posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 06:46 PM
There's a great documentary you should all see, actually if I am to be fair, there are two:
1. An Inconvenient Truth
2. The Great Global Warming Swindle
Ice breaks off into the ocean from the polar ice caps all the time. It's a cyclic process - it doesn't prove anything. If you can start showing that
there is less ice now than ever before - that would be saying something.
Yes, we need to take better care of the earth - this especially goes for certain greedy corporations only concerned with the bottom line. Yes, we need
to limit or eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels. But are humans causing global warming? I believe we are - but to a negligable degree. I didn't
use to believe that - but I found new evidence that was highly convincing (hint - it was one of the documentaries above).