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The Brilliance of Sarah Palin for VP

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:47 AM
You say brilliant and the prediction market is now building up to the fact that she will withdraw from the election. You had best be hoping you are right!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:51 AM
No one has to Attack her..

Her selection is pure desperation... like when Brittney shaved her head for attention.

She is a very weak pick.

PUMA's are simply repugs.. and they always have been.

They do not exist.

Fox news is a source of information some of you trust far too willingly.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Animal
You say brilliant and the prediction market is now building up to the fact that she will withdraw from the election. You had best be hoping you are right!

Yeah, 18% of the Prediction Market is betting Palin with withdraw, according to the Huffington Post. Just the fact that this idiocy is being touted in the Huffington Post is a really good sign that the liberals and Dems would love nothing more than Gov. Palin resigning.

No, I think the Dems are smart enough to know what just happened to them and they in up against the ropes. They are desperately trying to throw anything against the wall and hoping something will stick. Their problem is in the numbers. Obama had to become an extreme liberal to win the nomination over Clinton, and now he's painted himself into a corner. Palin's conservative credentials and her appeal to white, middle-class men AND women trumped Obama's speech.

The proof of this is how SO MUCH attention is being paid to Palin now. If she weren't such a threat, she would have faded from the first news cycle just like Biden did.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by SavageHenry
No one has to Attack her..

Her selection is pure desperation...

Then why all the non-stop attacks on her? The people showing signs of desperation are the Dems. They even are so desperate that they cheered a hurricane hitting New Orleans just to take some of the spotlight away from the Republicans.

No, the Dems can feel it slipping away. Deep down they understand Obama peaked at 11:00 PM EST last Thursday. People went to bed thinking about Obama's speech, and they woke up to a whole new paradigm. Nobody cares about Obama's speech anymore. It's not even a blip in history.

Now all people care about is Sarah Palin and her family. The Dems who would not decide to vote for McCain can't stand her. And the tens of millions of Republicans who were luke warm or indifferent to McCain have suddenly found themselves with somebody who has energized them.

Palin is a weak choice only in the minds of liberals. Palin is the best of the four candidates running in the minds of the millions of conservatives who will now be voting.

And the stories about her family are only strengthening support for her.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by jamie83

Believe me, the Dems don't want Palin to resign...

If she did, it would rally the Republicans like nothing else...They would claim that the "liberal media" and the left-wing bloggers sensationalized illegitimate issues, Rush Limbaugh would blow a blood vessel and rally the base and McCain and his new pick would skate to the White House.

This, quite possibly, is just what Rove had in mind.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by jamie83
They are desperately trying to throw anything against the wall and hoping something will stick.

The proof of this is how SO MUCH attention is being paid to Palin now. If she weren't such a threat, she would have faded from the first news cycle just like Biden did.

I disagree. What you are seeing, IMHO, is all the crap that stuck. My bet is that we have only seen the beginning of the list of issues Palin brings to the table that is going to drag her and McCain down.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Animal]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by SavageHenry
No one has to Attack her..

Her selection is pure desperation... like when Brittney shaved her head for attention.

She is a very weak pick.

PUMA's are simply repugs.. and they always have been.

They do not exist.

Fox news is a source of information some of you trust far too willingly.

The legendary Tammy Haddad snags a scoop for Newsweek, sitting down with prominent Washington DC attorney John Coale -- a fundraiser for Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY -- at the Republican convention, now backing Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

He indicated that Clinton's mother, with whom he was traveling, will "be fine" with his decision to back McCain. He says he's "been traveling around with Carly Fiorina recruiting Democrats for McCain," and there are some prominent Democrats who have joined him, to be named later.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:49 AM
I look forward to the upcoming debates. The candidates will have to answer questions from the hip. We will see who shines under pressure and who falls apart.

Although I voted 2 times for GWB I am a staunch Obama supporter.

I think that he showed class and character when he put a stop to any mention of Palin's daughter in his campaign. I don't understand why we must always question political motives. Some posters here are clearly cynical. That's sad.

I believe that the candidate who enters the White House this time will be facing extremely hard choices that will ultimately affect not only our nation but the nations of the world as well.

I personally believe that Senator Barack Obama is the man for the job.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by jamie83

Originally posted by SavageHenry
No one has to Attack her..

Her selection is pure desperation...

Then why all the non-stop attacks on her?

The baseline tool Republicans have is crying the Victim... They put crap out THEMSELVES, then cry about it.

The Repugs needed this 'surprise' badly.

And now they are crying, as if someone desecrated Saint Ronnie Rayguns corpse.

Which is with out doubt part of the plan.

But it too is hollow... It too is plastic.. and it is NOT working in the collective mind.

Don't Cry anymore about the dirt that comes out regarding Palin...
No one knows anything about her, So they are going to start the digging...

Now because she has not done much of anything except espouse extreme right wing piousness and flip flop, while abusing power....


Originally posted by jamie83
The people showing signs of desperation are the Dems. They even are so desperate that they cheered a hurricane hitting New Orleans just to take some of the spotlight away from the Republicans.

Uh no. No one "Cheered" the Hurricane [Snip]..

We laughed, because of the whole BACKFIRE situation regarding the calls for mischief by god by the Right wing freaks in this country..

Yes... some of us Liberals laughed our assess off... (because we have a sense of humor.. and God is funny)--However when the chuckles subsided we still sound the alarms...and still battened down the hatches and called out the alerts... as any normal human being would do... Repigs are just the sort of degenerate hypocrites to play this game as well...

You [Snip] cheer for the deaths of millions, you blame natural disasters on Cities sins... you blame your political opponents failures with the "Bible" for terrorist attacks...

You are bankrupt..

Originally posted by jamie83No, the Dems can feel it slipping away. Deep down they understand Obama peaked at 11:00 PM EST last Thursday. People went to bed thinking about Obama's speech, and they woke up to a whole new paradigm. Nobody cares about Obama's speech anymore. It's not even a blip in history.

Yeah.. you are seriously deluded if you actually think that flies anywhere.

If you think this Hail Mary has changed the game... no wonder the nation is in the state its in.

Originally posted by jamie83
Now all people care about is Sarah Palin and her family. The Dems who would not decide to vote for McCain can't stand her. And the tens of millions of Republicans who were luke warm or indifferent to McCain have suddenly found themselves with somebody who has energized them.

How about Hundreds of Billions?

Originally posted by jamie83Palin is a weak choice only in the minds of liberals. Palin is the best of the four candidates running in the minds of the millions of conservatives who will now be voting.

Well I agree with you that all of the Repigs are weak... We just disagree that Palin is the weakest. I say she is.. You say she is the Messiah.

I wonder if they win and McCain Dies if she is the Anti-Christ that will change the world in her image!

Wait.. are you guys still playing that paranoid freak card regarding Obama?

Originally posted by jamie83And the stories about her family are only strengthening support for her.

Dream on...

[edit on 2-9-2008 by SavageHenry]

Edit: I can understand the anger, but let's leave out the personal attacks.


[edit on 2-9-2008 by Dr Love]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

A star for you Kosmic and a million more if I could.
My view as a woman but neither a Republican or a Democrat is that McCain screwed the pooch on this one, it will catch up to him. I am outraged to be thought of and treated like a head in the herd, manipulated and lead along for the ride.
No amount of publicity, good or bad, can save this election for the Republicans.
As for the pregnancy issue, it happens but to say family is off limits from either camp is ridiculous. Palin CHOSE to step into a very public arena and IMO nothing is off limits. Am I supposed to believe that the Spear's teenage pregnancy and the ultimate scrutiny of the Spear's mom (Lynn Spears??) has more importance to this country then the VP candidate? Republicans are screaming for compassion and "Palin's just like one of us (or really one of you)" and the whole thing is so hypocritical it makes my head hurt.
At this point, unless McCain has an unbelievable card up his sleeve he has handed the election to Obama on a silver platter (which I think was the plan all along, but I am a conspiracy theorist at heart

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by David_KOK

The legendary Tammy Haddad snags a scoop for Newsweek, sitting down with prominent Washington DC attorney John Coale -- a fundraiser for Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY -- at the Republican convention, now backing Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

You mean one of Fox news very own pet libruls? The Scientologist Greta van Susteren's husband (John Coale) first supported Clinton.. and now supports MCCAIN!!!


Originally posted by David_KOK
He indicated that Clinton's mother, with whom he was traveling, will "be fine" with his decision to back McCain. He says he's "been traveling around with Carly Fiorina recruiting Democrats for McCain," and there are some prominent Democrats who have joined him, to be named later.

Carly Fiorina... yeah she is going to kick ass doing that...

Maybe they can sign up a few new members in the fight against Xenu!!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

Uh no. No one "Cheered" the Hurricane you twisted filthy liar..

Boy I bet you're a real pleasure to be around on a daily basis!

Palin is a difficult target for the Dems. See none of us "twisted filthy liars" are able to utter anything pertaining to Obama's beigeness, so the female card is taken off the table due to the liberal set of ground rules.

Secondly, Palin's squeaky clean in relation to the hordes of other picks McCain could have made.

I know it's mind numbing to think of another 4 years of a Republican whitehouse but I'm sure it will give you 4 years of posting fodder. You may just want to add a little eloquence going forward so people will read your posts.

Finally, a little advice. Why not celebrate the fact you are part of the human race as oppossed to an almighty liberal or gun tottin' conservative. What a waste of energy (imo).

In general the far-left doesn't pull the lever on voting day. Take a look at many of the fine upstanding protesters in St. Paul, these are the fine folks I refer to that don't vote.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Scramjet76

Originally posted by Scramjet76
reply to post by jsobecky

After picking a 35 year Senate fossil as a veep, Sarah Palin is truly a beacon of change.

Errr... fossil? What about McCain? Born moments after the Big Bang??

McCain is more viable. Says who? The voting public.

McCain won his party's nomination while Biden was chased out in the Iowa caucus, having failed to garner a single percentage point.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by jamie83

I'm guessing 80% of the people who vote pick the letter in front of the candidate's name, not the candidate. And that's those who vote!

That's exactly right. You're better off focusing your energy on local candidates who might impact your immediate life more. Honestly I think the presidential election seems to do nothing more than serving to divide this country. How much money is pumped into advertising.... In the meantime that money could be used for transportation, infrastructure, education, small businesses etc. I mean it's a joke.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:38 PM
Set Phasers to KILL...

Originally posted by Becker44
reply to post by SavageHenry

Uh no. No one "Cheered" the Hurricane you twisted filthy liar..

Boy I bet you're a real pleasure to be around on a daily basis!

Tell a lie around me and you would never have the pleasure of being able to view my image on a daily basis.

Tie a lie and imply I said it.. and teeth will fly.

Originally posted by Becker44
Palin is a difficult target for the Dems. See none of us "twisted filthy liars" are able to utter anything pertaining to Obama's beigeness, so the female card is taken off the table due to the liberal set of ground rules.

First off ... Palin is too easy of a Target for anyone with a functioning frontal lobe.

Why would you call yourself that...on top of calling yourself a "twisted filthy liar"? Ohhhh....

Why should you or anyone else utter anything pertaining to Obamas RACE?..

What ever happened to stances on issues???

On listening to ones words and holding them to them??

Are you that intellectually weak that RACE is all you got to talk about??...

"Well he may a Constitutional LAW Professor, A Father, Husband, US Senator, and overall successful American.. But he is one of them there Negro's... "

You see... That kind of pathetic mindset is why ol- 894 picked her,

"Ohhh Hillary's out!!.. Ungh Urrgh .. Quick get me Woman to Run and suck (heheheheeh ehh ehhheh) up the (he heh) rest of the Womans in voting thing day!"

Its so pathetic...

Originally posted by Becker44
Secondly, Palin's squeaky clean in relation to the hordes of other picks McCain could have made.

Granted... While most politicians in General are supremely corrupt bastards that are too good for the rope they should be hanging from.

Repiglickins tend to be very much more so... and on deeper ways that actually cause destruction's of our most proud foundations of citizenship.

Make no mistake about it .. Palin is filthy disgusting too, even with here extremely limited experiance ... She was for that "Bridge to Nowhere..." before she was against it... Runs personal Vendettas into the ground.. (which is what this investigation is regarding)---

What and Why they picked her is because she IS NOT QUALIFIED!..

They do not Run or Promote people that are Qualified.

Originally posted by Becker44
I know it's mind numbing to think of another 4 years of a Republican whitehouse but I'm sure it will give you 4 years of posting fodder.

Well it is not happening.... and I do not need a dirty disgusting bastard in the white house to give me fodder.....

I would much rather be talking about Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Life and so forth then this BULLSHAT!.

Originally posted by Becker44You may just want to add a little eloquence going forward so people will read your posts.

I mix Vitriol and Eloquence quite nicely... However these are responses to people who for the most part can barely spell, much less comprehend what they are reading correctly.

Any more eloquence in my posts would be like wasting White Truffles on people who only eat processed and frozen pre-made foods.

Originally posted by Becker44
Finally, a little advice. Why not celebrate the fact you are part of the human race as oppossed to an almighty liberal or gun tottin' conservative. What a waste of energy (imo).

I must of missed the meeting where you were awarded the ability to give me advice on something I take very personally...

I do not celebrate anything else.

I happen to be a Liberal .. because I know what the WORD means..

There are times where I am a Conservative... because I know what that WORD means.

Neither of the stereotypes you have laid bare are accurate in the least...

But then again the majority of the people speaking the English language have a poor grasp on what most of the words they say mean.

Originally posted by Becker44In general the far-left doesn't pull the lever on voting day.

You are actually historically correct on this... Although this year is not going to be the same... I am afraid the sleeping giant is waking up...

And fact of the matter is the right wingers out there are pretty much deflated... Pander Bear John McCain is an old balloon.. and he tends to not hold onto much air for long.

Which is why the Right wing has to play RACE and SEX games, they have to dangle Abortion out there to rally their base.

Because they all know that if they do not rumble up the woodwork.. they are going to be destroyed...

This election season could very well KILL the Republican party...

Originally posted by Becker44
Take a look at many of the fine upstanding protesters in St. Paul, these are the fine folks I refer to that don't vote.

The paid Agent Provocateurs and their """Anarchist""" ways
will most likely vote for the Repubs...

Because they are NOT REAL ANARCHISTS!

They are there to make it look that way...

This is established SOP for the "Enforcement" sector of the Government.

This is documented in documents, audio, and video and its getting much more intense as the years go on.


However many of those there to protest in the nonviolent way of people that adhere to progress are indeed going to Vote...

[edit on 2-9-2008 by SavageHenry]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

McCain is more viable. Says who? The voting public.

The same voting public who elected Bush over him in 2000?

McCain won his party's nomination while Biden was chased out in the Iowa caucus, having failed to garner a single percentage point.

I agree. Biden is just there because he's a white male who has a lot of experience. It's all about psychological warfare come election time. Honestly this country is so out of touch. Did they even fix the voting machines from the 2000 election? You want a real democracy? We should be voting on the issues ourselves. That ability is within our grasp now with our real-time communication devices. Presidents, VP's, congress, supreme court are old news. When are people going to snap out of their daze and open their mind to the limitless future.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

McCain is more viable. Says who? The voting public.

More people watched Obama's speech on TV then people who are going to vote for McCain this year.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:01 PM
So I guess the more folks listen to Obama the more they realise McCain is more viable.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by mhc_70

Well we know what you were not doing last Thursday night...

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry
Set Phasers to KILL...

Originally posted by Becker44
reply to post by SavageHenry

Uh no. No one "Cheered" the Hurricane you twisted filthy liar..

Boy I bet you're a real pleasure to be around on a daily basis!

Tell a lie around me and you would never have the pleasure of being able to view my image on a daily basis.

Tie a lie and imply I said it.. and teeth will fly.

Originally posted by Becker44
Palin is a difficult target for the Dems. See none of us "twisted filthy liars" are able to utter anything pertaining to Obama's beigeness, so the female card is taken off the table due to the liberal set of ground rules.

First off ... Palin is too easy of a Target for anyone with a functioning frontal lobe.

Why would you call yourself that...on top of calling yourself a "twisted filthy liar"? Ohhhh....

Why should you or anyone else utter anything pertaining to Obamas RACE?..

What ever happened to stances on issues???

On listening to ones words and holding them to them??

Are you that intellectually weak that RACE is all you got to talk about??...

"Well he may a Constitutional LAW Professor, A Father, Husband, US Senator, and overall successful American.. But he is one of them there Negro's... "

You see... That kind of pathetic mindset is why ol- 894 picked her,

"Ohhh Hillary's out!!.. Ungh Urrgh .. Quick get me Woman to Run and suck (heheheheeh ehh ehhheh) up the (he heh) rest of the Womans in voting thing day!"

Originally posted by Becker44
Secondly, Palin's squeaky clean in relation to the hordes of other picks McCain could have made.

Granted... While most politicians in General are supremely corrupt bastards that are too good for the rope they should be hanging from.

Repiglickins tend to be very much more so... and on deeper ways that actually cause destruction's of our most proud foundations of citizenship.

Make no mistake about it .. Palin is filthy disgusting too, even with here extremely limited experiance ... She was for that "Bridge to Nowhere..." before she was against it... Runs personal Vendettas into the ground.. (which is what this investigation is regarding)---

What and Why they picked her is because she IS NOT QUALIFIED!..

They do not Run or Promote people that are Qualified.

Originally posted by Becker44
I know it's mind numbing to think of another 4 years of a Republican whitehouse but I'm sure it will give you 4 years of posting fodder.

Well it is not happening.... and I do not need a dirty disgusting bastard in the white house to give me fodder.....

I would much rather be talking about Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Life and so forth then this BULLSHAT!.

Originally posted by Becker44You may just want to add a little eloquence going forward so people will read your posts.

I mix Vitriol and Eloquence quite nicely... However these are responses to people who for the most part can barely spell, much less comprehend what they are reading correctly.

Any more eloquence in my posts would be like wasting White Truffles on people who only eat processed and frozen pre-made foods.

Originally posted by Becker44
Finally, a little advice. Why not celebrate the fact you are part of the human race as oppossed to an almighty liberal or gun tottin' conservative. What a waste of energy (imo).

I must of missed the meeting where you were awarded the ability to give me advice on something I take very personally...

I happen to be a Liberal .. because I know what the WORD means..

Do you have any cliff notes? I didn't bring my mucking boots...

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