posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 08:22 PM
i]reply to
post by albertfothergill
Hello Albert...
All the stories make me wonder as well; and when I hear verifiable evidence such as:
My grandfather witnessed nessie and he never told lies so thats
my ears perk up - 'cause grandfather's just don't lie to their grandson's, do they?
I knew that access existed at one time in the loch, so yes, it is possible that something made it in there - but to thrive this long? Is the supply
of food in the loch enough to sustain a a creature of its supposed size?
And what of the limited sightings..? If it does not need to surface for air, why come up the few times it has (as far as pictures go) at all? If it
is curious once, it's curious all the time.
Either way - cheers to grandads!