posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 09:33 AM
About 15 years ago I met with Dr. Frank Stranges several times over a period of about two years - I went to Las Vegas to his seminars, hosted an event
in Canada where he attended, met his wife and about fifty other keen people in the Venusian flock - and I have no idea what to make of it all - the
ship at Lake Mead I was told was invisible - I used to have drawn plans of the interior design of the ship and all his books - there was a strange man
that came to the event I hosted with Dr. Stranges who when I asked Frank about him later said it was Donn Thor. The guy was in a dark suit, a loner,
like a MIB - this event was in the country, 30 miles out of town on farmland and hardly a semi-formal event. He managed to elude every photograph
taken and I don't know - as much as I want to believe, and saw this for real as did others, does that make it all true? (belief and truth are seldom
the same thing). Frank's ministry (for me) included Jesus on the ship - one seminar Frank brought empty envelopes he said Jesus had personally
touched and offered them to 'us' for donations - don't mind donating and supporting, everyone deserves it - just confuses me to this day
reconciling money and blessed envelopes -
I liked Frank, he was always convicted in everything he said and always had time for everyone - just like someone here said, you can phone and talk to
him - he's very available to people and wonder why he hasn't been brought to the forefront of all these forums for disecting like John Lear, Sean
David Morton, etc. ? He's actually Rev. Dr. Frank Stranges (law degrees - but I don't know, never checked myself).
Anyway - I only wish the best for anyone trying to do whatever little they can here to help us because we are so over our heads we can't even
imagine... and I mean no disrespect to Frank or anyone in this field, I'm only wondering too if there's others experiences that make the Venusians
real -