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Sarah Palin announces daughter is pregnant

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:45 PM

well its not quite as good as cheyneys daughter coming out the closet to embarass the religous republicans still funny all the same

What excatly do you find 'funny' about it?


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:45 PM
So would this be her first...or second child out of wedlock?

Yes I know she is marrying the father but I have no doubt her mother is pushing for that for her own political image.

None of this really matters to me because I know the perfect conservative family structure we see on display is far from the immaculate family values model we are scolded for not emulating. It is so hypocritical.

As much as they love to build up the opposite visage, conservative politicians usually end up secretly living out or in the liberal lifestyles they condemn. The facade is for the voters that want to believe in it.

If I ever look down and see a polished shoe slip under my stall and tap against my foot I won't be thinking "liberals" or "conservatives" but "humans".

- Lee

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Sometimes it just seems as if it is too much to handle. I mean, this entire process is a joke. It is hard to make sense of who has done what. What with spin, counterspin, lie, repeat... eh, I jumped on her without thinking it through. I apologize.

Sorry I didn't acknowledge this the first time you said it. You have earned a great deal of respect in my eyes!


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
Guys, I did recant my positions. If you want to continue to degrade me for what I admitted was wrong, by all means.

Sometimes it just seems as if it is too much to handle. I mean, this entire process is a joke. It is hard to make sense of who has done what. What with spin, counterspin, lie, repeat... eh, I jumped on her without thinking it through. I apologize.

Props to you Jay. I understand your mixed feelings, and I feel them too. I don't know what or who to believe and it becomes so frustrating when I see truth, half-truths, and lies perpetrated by all sides within our government continuously.

I know it is also hard to admit we're wrong. I definitely recognize this admittance by you and accept your apology. Thanks for being truthful with your feelings.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma
So would this be her first...or second child out of wedlock?

Yes I know she is marrying the father but I have no doubt her mother is pushing for that for her own political image.

None of this really matters to me because I know the perfect conservative family structure we see on display is far from the immaculate family values model we are scolded for not emulating. It is so hypocritical.

As much as they love to build up the opposite visage, conservative politicians usually end up secretly living out or in the liberal lifestyles they condemn. The facade is for the voters that want to believe in it.

If I ever look down and see a polished shoe slip under my stall and tap against my foot I won't be thinking "liberals" or "conservatives" but "humans".

- Lee

First, trig was born 4 months ago and Bristol is currently 5 months pregnant. It would have been impossible for her to have had Trig.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
well its not quite as good as cheyneys daughter coming out the closet to embarass the religous republicans still funny all the same.

Yeti, What exactly is funny about it? The fact that something as private as a family issue (pregnancy, illness, etc...) gets played out in the press? Is that funny?

Or is it funny that the Palins probably knew well in advance there was a high probability of their 5th child being born wtih a birth defect and tried to keep a personal matter private?

Or do you find it funny that faced with this fact, the Palins decided to give the gift of life, when so many "pro-choicers" would most definately have chosen abortion to avoid the challenge?

I've got a sense of humor as big as the all outdoors my friend, but help me to understand what is "funny" about any of it?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:51 PM
the thing i don't get is this, people claim her daughter was pregnant and had a child but she covered it up and this is supposed to be a smear campaign, yet her daughter actually being pregnant is announced to counteract that claim and everybody says shame on the liberals for dragging her daughter into it, and it now okay for her 17yo daughter to be up the stick.

thats classic spin, the truth is probably that her camp started the first rumour so that the family would come out looking like the victim when it was discovered her teenage daughter was an unmarried mother.


i should just mention that i'm not from the us and don't have any particular political opinion on this, i think obamas probably better than mccain, but i'm don't really care that much.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by pieman]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Jemison

that it will embarass the religous right of the republican party.

p.s why the rush to get married ? that wouldnt be politically motivated would it? personally i think it is and it puts more pressure on the couple who will have enough to deal with.

is palin acting in the best interests of her child or her political party?

[edit on 1-9-2008 by yeti101]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by pieman
the thing i don't get is this, people claim her daughter was pregnant and had a child but she covered it up and this is supposed to be a smear campaign, yet her daughter actually being pregnant is announced to counteract that claim and everybody says shame on the liberals for dragging her daughter into it, and it now okay for her 17yo daughter to be up the stick.

thats classic spin, the truth is probably that her camp started the first rumour so that the family would come out looking like the victim when it was discovered her teenage daughter was an unmarried mother.


i should just mention that i'm not from the us and don't have any particular political opinion on this, i think obamas probably better than mccain, but i'm don't really care that much.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by pieman]

Wow, if you genuinely feel this way, you are on the right website for sure! And so that this is not a one line post....

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:58 PM

I spent all day yesterday reading the posts on blogs by the hundreds, I never knew people could be so mean.

Plus read the Hillary Clinton forum.

anyway I am NOT an Obama supporter and I did stick to what I thought were issues, which as a matter of fact, every issue I posted on Ayes or Obama's connection to dirty Chicago politicians were considered a non issue.

It is a lose, lose situation.

I would not however drag his children into it.

A politician puts themself under Scrutiny when they decide to run, that is the price you pay.

[edit on 023030p://bMonday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:58 PM
First of all, I'm a proud member of the Republican party and I am not 'embarrassed' by this.

Second, you seem to be implying that Palin is forcing her daughter to get married. How do you know that her daughter didn't make up her own mind about getting married before she even told her mother that she was pregnant?

Would you like this kind of talk going on about YOUR daughter? I think it's really sick and wrong.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Here we go I am done I am not going to post any more on this issue,

I am left speechless, at some of the comments,

I give up, Spin away.

[edit on 023030p://bMonday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by pieman

Very Savy... The daughter happens to be 5 months pregnant, her 'brother' is 4 months and change.

There is one very important problem with the 17 year old being pregnant for 5 months. When is her birthday? In the reports that she was Trig's mother stated that she was 16. Either way, if the father is over 18, and she was 16 when she conceived, I believe under Alaska State law, the father would have committed a crime.

I don't know how much I want to feed in the so called 'liberal smears'
(what if it is just a case of the Base vetting the choice better than McCain?)

But the only young male on the internet* with the first name 'Levi' from Wasilla AK is a 21 year old. I make no claim that this Levi is Bristol's 'baby daddy'....

Could be...

*Edit to say, the 'only young male on the internet that I could find'

[edit on 1/9/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:02 PM
Maybe you would have to live in the Bible Belt to get this. I think the daughter's pregnancy is going to upset the one group that Bush pandered to so much: the right wing, fundamentalist Christians. They think women should stay home and take care of the children and serve the husband. Now, the unwed daughter is pregnant?! Oh my!! They are going to accuse Palin of neglecting her family while being in office. That will be the reason why her daughter is pregnant.

Classic quote from a fundamentalist PHYSICIAN I worked with: "Hillary is just a full-blown lesbian. If she was a real woman, she'd be at home."

Disclaimer: This is NOT the way I think, but is not uncommon my area of Texas.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Lookingup]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:02 PM


GREAT FIND!!!! Thank you for the link!


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by Jemison

that it will embarass the religous right of the republican party.

p.s why the rush to get married ? that wouldnt be politically motivated would it? personally i think it is and it puts more pressure on the couple who will have enough to deal with.

is palin acting in the best interests of her child or her political party?
[edit on 1-9-2008 by yeti101]

I can't speak for the Palins, but my brother, sisters and I were raised Roman Catholic. When my sister came home pregnant from catholic school is was customary at the time to get married before the child was born. Perhaps that's why the young Palin girl is getting married, it may actually have nothing to do with politics. But then again this is a conspiracy site and I guess it's a whole lot more fun to put a conspirital spin on it.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Wow! Thanks for that pointer, StormDancer. Once again, LGF does the job most Americans don't want to do.

This could be devastating for Obama. He learned politics the Chicago way and he lives politics the Chicago way. If that's the hill he wants to die on then so be it.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by pieman

May I remind you that Barack Obama's own mother married his father after she'd become pregnant with him?

No cover-up is or was ever desirable or neccessary.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Lookingup
Maybe you would have to live in the Bible Belt to get this. I think the daughter's pregnancy is going to upset the one group that Bush pandered to so much: the right wing, fundamentalist Christians. They think women should stay home and take care of the children and serve the husband. Now, the unwed daughter is pregnant?! Oh my!! They are going to accuse Palin of neglecting her family while being in office. That will be the reason why her daughter is pregnant.

Classic quote from a fundamentalist PHYSICIAN I worked with: "Hillary is just a full-blown lesbian. If she was a real woman, she'd be at home."

Disclaimer: This is NOT the way I think, but is not uncommon my area of Texas.

I have heard versions this opinion alot here lately. I don't know your def. of fundamentalist Christians, but freinds I have who read the Bible, pray and regularly attend church would disagree. While this may have occurred 20 or 30 years ago, there has been a significant shift from judgement and condemnation to compassion and love. I only represent a tiny segment, I know, but thats how I see it.

Its easy to sit back and say you hypocrite and condemn some one for their failures. Yea, they may have preached agianst it and deserve the label, but what have you really accomplished?

It sure takes away any motivation to set a high goals and standards.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Something Aweful forums,


So it's pretty clear that the Democratic Party (headed by Obama) aren't going to get their hands dirty with the same low blows and smear campaigns that the GOP will use. I propose that we change this, and start by focusing on Palin.

I propose we create an effective chain email with the following smear:

1. Palin's latest child was actually her daughter's (see the other LF thread).
2. Palin pretended the child was her own to hide a terrible secret.
3. The father of the child was her son.
3. a. This is why the child ended up with Down's Syndrome.
3. b. This is why her son shipped off to Iraq.

I'm not good at writing believably stupid smear letters, but LF is just brimming with talent, so let's get started.

Other smears (true or not) are welcome in this thread, as is evidence that contributes to making the emails more convincing.

Time to troll an election.

Edit: First Chain Letter

Teger posted:
The Truth about Palin!!

I just heard tonight about Mccain picking Palin and i was shocked!!!! I can't believe he'd do this to our party! Palin and her family are liars and sinners and I have proof. A few months ago I was visting my friend in anchorage, Katie, and she was telling me about this huge scandal with the governor (palin) that was being kept under wraps. Katie's mom is part of the cleaning crew that picsk up after Palin. ANyway, apparently, Palin's daughter SLEPT with her BROTHER (eww gross) and got pregnant. The mom was so ashamed she had to cover it up by claiming the baby was her own!!! Look at these pictures of her at 7 mos, heh, shes not 7 mos!! That's why the baby was born with Downs syndrome, God was punishing them for their incest. Then, palin shipped her OWN SON off to Iraq to make sure the word didn't get out.

I can 't believe people are thikning about supporting this awful woman!!!

Please, get the word out.

A Concerned Mother

Mail it out. We'll follow up with better-constructed letters later, and then start producing citations and sources once the whisper campaign gets going.

Edit: Someone else is thinking alike.

Barack Pwnbama posted:
FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD: ----V.P. Pick Palin Participates in Porno Production----

WARNING -- images in this email may offend the sensitive, please also do not let your kids see this FILTH

I am totally disgusted with John Mccain and the republican party... Just a few days ago Senator McCain picked the governor of Alaska Sarah Palin as his running mate. At first she seemed like a perfect pick for VP but it turns out she has hidden a dark secret from McCain!

Back in 1987 when she was just 23 years old, she participated (STARRED IN!!) a filthy PORNO MOVIE! Images in this EMAIL prove it! Less than a year after taking part in this horrible FILTH, this little TRAMP marries a man who has no knowledge of her REPULSIVE PAST!!!

John McCain has been hoodwinked by his choice of vice President! This raises some very serious questions about Sarah Palin and she needs to own up and tell the truth! Why should we trust a TRAMP who lied about her past to John McCain to act professionally as a V.P.??? John McCain has had the wool pulled over his eyes by Sarah Palin!!! Tell John McCain to get rid of her, we don't want a PORNO STAR in our White House!

If you do not believe this, please view the images attached to this email. WARNING do not let your children see this images, and delete them off of your computer as soon as you view them. This images were viewed and analyzed and enhanced by professionals, and they CONCLUDE without a doubt that this is Sarah Palin!

Palin, a porno STAR in our nation's white house? What message will this be sending your children?

qoutes from another forum, I don't know if I am allowed but here is just one of many

[edit on 023030p://bMonday2008 by Stormdancer777]

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