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South African Top Secret locations

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posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Definately some sort of base to keep all the UFO's that crashed eh?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
Hi Mike

I was in the South African military way back in 1999 to 2000 for my compulsory military service and based in 10 AA (anti aircraft unit) Regiment in Youngsfield, Cape Town.
Silvermine is located in the hills above Simonstown (where the naval base is located) and is not actually part of the base (although I am not sure if it is a Joint Command or purely Naval). Part of the reason for its secrecy was that it was used to as a monitoring (radio/radar) station but also plays a role in civilian services. For example, the rescue of passengers from the cruise ship Oceanos that sank off the Wild Coast was coordinated from Silvermine.

There were always rumours abounding about it more secretive role, but in those days, conspiracies and UFO's were the least of our worries.

One correction,Silvermine are on the otherside of the montain above Westlake/Retreat looking towards Cape town.There could be a link to Simonstown under the mountain,but the building is above Westlake,I know because I do deliveries under it sometimes.
I understand there could even be a under ground connection towards the other side pass Clifton.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by foxboertjie

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
Hi Mike

I was in the South African military way back in 1999 to 2000 for my compulsory military service and based in 10 AA (anti aircraft unit) Regiment in Youngsfield, Cape Town.
Silvermine is located in the hills above Simonstown (where the naval base is located) and is not actually part of the base (although I am not sure if it is a Joint Command or purely Naval). Part of the reason for its secrecy was that it was used to as a monitoring (radio/radar) station but also plays a role in civilian services. For example, the rescue of passengers from the cruise ship Oceanos that sank off the Wild Coast was coordinated from Silvermine.

There were always rumours abounding about it more secretive role, but in those days, conspiracies and UFO's were the least of our worries.

One correction,Silvermine are on the otherside of the montain above Westlake/Retreat looking towards Cape town.There could be a link to Simonstown under the mountain,but the building is above Westlake,I know because I do deliveries under it sometimes.
I understand there could even be a under ground connection towards the other side pass Clifton.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:20 AM
With all due respect but National Service (2 tears compulsory for all white SA males above 18 years) stopped been compulsory from 1992. How credible is the rest of your story?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:26 AM
In 1980, Special Forces Headquarters was moved to Swartkop Park nature reserve outside Pretoria, which has subsequently unofficially been called “Speskop” within the Special Forces community.

As for "Silvermine" there is nothing glamorous there. No 12 floors down. It was an early (single level) bunker overlooking the bay, built years ago when SA was still a Union, (Pre 1960's, pre-"communist threat". Nothing secretive.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:45 AM
On 8 July 1981 Lieutenant Adriano Bomba flew a MiG 17 from Maputo to over the Kruger Park, to South Africa, after which he was intercepted and escorted to land at Air Force Base Hoedspruit. On landing he asked for political asylum. The aircraft was later returned to Maputo by road, after extensive examination, flight testing and an appearance at an air show. [in 1982 he went back to Mozambique and joined the Mozabique National Resistance to fight FRELIMO - Lt Bomba, who had been granted permanent residence in South Af-rica, had been employed in a civilian capacity as he had no furtheri nterest in flying]

No underground bases there.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by AR2DR2

You are correct, I meant 1989 to 1990. Seems like yesterday.

Here is part of my service number 87607305

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by AR2DR2
I don't think that Silvermine are 'redundant'. There's still a lot of traffic in and out there. Silvermine are the Navy's Tactical Headquarters and i think it's connected with Simonstown AND Table mountain. So this whole mountain are one big underground base.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 11:11 AM
I recall the stories of the Kalahari UFO crash from the early 1990s.

There's an interesting chapter on older UFO stories in the Afrikaans book Verlore Skakels: Onverklaarde Geheime van Suider-Afrika by Rob Marsh (Struik: 1994, pages 102-109).

Most of the sightings seem to be in rural areas, or game parks, although it's hard to pinpoint a specific area with recurring activity.
Added to this, most of South Africa was actually sparsely populated.

One of the more interesting stories is that of Elizabeth Klarer, who claims to have met an alien lover close to the Drakensberg in 1954.

Around Cape Town and Table Mountain there are many stories.

I saw a diamond-shaped UFO from Derde-Steen, near Blouberg.
It only lasted a second, and although it was quite a distance away, high up in the sky, it seemed to know we saw it.
Then it flashed a whole lot of colors and was gone.
The dude next to me said, "What the hell was that?"
Strangely we never spoke about it again, although I mentioned it before on ATS.

Another time I was visiting a lady in Clifton, who had a house where one can see the ocean and sky through big windows.
We came to the topic of UFOs, and she said sometime in the 1970's her whole family was sitting in the lounge and they saw three metal discs fly over the ocean towards the sky, right past their window!

For UFOs and aliens in SA, I'd say have a look at Credo Mutwa's narratives on Youtube.
He even talks about finding aliens in the bush and eating them.

Nice thread and happy hunting!

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 07:36 AM
I once worked for a man who to avoid military service he kept on studying. He did say he ended up doing some technical work in an underground facility on the hill looking over the bay in Simonstown.
He said when he was there they where working on HUD's for pilots that track the pupils and aim the jets weapons.
He did state that there where levels and there where people from overseas working there.

On the subject of bases. Durban has a storage facility in one of the hills on the South side of the harbor. This was confirmed by an acquaintance in the S.A Navy.

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