to seeing what they can present. If the math is right, meaning the placement of all objects such as trees, poles, the truck trailer, etc. then it is very evident that once again there will be some serious questions for the 'official truthers' to answer.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by TheBobert
When you get a moment that new video looks like flight 77 crashed into the CITGO!
Can you please elaborate?
Is that sorta like how Dylan or Jason said that they left errors in their movies on purpose?

From what I can see, and I'm sure it will be explained, that in order for the 'real' plane to make the trajectory that it was claimed to have done, it would have had to clip the CITGO and fly in between a couple poles barely missing them and also jump up at the last second to avoid the tractor trailer near the Pentagon.

Nice try though bob. However, that is how 'I' see it, not saying that is what they intended.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by JimBeam
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

I actually think I like you Throat. Even though I think you're full of you know what sometimes.

You seem to be moving in the right direction.

You see, this is the problem I have. I find myself defending TY in some threads and then seeing new posts where his intent is obvious. It just kills me because he does indeed bring good material, at times, to a discussion. But then he starts to call people names and make comments about 'weak minded' people that believe that there is something wrong with the events of 911 as told by the government.

I don't think of myself as weak minded. As a matter of fact, the many CEOs and upper management people I deal with and consult to don't think of me as being a 'weak minded' person. Yet he likes to throw these blanket insults out there which in turn destroys EVERYTHING he has said before. Why? Because he is simply trying to derail the topic and belittle anyone who would 'dare' question this government on the events that took place on 911.

That's why I am torn. I started to respect him and then he starts flinging crap about that was completely unnecessary.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Damn it, I give up. *throws hands in the air*

You all see, it's information like this that would have been EXTREMELY benefitial in the initial post where you made the claim of 'pissing on the family members'.

I will still want to see this video, not BUY it (never have and never will buy any 911 'truther' DVD or T-Shirt or clock), so that I can logically break it down.

Now that I understand where you were coming from on your earlier statements I ask that you consider that after reading my responses.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 01:15 PM
I see CaptainObvious/Throat Yogurt/Mr Herbert has thoroughly imploded and once again destroyed his credibility under yet another UserID. Hmmm... is it any surprise he remains anonymous with disposable internet UserID's/Socks?

Anyway... i have a bit of time to go over this while our current project is undergoing the mastering process.

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Let me explain. I do not claim that all truthers do this. I am claiming the CIT and PFFT do this.

So please tell us exactly why you refered to Craig as "buddy" on the air? lmao...

You see, their investigations are crack pot at best.

Yep, look at all these "crackpots".

hmmm.. why do the lists continue to grow?

Both groups have been ignoring evidence since they started pimping their videos.

We are very familiar with the govt story and propaganda. We are concerned with the mountain of conflicts. Why arent you? Why havent you gone to Arlington to confront the witnesses and their statements on location? Do you accept the NTSB distributing data through the Freedom Of Information Act to the American public which doesnt support an impact at the Pentagon?

They are telling the families that they did not bury the remains of their loved ones.

Quote the above from Thank you Mr Strawman.

That they were killed somewhere else. Some how else.

Quote the above from Thank you Mr Strawman.

They do this with their piss poor "investigations."

Can you debate the FDR data provided by the NTSB? Who are the "experts" you listen to regarding FDR analysis? Got a name that can be verified? We have lots. Whenever you're ready. You know where to find us.

Captain Bob plays with his FDR and that's pretty much it.

You're wrong. I know you said you refuse to click on our site in order to not "give us hits", and it shows on your part (not in our hits)

Ignorance is bliss i suppose. However, in your case, it appears to hurt.

If you listen to two other members here (Beachnut and Reheat) they refute the findings of Captain Bob.

Beachnut and Reheat? Who are they? Did their parents name them that? Can they be verified at like all our members certificated by the faa?

Both Beachnut and Reheat refuse to sign up to P4T forums to discuss our findings (Reheat actually doubled up on his anonymity trying to portray himself as a college female on our forums, we now call him "ReTreat"), JREF has banned almost every P4T member/representative or anyone who debates our work (although JREF thinks they are all Every single one of their so-called "experts" (what... two?) refuse to debate P4T and instead hide out on JREF. Ron Wieck is highly disappointed in these people.

Bob refuses to put together a technical paper and only wants to show videos. He knows his technical paper will be refuted by even more. This is why he wont present and papers to anyone with knowledge.

Ignorance is bliss, right? I see you havent been to our site in a really long time. Anyway...The following people have been presented with our work.

Hmm, think the Aircraft Accident Investigators and Aeronautical Engineers listed may have 'knowledge'? They can be verified at I tried to look for your "experts".. "beachnut" and "reheat" (read: Two) at .but it appears they dont exist.

Those who have expressed support in this thread. Thank you.

Have a nice day...


(also, the front page has been updated regarding this release)

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 01:36 PM
Well well, it's 9/11 and here's Captain Bob with a new DVD to sell.

What accessories are you also selling this year, PfffffffffffffffffffffffT zippo lighters?

Edit: Don't forget to pick up your merchanise, folks. You'll never know when your PfffffffffffffffffffffffT hats/bags/license plate frames/wall clock/mugs/buttons/magnets/stickers will have all your friends eyeing you off with envy.

[edit on 11-9-2008 by discombobulator]

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 02:02 PM
When people attack the support structure of an organization exposing elements of a govt known for lies, deception, corruption, cover-up's and crime, its apparent they are unable to debate the facts.

Thank you for your post disco. Its clear why you dont attack the people who actually made real money off 9/11 selling lies.

Im sure many here can educate you on those who made real money on the deaths of 9/11. Anyone have the tally on Rudy? Haliburton? etc?

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by johndoex
When people attack the support structure of an organization exposing elements of a govt known for lies, deception, corruption, cover-up's and crime, its apparent they are unable to debate the facts.

So that's a no on the zippo lighters?

Damn. I guess I'll just have to do with my 100 PfffffffT fridge magnets.

Cheap! Only $154.99!

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