posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 08:54 AM
Are you serious? Bringing up a woman being president for some reason always has the same response by some. I can hear it now...
"But what if she's near the button when it's a hardcore PMS day?"
"How can they think clearly while losing blood?"
I mean really, I can imagine why this kind of tepid trash might not go over too well with the opposite sex man.
As for a woman as president, personally, I could care less. The idea that somehow this is going to STOP being a man's world isn't really a reality
in the near future if at all (not that I wouldn't like a bit more balance, but I just don't see it happening).
A woman as president surely wouldn't do much in that category.
Women and men are not equal and never will be because we are two totally different animals, but there should be a day when there is some level of
legal equality. There is no equality now, although it depends in what area of law you are in as to where the advantage is.
I'm of the impression that we should try to get beyond gender, because solid principles and freedom don't really come with a gender card any more
than they come with a race or sexuality card.
It's for everyone, and a woman is as capable as a man, but some men just don't seem to be able to take the effrontery of such an event.
I can understand though, we live in an emasculated yet oddly hyper-masculine country. It's an idiotic mix that I blame on the 60's and 70's in
addition to the massive influx of single mothers raising men.
Many topics in here, but your premise is really left wanting.