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Obama Supporters Laugh About Gustav Hitting New Orleans

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posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ClintK
the Republicans were foolish (stupid?) enough to schedule their convention during the height of hurricane season (it peaks on September 10) in a city quite susceptible to being hit by a hurricane.

The Republicans did NOT schedule their convention in New Orleans.
You are off by at least a 1,000 miles, is my guess.
Who is foolish (stupid?) now?

I mean, c'mon, what were they thinking? I'd be laughing at the dems if they did the same thing. I think they deserve to be laughed at.

The DEMs scheduled their convention just last week.
It was ALSO scheduled during hurricane season.
So I guess you'll be laughing at them as well?


You must live here. My post was up for about 100 seconds before I realized my mistake and deleted it. Get a life.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:35 PM
This is why I love ATS

You guys have effectively exposed BOTH the left and right as scumbags.

Bravo. Now that you guys have exposed BOTH SIDES as total maniacs, we need to start voting independant and get rid of the 2 partys that are destroying this nation.

Good thread, starred and flagged. Good work everyone who posted videos etc, despite you guys are fighting a partisan battle agianst each other, the fact remains

Collectively, in your fight to expose each other. Both sides have been Exposed. two thumbs up

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Alethia

What they DO say is that it is funny how a hurricane is going to be hitting New Orleans at the same time as the Republican convention, when the Republican response to the last hurricane to hit New Orleans (Katrina) was and continues to be appalling. They find the irony of this funny because it was the effects of Katrina which showed the Republicans for what they really were and turned the tide in this country for many against Republicans.

Really Alethia? It was the Republican's dismal response? Are you sure...

"Senators chastise La. governor over poor Katrina evacuation plans
Senators needled Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco (a Democrat) today over state evacuation plans that left sick and elderly patients in nursing homes as Hurricane Katrina bore down on the Gulf Coast".

Or maybe this one is more appropriate?

"Which politician emerged from the mess of Katrina as the biggest bonehead involved? No, it's not Michael Brown, George W. Bush, or even the bumbling Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco.

The clear winner is New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (a democrat), who made every conceivable mistake during the crisis. With plenty of warning, he delayed the evacuation order, had no drivers ready to operate the school buses that stood idle, failed to stock the Superdome with food and water, and let the looters rampage without any interference from police".

That's right, the two biggest "losers" in the Katrina debacle were in fact Dems! But don't let a little thing like history get in the way of your "Bush Derangement Syndrome".

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by TheRooster

Excellent, remember, Nagin was a Comcast exec before becoming Mayor....enough said ? (for those of you that are Comcast customers)

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
This is why I love ATS

You guys have effectively exposed BOTH the left and right as scumbags.

Bravo. Now that you guys have exposed BOTH SIDES as total maniacs, we need to start voting independant and get rid of the 2 partys that are destroying this nation.

Good thread, starred and flagged. Good work everyone who posted videos etc, despite you guys are fighting a partisan battle agianst each other, the fact remains

Collectively, in your fight to expose each other. Both sides have been Exposed. two thumbs up

MF I second this motion, until we abolish the 2 party system in this country we shall remain divided, Red vs Blue.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by jamie83

Jamie reminds me of those teachers everyone hated growing up. The ones that get all serious and stop playing games suddenly to support their own means. I honestly find it so ridiculous to the extent I had a chuckle about it. You obviously fail to see it had everything to do with the republican convention. You do see the irony don't you? Or are you that serious?

[edit on 31-8-2008 by SkepticalSteve]

[edit on 31-8-2008 by SkepticalSteve]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:25 PM
I think it would be wonderful if Barack Obama could go down to those areas effected by Gustaf, and utilize some of his community organizer skills.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

I'm sure he would be able to do that. He might even help with the heavy lifting. I'm sure McCain would if his back wouldn't break.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:35 PM
This thread makes me sick, people here bickering and throwing insults at each other, over who's party is most 'evil' or who deserves the blame for what happened in Katrina.

The truth remains, there are really people, with many different beleifs and mindsets (just like us) caught up in Gustav.

TheRooster and muffleflash, I could not agree with you guys more. BOTH parties do not give a damn about us, but they can only keep screwing us and this country over, if they keep us divided. If people even here at ATS, cannot see that, then the country is definitely doomed.

We can't keep divided over those stupid little things the politicians keep us seperated with (abortion, gun rights, etc), that is what they want.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:37 PM
I know a Republican who laughed when his neighbor's cat was run over. Should I make a thread about that?

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

a bit off topic, but, how about one term limits for EVERY elected position?

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by SkepticalSteve
reply to post by LLoyd45

I'm sure he would be able to do that. He might even help with the heavy lifting. I'm sure McCain would if his back wouldn't break.
I just heard on the news, Barack has no plans to go down there.. apparently his personal entourage is too large and would get in the way.. I guess he's going to play it safe and lend his support from afar.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:43 PM
The Liberal Elite (Obama) etc. believe the world can be a Utopia. The world can never be a Utopia (with himself in control of everyone, of course). While an enemy pretends to "pose as a friend but be a spy" will only result in ever-expanding hidden agendas for power and wealth over other people.

When these hidden agenda's come to the forefront, that is when people realize they were "stabbed in the back" or led to believe something false in order to benefit the deceiver.

Only people that have fought for something worth fighting for, understand that is worth holding onto.

I live in area with a large Native American population. These are the people that are the most patriotic to America (at least from what I see). You'll always see them wearing the American Flag shirts - the 9/11 etc.

They put up a helluva fight for America the first time (when they had it). Now who is going to do it this time? Instead of selling us out for a New World Order that will only result in WWIII?

The decisions we make now are going to be the most important, probably more than any other time in history in terms of the ramifications.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by argentus
I think it's a huge and false stretch to apply what Mr. Fowler said to the entire Democratic party. You might as well try to pose his statements as representing all men, or all caucasians....... it would be equally misleading.

A star for you.

It really is sad to see people grasping at straws to slam an entire demographic over the words of a few fools (Fowler & Moore). The same people cry foul (as they should) when people try to equate the opinions of Bush & Co. to that of "all conservatives", yet they pull the same hypocritical stunts with what is occuring in this thread. Not to mention, as BH pointed out, Fowler supported Hillary, not Obama.

Originally posted by Jemison
Surely you are aware that there is a MAJOR difference between 'torrential rain' and a hurricaine, aren't you? It should go without saying that one is simply an inconvenince while the other poses serious threats to life and property.

So those that lost their lives, and property, in the recent Midwest floods were merely the victims of an "inconvenince"? Are you prepared to tell the victim's families that what they experienced wasn't really a "serious threat"? Your dismissive attitude is extremely insensative, and quite deplorable, in light of the recent national disaster experienced there in Iowa and the surrounding areas.

[edit on 8/31/08 by redmage]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by habu71

I could agree with that idea. At the same time though, this was why each potential president could only get a meximum of 8 years in office. Whoever made this decisions probably figured that this was short enough time, that not too much damage could be done.

Kind of how the 'Masons' I think, have a rule of only one year per leader. To keep their traditions from changing over the years.


[edit on 31-8-2008 by LostNemesis]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
I know a Republican who laughed when his neighbor's cat was run over. Should I make a thread about that?

I believe Wiggin has one already over in skunkworks, but if you want to start another one that's cool

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:54 PM
I think the title is severely misleading. Saying "Obama supporters laugh about Gustav" is like generalizing EVERY Obama supporter for the actions of the few. It should say "Don Fowler and friends laugh about Gustav". I'm not an Obama supporter, but it isn't fair to generalize all Obama supporters like this.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Yeah let's just all not vote and go attack the White House!!! Another brilliant idea
All these "radicals" are the same.

[edit on 31-8-2008 by SkepticalSteve]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:58 PM

Yeah let's just all not vote and go attack the White House!!! Another brilliant idea All these "radicals" are the same.

Well, Obama's longtime friend William Ayer's did just that, except it was the Capitol.

The best way to keep America from becoming a Marxist society is to keep Obama out of office. If you want as much Democracy as possible, then keep Obama out of office.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Personally I have my own reasons and agenda to keep people away from Democracy. So yeah, I think I will vote Obama! Not that I wouldn't for other reasons.

Let's see number one being the destruction of planet Earth.

[edit on 31-8-2008 by SkepticalSteve]

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