In all seriousness here ..I am a Evangelical somewhat conservative Republican ....but I would prefer a New Age world order ..than a Extreme Religious
right NWO ...the reason why is that the Dominionists believe they need to RULE this world with a ROD OF IRON .(which is why they will for sure round
up people and put them in jail and possibly even kill them) ..and I believe it is them who will bring on the death of many real true believers in
Christ .Along with many agnostics,Athiests etc And they will also use FORCE (thats what their agenda is) to make us all obey their commands ..
[[["Dominionists teach that men can be coerced or compelled to enter the kingdom. They assign to the Church duties and rights that belong
Scripturally only to Jesus Christ. This includes the esoteric belief that believers can "incarnate" Christ and function as His body on Earth to
establish His kingdom rule. An inordinate emphasis is placed on man's efforts; the doctrine of the sovereignty of God is diminished]]]]
Wolves in Sheeps clothing is what they are .
At least the New Agers are only threating us with being taken out by aliens >(although they are converging slowly with this bunch too ..and will also
be used for the purposes of the AC)
I am more concerned with what man in Gov is doing now than what Aliens may have in mind for us (especially since there is no real proof that aliens
even exist) ......the people in our Gov DO EXIST and are in the here and now ...and are already bringing in their Extreme Agenda (Bush says he wants
to KILL ALL EVIL DOERS) ....who are the evil doers in the eyes of the Dominionists ? Any and all who do not agree with what they have planned.
I truly believe that the AC will certainly use the Domminionst agenda as his way of bringing in his rule ..
[[ Dominionism goes global
Since the latter half of the 1990s the three major dominionists sects have openly converged into an ecumenical force. These three branches of
dominionism are linked historically at many levels, and there is solid documentation to support the idea that the current convergence was planned and
While Leftists focused their attentions on political dominionists in American politics and what was going on in Iraq, the three movements went
global. This new confederation of dominionists has been rapidly advancing its kingdom across the globe through “economic, social, political and
spiritual transformation.”18 To achieve this paradigm shift, the global dominionists have employed sophisticated psycho-social methodologies,
statistical research, socio-economic development tools, marketing research, strategic planning, assessments, databanking and monitoring, and technical
assistance. They are also aggressively forming alliances with national and international governments, corporations, individuals, private agencies,
philanthropic groups and other entities. Below are some key examples of this rapid convergence around a global kingdom worldview.]]]]
This is serious stuff yall not just blow it off as BS ...I can see clearly that this is what is happening and many are not aware of it because it
is now so wide spread in Christian circles (Of course many of them do not even know whats going on either) they just think it sounds good why not
.....thats the scary part sounds great but it isnt ..there is a really evil agenda using the sheep to bring it on ..
[[PATRIOTIC AMERICAN movement: Patriotic dominionists, most of whom are not Reconstructionists, teach that political action will advance the kingdom
of God in America. Using the vehicle of Christian media, they have taught evangelicals for the past three decades that America is a Christian nation
and needs to return to its roots. Almost every evangelical in the pew has been influenced in one way or another by this sect. Patriotic dominionist
leaders and their organizations have been closely interlocked financially and politically with the conservatives from the political Right. The secular
conservatives purport to uphold morality, which appeals to evangelicals. The combined force of conservatives and evangelicals flexes its political
muscles in Washington.]]
AntiChrist can mean IN PLACE OF or Against Christ ..
In this case with the Dominionists they are IN PLACE OF Christ (or so they say and think) ...
[[Kingdom Now Theology
Renewal and Revival Movements (Modern)
We can sum up the Latter Rain or Dominion teaching this way:
* the Church must be restored and equipped to rule by the five-fold ministries.
* it must come to perfection and complete visible UNITY.
* out of the purified church will come a spiritual elite corps, a Corporate Christ who possess the
* Spirit without measure
* they will purge the earth of all wickedness and rebellion
* they will judge the apostate Church
* they will redeem all creation, and restore the earth
* they will eventually overcome death itself in a counterfeit of the Rapture
* the Church will thus inherit the earth, and rule over it from the Throne of Christ. ]
Look I am really sorry if this sounds scary and some of you may think that I am fear mongering ..
I assure you that I am not trying to cause fear ..just awakening to what is really going down ..things just are not as they APPEAR to be ....
I am not saying whether Palin is a part of this or not because I dont know .
I am really just hopeing and praying that everyone will at least pay attention and not just dismiss something because you LOVE HER >..or because you
want her to be our VP ....the devil can be as an ANGEL OF LIGHT too just be aware .....
[edit on 28-9-2008 by Simplynoone]