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Mechanics of A Hurricane, Cyclone and Typhoon

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:35 PM
In light of the recent and potential hurricane events at the moment. I thought it may be a good idea to explain how hurricanes form and how they work. Just some information for those who are interested

Some of you may have noticed that all most all the world circular storms beign their life some where within the tropical and occasionally sub tropical areas of the Earth. The main driving factor or energy source that fuels a tropical cyclone/ hurricane, is latent heat released from the condensation of water. The reason for evaporation is mainly due to heating of the ocean from the sun.

Hurricanes and Cyclones can last for days and in some cases months, it all depends on the abundance of warm moist air and water vapour. When that is cut off, (more often than not when landfall is made), the storm begins to decay and lose its structure, eventually dying. You will probably notice that as Gustav crosses land, its winds will drop and it will lose its circular structure and eventually disperse.

Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes are notorius for being erratic and its hard to predict movement. Several factors such as the coriolis effect and also the prsence of moist of being pulled into the system can effect a storms trajectory. In the southern hemisphere, the coriolis effect usually flings storms to the southeast, while in the northern hemisphere, storms are usually flung to the northwest. This is why so many storms cross the coast in the gulf of mexico. It must be noted though, that factors such as wind shear, combined with coriolis can actually work against the storm, and decaying it.

The are several stages that can be noted as a hurricane, cyclone or typhoon is nearing a partuclar location. Sequence is as follows

1. The weather is clear and warm, with light winds from a non typical direction. The reason being, that winds on the outer edges of the storm descned gently compensating for updrafts in the storm

2. The sky becomes overcast with high cirrus bands, or cirrostratus, radiating as arms from the centre of the storm. A slow steady drop in pressure levels, followed by a more quick, sharp drop will be observed. Rain will usually occur

3. The winds will strenghten considerably as the inner core of the storm approaches. Intense showers and large isolated thunderstorms will, reduce visibility and may cause flooding

4.The wind will suddenyl drop to calm and the sky may become clear, or only have high cloud visible, as the eye of the storm passes over the location.

5. As the eye drifts on, the high winds return like the ones experienced before hand, but this time from the opposite direction to those earlier. Rain and thunderstorms resume. At this point, as the eye moves away, the barometer will start to rise slowly, then steeper and quickly

6. The weather eventually clears, the winds die down. Rain may still be around, but usually light and patchy. The barometer returns to a higher pressure as the storm moves on or decays

So thats just some of the basic information on hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones and I will be happy to answer any questions regarding them. There is plenty more in detail information available around to if anyones interested.

Just a final word, Gustav was nothing unusual for this part of the world. Apart from the pacific region, the gulf of Mexico is the most hurricane prone area in the world. Hurricanes have been and will continue to exist in these areas for years to come. All I can say to people in those areas is, dont become complacent in the future

Oh, and no its not weather modification...its normal

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:56 PM
hi Oz,

thank for the thread,

i was wondering what your take on Scott Stevens new research on hurricanes and vortex`s ??

he seems to have found evidence of manipulation.

here is his site:

thanks in advance


[edit on 1-9-2008 by snoopyuk]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by snoopyuk

Well judging by this diagram that dates hurricanes and cyclones back to the 1940's...his research is wrong. Hundreds of hurricanes have been in this area over the last 70 odd years

Can you see the vast amount in of tracks in the gulf of mexico?

Will edit image to make smaller shortly

[edit on 1/9/2008 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Just a final word, Gustav was nothing unusual for this part of the world. Apart from the pacific region, the gulf of Mexico is the most hurricane prone area in the world. Hurricanes have been and will continue to exist in these areas for years to come.

Very true Oz, and thanks for the info. I know a lot of people are not familiar with the mechanics, and you explained them very well.

I still wonder about the possibility of manipulation, not necessarily from the occurrences or the paths, but due to the timing of the hurricanes in relation to political agendas. Mind you, I am not going to say at this point that any storm is or is not controlled to any degree, but I keep an open mind. Information tends to pop up in some of the darnedest places sometimes.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Thankyou redneck, good to see that sanity still exists on some threads

Still a bit dissapointed that the thread hasnt got as much attention as the ones about the hurricanes being man made. I guess people just dont understand or refuse to investigate real meteorology

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman
Sensationalism always tends to trump truth in the public eye.

Still a bump for the thread wouldn't hurt, so here it is.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by OzWeatherman
Sensationalism always tends to trump truth in the public eye.

Still a bump for the thread wouldn't hurt, so here it is.


You're right

Next time I do a thread like this its gonna be entitled hurricanes caused by the rapid approach of Nibiru

If people actually did a little bit or research and stop going to sites like weather wars, who dont have any qualified meteorologists or sever weather experts, or even climatologists, they may actually discover that hurricanes at this time of the year, and in this area are not an uncommon occurence

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Arrgghhh!!!! Just wrote out a long post and lost it .......

So, 'cos I'm lazy, I'll just post the links showing how hurricane formation is controlled by amongst other things:

African Dust Storms

Wind Shear

El Nino

The position of high pressure systems across the Atlantic

Sea surface temps and the track of previous storms

So, to control a hurricane - especially it's strength and timing - we need to first control all of these other things. Effectively, we need to be able to control the entire world's weather and climate.

And if we could do all that, I'm sure we could harness the energy of the hurricane and have limitless free energy - one hurricane alone generates enough energy to power the entire planet.

So I guess that case that the oil cartels would have suppressed any hurricane manipulation technology long ago!

Edit: this site summarises all the ingredients involved in hurricane formation:

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Essan]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Essan
Arrgghhh!!!! Just wrote out a long post and lost it .......

I feel your pain

So, to control a hurricane - especially it's strength and timing - we need to first control all of these other things. Effectively, we need to be able to control the entire world's weather and climate.

Yes! Thats what I have been saying for a long time! Good to get some back up on it!

Thanks for the links, going to check them out

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 12:05 AM
OzWeatherman, thank you for an informative, intelligent thread! With the season really heating up right now, I think it's important people understand the natural forces behind weather. When people choose to remain uninformed, they come up with the silliest ideas I've ever heard.

If I could applaud you I would; since I can't I'll have to settle for a star and a flag and perhaps a virtual cookie.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by anachryon
OzWeatherman, thank you for an informative, intelligent thread! With the season really heating up right now, I think it's important people understand the natural forces behind weather. When people choose to remain uninformed, they come up with the silliest ideas I've ever heard.

If I could applaud you I would; since I can't I'll have to settle for a star and a flag and perhaps a virtual cookie.


If people actually wanted to do some real research they would. I have noticed that none of those creating those threads have come here to debunk the official reason for how hurricanes are created. To me that says that they are uneducated, ignorant, or want conspiracies to so badly be true.

I hope by creating this thread, that fence sitters or those unsure about meteorological phenomen, can become educated

Oh and I will gladly accept that virtual cookie

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:42 PM
I wish people would understand we don't exactly have the ability to control all of the components to a hurricane. Some people just don't seem to understand that. Most of these people who make those claims are ones who do not research weather, or take things on the run.

It's really quite sad, and the fact that you made the move to put them all straight, I'm sure will make them shout bloody murder. But, for them that this is reality, not virtualism.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Oz!! maybe the sane people mostly sift through the noise and just pick out the good signals and don't voice their opinions enough...I would be one of those I guess

I always look for your posts on weather..have for some time actually. Always very informative and quite accurate...much better than the weather channel :p lol

Great posts from all of you actually, keep it up..

and Thank You!! /patontheBack

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by toepick
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Oz!! maybe the sane people mostly sift through the noise and just pick out the good signals and don't voice their opinions enough...I would be one of those I guess

I always look for your posts on weather..have for some time actually. Always very informative and quite accurate...much better than the weather channel :p lol

Great posts from all of you actually, keep it up..

and Thank You!! /patontheBack

Thanks for that

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