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Balmy Breeze (Groom Tower audio)

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posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 02:58 PM
Balmy Breeze (Ogg audio)
This is audio from Groom Tower and "control". Besides N623BA (Booty 5), around 2:32 there is a call to "Balmy Breeze" from Reach or Bleech 48.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Thank you for sharing. No offense, but do you ever post anything that can be opened on a normal computer? Ogg audio files? Seriously? It never ends....First it was Jp4 jpegs that you need a special viewer to open, and now this. If thats not enough, you berate and talk down to those who complain they cant open your files. Do you have an overwhelming need to feel superior with your technology or something? wav files, mp3's and mp4's will do just fine for tower audio. Enough is enough already.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by NightVision

No offense, but how did you even manage to find ATS and learn to post here with such an extreme lack of computer skills. It took me literally three minutes to find and install this codec so that windows media player can play Ogg Vorbis files. Do you have an overwhelming need to whine about things that really are inconsequential? Google will do just fine for finding such things. Enough is enough already.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by mtmaraca

Yea seriously, if you cant take the 2 minutes to get the codec, then dont bother downloading what gariac contributes.. though you will miss a lot with this kind of mentality.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by mtmaraca

No offense, but how did you even manage to find ATS and learn to post here with such an extreme lack of computer skills. It took me literally three minutes to find and install this codec so that windows media player can play Ogg Vorbis files. Do you have an overwhelming need to whine about things that really are inconsequential? Google will do just fine for finding such things. Enough is enough already.

Lack of computer skills? I have the codec. You completely missed the point. Add to that you lack even the slightest bit of originality and creativity in your response. Instead of using your brain to come up with a well-thought out rebuttal, you opted the typical cro-magnon ATS ignorant route of copying my original post and inserting your own verbiage into it. If you think you're being clever, you're not. Intelligent thought requires creativity. Perhaps its comforting for you to pretend you're original, unique and articulate.

My post is consequential on the grounds that about 5% of the users here will be able to get anything useful out of this thread. A thoughtful poster will make it easy for the reader to download material without having download programs to acquire the said material (such as direct download links, mp3's, etc.). If that doesn't make sense to you, I would suggest a career in something very simple where you don't have to use your brain very much.

But if it makes you feel better, you and gariac can have this thread all to yourselves, all 3 of you who tout this nonsense. I notice you guys get together and star each other up when confronted. But don't let my analysis of these threads dampen your spirit.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32

Yea seriously, if you cant take the 2 minutes to get the codec, then dont bother downloading what gariac contributes.. though you will miss a lot with this kind of mentality.

To be honest, I have been able to access most of his content. Its not for lack of skills. Its just frustrating. Its like walking 5 miles to get a Coca-Cola at Pizza hut when the Store is around the corner. You get there and it still tastes the same.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:36 PM
I agree, who actually uses OGG audio? Should i do everyone a favor and transcode it to MP3 or WAV so people don't have to download codecs or whatever to listen to it?

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 04:24 PM
Hey, I said "no offense."

Anyway it's clear what has happened here: he posted an Ogg file and you felt the need to lash out at him, inferring that he must have some kind of a superiority complex; then I facetiously point out that Ogg files can be opened on a "normal computer" as you put it, and you lash out at me. It's clear you have some issues going on, perhaps an inferiority complex or maybe just PMS, but I'm not a doctor so I'm not going to try to make a diagnosis. The bottom line is you are being overly sensitive and you need to grow up and stop whining.

Regarding your claim that he has made it excessively hard to glean anything from his post, all I can say is that taking a couple of minutes to download and install a codec *one time* is not anything near walking 5 miles to get a Coke. Furthermore if you think that only 5% of the people here are capable of downloading and installing a codec, I think you're delusional. It may be that because of the extra step, some people won't bother to listen, but that is their choice and the OP has decided to let them make it. You should do the same.

Your insults directed at me hardly deserve a response, but let me simply say that you know nothing about me, my intellect, education, or career. I think it should be clear to anyone reading this exchange that you're just swinging wildly in the dark praying that you hit something, or at least make enough noise to scare the boogeyman away. Sometimes people think that others will interpret their aggression as a sign of dominance or superiority, but nearly all of the time it comes off as desperation and fear. You aren't fooling anyone.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by mtmaraca
It's clear you have some issues going on, perhaps an inferiority complex or maybe just PMS, but I'm not a doctor so I'm not going to try to make a diagnosis.

I have low tolerance for ignorance, and laziness. That's about it as far as issues go. You're not a doctor? Really? I had you pegged. At any rate, you misdiagnosed me: its SUPERIORITY complex, not inferiority complex.

I think you're delusional.

Powerful. Eloquent. Earth-shatteringly delivered.

..oh and you plagiarized me, so that would make you equally crazy. Thumbs up

Sometimes people think that others will interpret their aggression as a sign of dominance or superiority, but nearly all of the time it comes off as desperation and fear. You aren't fooling anyone.

But the difference is my requests and factual analysis has rendered your rebuttals inept. I only judged you based on your words, not what I know of you. Some would say thats superior, and yes, I so desperately want to open this Ogg file. I just know it will crack the code of Area51 once and for all. I'll tell you what, I will be the bigger man and stop now so this thread can sink. Please do not continue this futile charade, its getting boring.

[edit on 5-9-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:15 PM
gariac, I apologize for my part in turning this thread into a flame session. Please continue to post audio clips in whatever format you like and rest assured that whomever is interested enough will find a way to hear them.

NightVision, whatever kind of complex you have, I see no point in continuing to discuss anything with someone who doesn't know the difference between plagiarism and satire, nor has any clue what factual analysis is. You're ignored from here on out, have a nice life.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:55 PM
Bleach appears to be a helicopter...

From the sound of it, Balmy Breeze was a mistake, sounds like he used the actual call sign for Groom tower ( a no no) ....Actually, the audio sounds like a scanner combination of Groom tower and the Groom RAPCON (approach control)....SOP says that even if using UHF (since it can be heard by scanner), no actual facility names are supposed to be used, unless on a scrambled/encrypted channel.

Good find, though.....was it just a normal scanner set to known Groom freqs?

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:57 PM
Hi companions, I do not understand totally part of transmission, someone might transcribe? Who said exactly?
This Groom Lake Tower where is located in Area 51?


posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by NightVision

Ogg is supported by the following:



as well as Windows media player, which every PC has installed. I fail to see the problem.

The image you mentioned was in jp2 format, which is jpeg2000. It is higher quality than a standard jpeg.

You are free to not make use of any files I provide. Just ignore the post. You are not free to take my work, encode them, then place them back on the net. While I don't charge for what I provide, I don't appreciate getting ripped off either. My server logs indicate that the file I provide are being downloaded, so I suspect you are the only person with a problem.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by reynoldt

Well, lets start at the beginning, but I'm not going to transcribe everything!

Bleach 48: "Bleach 48, tower"

Tower: "Bleach 48, proceed as requested, use caution"

It appears Bleach 48 something I didn't copy, because the next line is from the tower again. Note that the aircraft fly low not to be seen or heard, so signals may be lost as they go behind mountain tops.

Tower: "48, copy that, you can remain this freq"

Bleach 48: "Bleach 48, tower, how do you hear me?"

Bleach 48: "Bleach 48, tower, how do you hear me?"
(said in a deeper voice, like that is going to make a difference)

Booty 5 (N623ba):" Control, Booty 5 with you are 1 6 thousdand 5 hundred"

Booty 5: "Control, Booty 5 with you at 1 6 thousand 5 hundred."

Control: "Is that Booty calling control, say again the numbers"

The base three main frequencies: tower, control, and ground. They self-identify themselves most of the time, so it is easy to hear who is who. Now at times, they don't identify, but you can tell who is who by listening to the voices.

I only used the VHF frequencies for this recording. Unfortunately the VHF antenna I built for this monitoring broke, so the quality was not as good as usual. Also, I used a scanner that has a hot (too high) output, so some of the audio is clipped. [I will remember to pad the signal if I use this scanner again.]

There is a UHF tower frequency, but the base seemed to stop using it for marshaling aircraft. They do use the frequency to talk to test aircraft, but not direct them.

Note that "tower" might be located on the tower. It only reaches the outside world via a scattered signal. "Control" on the other hand is on a hill that reaches outside the base.

Incidentally, you can get the VHF control and tower frequencies in one monitoring session. Just bring a list of known frequencies and bandscan the VHF aircraft band. When you hear a frequency, check the list. If it is a known frequency, lock it out of the scannerm then continue bandscanning, The VHF airband bandwidth is so small that you will rapidly find tower and control since there is little spectrum to search. Ground is a bit more difficult to find since it is very weak. The secret frequencies are not published because doing so changes them. For a list of known frequencies, check this out:

More Janet audio can be found here:

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by habu71

Everything was on VHF. I really don't think Balmy Breeze is the code-word for the tower. For years, all the aircraft just called it "tower". Balmy Breeze is really strange since two word callsigns are unheard of. Generally a callsign is a word or a word and a number. Now granted "home plate" is a two word callsign.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 10:49 AM
I'm not sure you ever hear Bleach 48 on that clip. Both immediately before and immediately after the "Balmy Breeze" call, you can hear either tower or control talking to Bleach 48 and Bleach 48 is clearly responding but you don't hear any of it. It just doesn't seem likely that Bleach 48 would be somewhere where one minute you can't hear it at all, then the next he's loud and clear, then back to nothing at all. Of course, it appears that dead time between the calls has been removed, making it hard for me to figure out an actual timeline, maybe several minutes elapsed between them.

Also it seems strange that the next audible call after the "Balmy Breeze" call is (I think) from the tower: "48, uh, roger, break off prior to the overrun..." What is he rogering for if the last call is to someone else? I think it's clear that the actual Bleach 48 has said something else to the tower that we didn't hear.

All of this makes me think that it was someone else making the "Balmy Breeze" call even though the normal "hey you, this is me" format for radio calls would make it seem like it came from Bleach 48. I still don't know what the call means though.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by mtmaraca

Yes, I screwed that transcript up. Here it is revised:

Tower: "48, copy that, you can remain this freq"

Tower: "Bleach 48, tower, how do you hear me?"

tower: "Bleach 48, tower, how do you hear me?"
(said in a deeper voice, like that is going to make a difference)

Booty 5 (N623ba):" Control, Booty 5 with you are 1 6 thousand 5 hundred"

Booty 5: "Control, Booty 5 with you at 1 6 thousand 5 hundred."

Control: "Is that Booty calling control, say again the numbers"

Generally you say the station that you are calling, then your callsign. Now when you hear (time 2:31) "Balmy Breeze, Bleach 48, Balmy Breeze, Bleach 48", that should be Bleach 48 talking. Now I don't believe they were attempting to contact the tower, else they would just say tower. That is, Balmy Breeze is another player.

Dead time (silence) has been removed between transmissions.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:09 PM
I know, ancient thread, but have been looking cuz the interesting ones are getting ugly....

Balmy Breeze is the name of the mil control signs are one word (max 5 char I think) the transcript, you hear balmy breeze called "control".......usually, mil area controllers have names such as balmy breeze, but if the local facility is considered TS, they will use a control facility "code name". although, I have to question that it was heard on Victor (VHF), Normally any TS facilities never use duplex (communicating on vhf and uhf).....I will say that they might duplex because of the janet flights....

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by habu71

I would need to reread the FAA documents, but to my knowledge, the 737 janets are VHF only. At least one of the Beech janets has VHF/UHF. I have a recording where the tower warned of multicasting. N623RA has a HF antenna. No mention of a radio. I suspect these pseudo-military planes have all sorts of "cowboy" engineering. I only have documentation of what was done at FAA centers.
covers the nav gear. I need to go back and look at the radios again. It is not like the FAA documents clearly display what is in the aircraft. Rather, they are a history of the modifications to the aircraft. I suppose you would need to know the stock aircraft to fully know all the gear.

They added a bathroom to N623RA. This would be pretty silly for Groom Lake to Vegas use, but occasionally these planes go on longer trips. KSTS is a location visited often. I have a photo of N661BA at KVCB.

Military airplane callsigns should be 5 letters. Of course, why would Groom follow the rules since who is there to enforce them? Just the fact that they do this phony military and civilian callsign swap shows that rules don't apply to them. They file flight plans with undocumented waypoints.

I really doubt Balmy Breeze is the tower. The pilots just say control and tower. Now the interesting thing is control and tower need to be on the ball since occasionally they get calls from non-Groom aircraft. My theory is some commercial pilots that have access to two radios leave one on Groom control or tower as they fly nearby. Then they accidentally use the wrong radio.

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