Hi I just noticed this and thought it coincidental that I find a link to numbers being displayed just after submitting a post earlier today on 311
being seen.
Anyways, I don't think it coincidence really, if you by a VW Rabbit your going to notice all the bugs on the road. I did when I bought my truck.
Then I noticed everyone that drove by. Its human nature and part of the unconscious.
I shared this in the other thread and thought that it pertains here also...
I lost my mother, father and brother within a year...
I usually look at the clock and see 911, 912 1002 716 I wake at these times also.
Every day at 9:11 I remember the 3000 plus people killed by the U.S. Gov. which I responded to on that day.
Every day at 9:12 I remember my brother Sep 12
Every day at 10:02 I remember my mother Oct 02
and Every day at 7:16 I remember my father. Jul 16
Even if I don't see the clock saying this time I will link the fact that it is "only 5mins away". This is something that more people are
experiencing because of the 911 significance.... it was first drilled into us using the 911 emergency number. Then came the big day.... that really
drilled it into the unconscious minds of people and I think explains why I see the others too.
Someone frequently seeing 311 might be from Spain; Madrid bombing.
I must also say that I also see 1:23 12:34 23:45 and other numbers that have some type of significance to and numeric reference... I think once you
find it easy to see three or more then the brain finds it easy to associate these small bits of data with so much information. I mean look at the
emotions and feelings that are brought back when you see some of these numbers.
The media is constantly programming us with embedded links to condition us and have us feel a certain way. 911 instills fear and makes us willing to
give up that which we hold dear. Our freedom. 311 does the same. 77 is another for Britains.
I believe that the media are using these
anchors to get the most
impact from their daily terrorist threats.
The mind is a miraculous computer, they know the programming and can insert viruses. Watch your computer... if you know what the programming code is
you can see the virus coming.
Just my 2cents...
[edit on 11-1-2009 by AllTiedTogether]