posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 09:30 AM
"[H]eralding his own experience, Biden also said he “know(s) as much as anyone in government about” national security and foreign policy.
And for the third time since his acceptance speech a week ago, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee confused battalions and
“Over a year and a half ago,” Biden said of Obama. “He said we need two more combat battalions in Afghanistan.”
Actually, Obama called for two more combat brigades.
A brigade is bigger than a battalion — a brigade, in fact, is composed of a varying number of battalions."
Speaking at the Democratic National Convention about Sen. Barack Obama’s foreign policy judgment, Biden stated that Obama has advocated for two
additional battalions in Afghanistan.
In fact, Obama called for two extra brigades – a small verbal slip, but a significant numerical one. A brigade is composed of a varying number of
battalions. Biden’s prepared remarks included the correct term.
And for the third time since his acceptance speech a week ago, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee confused battalions and
“Over a year and a half ago,” Biden said of Obama. “He said we need two more combat battalions in Afghanistan.”
Actually, Obama called for two more combat brigades.
A brigade is bigger than a battalion -- a brigade, in fact, is composed of a varying number of battalions.