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Sarah Palin announces daughter is pregnant

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by undo

I don't need to go through Gov.Palin personal and family relations and history to know that, I myself was raised along with 2 brothers and 2 sisters in a drug and crime infested neighborhood in a small town in the island of Puerto Rico and I know first hand how hard my parents fought to make sure we grew up to be succesful, good and moral human beings. Every time that the thought of doing something irresponsible cross my head even now I still think about how I'm going to have to explain my actions to my parents.And living in the mainland for about 5 years I can tell that's also the norm rather than the rule, you don't hear about girls or boys that don't succumb to early pregnancies because that's the norm rather than the rule.

If you don't believe me just check the stats, teen pregnancies are at their lowest levels in decades.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Bunch]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Bunch
reply to post by Jemison

I highly doubt that that BABYGATE would cause that McCain would ask her to drop out either publicly or privately he would look even more incompetent, his credibility would be damage more than it already is, and his blatant lack of judgement exposed beyond any doubt.

McCain made this situation foe himself, he let his political ambitions get the best of him, I am so down in McCain right now, so dissapointed, I was a supporter of him during the Straight Talk Express and to see how much he has change since then is just sad.

Can you imaging how easy it would had been to pick Romney, Ridge... Jeez even Guliani with all his baggage would have made this look as a safe pick. What about the governor from Lousiana, you saw him on TV all this weekend, picking him too would have been of great impact.

All we have now is Days of our Lives- Alaska Edition

Once "babygate" as you call it (I like that!) has died down, I think we all might be surprised at what a GOOD choice Sarah Palin really is. It is far better to get all of this stuff out of the way than to have it come out in Oct.

If Palin doesn't drop out, I predict that by the time the Republican Convention is over, everyone will be tired of Bristol's pregnancy AND the crazy rumors about trig, and once again, both sides will move on to the actual issues!


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Bunch

where are they the lowest levels in decades?
i'm confused.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

That was exactly my response when I heard the news break yesterday on CNN, I sat stunned for a half second and then out of nowhere I just started laughing hysterically and could not stop. Calling this whole farce of a process a "3 ring circus" is absolutely correct. The whole damn thing feels staged and rehearsed... I truly feel McCain and the puppet masters are purposefully handing the election to Obama, like it's all a smoke screen.
Someone on this board mentioned the "bad cop/good cop" political play and I am seriously starting to take great interest in that theory. The "bad cop" being the repubslicans and now the "good cop" the democrats will come in and fix the mess and everyone is happy but what we don't realize is that in the end the "bad cop/good cop" is the same, the puppet masters.

As for the other Enquirer headline screaming topic about the baby being the daughter's, I know Palin came out with the "truth" but it still smells fishy to me and it is not too far fetched since it was a plot line on a top rated sitcom last season... and we all know how much we love our sitcom's!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by undo
where are they the lowest levels in decades?
i'm confused.

Can't you do your own research. There is this thing on the internet called
"google" use it and perhaps you won't be quite so confused!!

[edit on 2-9-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

I know Palin came out with the "truth" but it still smells fishy to me and it is not too far fetched since it was a plot line on a top rated sitcom last season... and we all know how much we love our sitcom's!

Are you referring to Desperate Housewives or was there another one with that plot?

I'm still confused on how people can believe that Bristol gave birth to Trig in mid April but is currently 5 months pregnant meaning that she had to have conceived in March. If that's true, that can be a sitcom of it's own!


PS. George Clooney's Dad, Nick Clooney, who is a journalist was just on Neil Cavuto having a fit that people are even discussing Bristols pregnancy ... the truth AND the rumors.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
[I'm still confused on how people can believe that Bristol gave birth to Trig in mid April but is currently 5 months pregnant meaning that she had to have conceived in March. If that's true, that can be a sitcom of it's own!


Jemison I don't think it is a math problem. I think you are misunderstanding... they think she is lying. I don't think she is lying but the whole event does seem contrived to me.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:39 PM

Jemison I don't think it is a math problem. I think you are misunderstanding... they think she is lying. I don't think she is lying but the whole event does seem contrived to me.

What exactly do they think she is lying about? Do they believe that Bristol is NOT currently pregnant?

I realize you said that YOU don't think she is lying but thought you might be able to shed some light.

I guess Obama isn't as powerful as he thinks he is ... he asked that people stop the vicious smears and yet, on they go!


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Jemison

She could be just 3 or 4 months pregnant.

I believe the expression is "Irish twins" meaning she was impregnated again very soon after giving birth.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by whaaa

i didn't know what area of the world you were addressing.
you mentioned puerto rico and that's it. please don't be snide.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by undo]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:17 PM
I wasn't sure what you referring to as well. Are you aware that the article you sited(below) is dated December 2006?


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Here's a more current report.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:40 PM
While that report was written more recently, I believe that it has the same information.

I'm probably missing something but at first glance it looks as if the most recent data is from 2002.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by undo

........ and Jemison.....

I was the one that made the original remark about that you should check the STATS, unfortunately I had a typo and it read STATE so I have corrected it. The link below is the report that I was refering and the last update was made in 2006.

This is why I believe that the claims that republican religious conservatives and other talking heads that this issue proves that Palin is part of "REAL AMERICA" is preposterous borderline in the ridiculous, a fallacy and irresponsible spin that sends the wrong message to many parents and youngsters

ITS NEVER GOOD for teenagers to have kids, is never good for the family, for the parents, for the kids and siblings if there is any. And to try to use this situation to portray her as a REAL AMERICAN because her failure as a mother resulted in her daughter been pregnant is just completely atrocious and intellectually dishonest.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Bunch]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
I believe the expression is "Irish twins" meaning she was impregnated again very soon after giving birth.

Yeah the Irish may have been into that, but I doubt a 17 year old unwed girl would jump right out of the hospital and get started on round two! Ugh.

Though TMZ just came up with an interesting tidbit (apologies if this has been mentioned before). Apparently the "groom" has a myspace page saying he does not want kids.

Wow...are they even trying to control damage? That was a messy slip-up indeed.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Bunch

well my mom was a democrat but she was a fundie too. bible thumping, old fashioned, dyed in the wool, christian. i got birth control pills as a single woman although i never did use them, because i couldn't bring myself to disappoint her on that. she had warned me repeatedly how dangerous it was, and showed me examples in real life that drove home the point. so i think the most certain way, is to do a thorough job of explaining it to your kids. i repeated it with my own including my sons. so far, so good.
what i told them was -- do NOT impregnate or seek to impregnate a woman/girl unless you are ready to marry her, because:

1) it's a loaded weapon. think of it that way.
2) you could potentially ruin both your lives or create a situation that will slow your forward progress so dramatically, it will take a great deal of additional effort to rise above it
3) you risk her life the moment you impregnate her because delivering children is dangerous for the mother. (Example given, we lost a beautiful adopted native american niece on hubby's side of the family when a one night fling ended in her being pregnant, and him not wanting the baby. she gave birth anyway but died during c-section when amniotic fluid got into her bloodstream).
4) you'll put her and her family in the uncomfortable position of trying to figure out how to resolve it, which can have very many negative ramifications.
5) she'll be stuck between deciding life and death decisions and that's not what you want to do to someone you like or love unless you are married to the person and have their vows as confirmation of their willingness to work to raise any subsequent children.
6) even if you use birth control, if either of you have an STD, it'll get passed on, and will negatively impact not only that person's life but the lives of their future children


i made sure they realized how selfish and self-centered it was to even consider having sex with someone that wasn't willing to marry them or they weren't willing to marry first. got no business doing the wild thang with people you don't intend to be with for the rest of your life. and if you intend to be with them for the rest of your life, you better make darn well sure that's who you want to marry. these easy come, easy go marriages we see now days is a disgrace on all of us, including christians.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by undo

And your post is the story of REAL AMERICA when it comes to parents and raising their children. This stuff about how REAL she is because she has an unwed teenage daughter getting pregnant is just as low as it gets, disingenuous and irresponsible, a slap in the face to all parents that have busted their rear ends to make sure their sons and daughters make responsible choices.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Bunch

well our adopted native american niece didn't make a responsible choice but she had a responsible mom. she wasn't sexually active before that night, so the idea of birth control hadn't been an issue. it was just one of those things that sometimes happen and ended very sadly, although the baby survived and was adopted by the girl's mom and dad. he's very cute and has his mom's native american features.

there were many warnings mom gave me that i didn't listen to, i just listened to that one. another child might not listen to that one, but would listen to another. every child is unique. i don't think you can assume this proves she's a bad mom. our culture is so freakin' sex crazed, the bulk of the issue is more of an indicator of the state of our culture than the state of any one person's motherhood.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:43 PM

Though TMZ just came up with an interesting tidbit (apologies if this has been mentioned before). Apparently the "groom" has a myspace page saying he does not want kids.

If I'm not mistaken I believe that his myspace page had not been updated for a year. But even if it had been updated since then, generally one doesn't edit that particular area of their profile on a regular basis.

I'm not surprised that a 17 year old (assuming he registered his myspace page a year ago) would list 'doesn't want kids' on a myspace page. My husband vowed he would never have children until he met me. People he grew up with, including his own family, are STILL shocked that we had not one, not two, but FOUR children in just 3 1/2 years.

Also, thinking you DONT want children and then facing the reality that you have created life has a tendency to make you change your mind ... or at least it does if you are on the fence or of the mindset that creation begins at conception.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:00 PM
People, we are willing participants in the ELECTION RATMAZE! Please get off of the goddamned personal issues and look at the substance of this election. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....

Yes, I jumped on Palin. I was misled. By whom, I'm still not sure. But the point remains. Whether it was Barrack's side or McCain's side, it doesn't matter. BOTH OF THEM are laughing their arses off right now. This is how they want this to work.

How about the abuse of office by Palin and the RNP's delayment of investigation into the matter? SUBPEONAS are being threatened against Palin!

People need to wake the hell up and realize this for what it is... BOTH SIDES are playing this politics as usual. I would expect a place like ATS to deny ignorance (hence the motto)... But it seems that this is only applicable until talking election points come along... I said VERY EARLY in this thread that I would recant my bias IN THE HOPES THAT THIS DEBATE CAN MOVE BEYOND THIS CRAP!... I did not mean I would shut my mouth on the issue, only that I was willing to shut the hell up and hopefully avoid the biased arguments!
Poverty tax, abuse of office, war mongering, abolishment of the 2nd amendment right to bear arms, freedom of speech (including the right to peacefully assemble in protest IN A PLACE THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR CAUSE vs. being locked in a makeshift detainment camp).... THESE are the issues that need to be discussed that I can see and I'm sure there are many others. Both sides are at fault and WE need to fix them! OUTSOURCING OF JOBS (Palin outsourced the construction of a 26BILLION dollar Alaskan pipeline.)... Siding with the EU model of business which is leading us into war after war after war because the Arab league isn't having our involvement and dropping our securities!!!! THIS IS THE PROBLEM... NOT a pregnant 17 year old... WAKE,T,F,UP!

This crap is making me sick to my stomach... I can turn on CNN and see these agruments....

This website, right now, is a disinfo haven.

Editing to make clear that disinformation CAN BE completely unintentional. I'm not alleging that any particular person is engaged in a deliberate disinfo campaign. Just that EVERYONE is acting like a goddamned puppet.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

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