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Evidence Of Human ETs!

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posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
My feeling here is that if we have extra terrestrial origins, it will show on a soul level and not a biological level, for reasons logically explained above. I have met many people who have awareness or memories of other worlds, in a way that's similar to terrestrial past life recall, and as much as it scares me silly, I have vague memories of the same...unformed and not explored as yet, but definitely there. [edit on 30-8-2008 by caitlinfae]

Yeah I think thats very possible. I personally believe in reincarnation and souls. This is because I've looked into studies of children reporting previous lives and near-death experience studies and I think the reincarnation hypothesis best fits the evidence. I'll link some of that if anyone is interested?

Here's the lecture given by James Gilliland where he mentions that we are an assortment of different ET races.

It's quite possible that he meant what you said, Cait. I'll have another look. He does say that he was one of the Sirian Lion people in a previous life so yeah he might mean that for Earth people in general. Quite possible I reckon.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by Space_Ed

Who says you HAVE to make your mind up?

Making a decision before you have firm proof either way for just the sake of establishing one belief or another is silly.

Wisdom is admitting that you don't know and keeping your mind open to both possibilities.

I lean more toward the they do exist answer myself but that is only from the basis of a personal experience I had as a child, but as you can tell I am still not decided because although this being may have been one of them... there may be other answers as well. And seeing as I cannot and was told WILL NOT remember what was said during the encounter until the time is right.. there is no way for me to make a solid decision.

I must remain open to possibilities.

Lol. Yeah I get what you're saying but when I get stuck into complex and bizarre subjects like this if I can't make sense of it it's almost like I have a headache or an illness and I can only get rid of it once I've put together a picture that makes sense to me.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Space_Ed

It's easy to put something down, to deny it. It's easy to imagine you know all the laws of the universe. It's easy to imagine that you are the top of the chain knowledge wise; it's such a wonderful world when you do.

What do you do when you find out different? It's easy to deny to yourself; it was just a dream, it was too much moo goo gai pan for dinner, it was so real, the marks and bruises, rashes, who do you tell? What do you do when your own spouse backs you up, or your sister? How many MRIs do you have, I had mine checked out by Dr. Kit Green, totally normal, as well as a in-depth phone interview, I'm normal, as all my family and friends can attest. Dr. Green's caveat was that even normal people can have "moments".

The only problem with this is that my "moments" happened sometimes years apart and yet matched in context and the time difference showed a marked graduation in happenings that I was made aware of that once again matched the context. "Moments" as most doctors describe them are usually disjointed and are nonsensical.

So go ahead and blow off these linked experiences and mine, stay in your safe world where you are safe and sound behind your keyboard looking to the sky, but I gotta ask this; what will you do when you hear a knock at the door and it ain't Santa. Sarcastic, I know, but lately, after all the kiddies on the board I'm kinda ticked off. Take this response as you will, I don't care at this point, I'm outta this thread and maybe outta this site (unless the kiddies get busy on their homework and get to bed early). In other words, don't blow off experiences, they are our best evidence at this point.

And once again, if I had taken photos of the visitors there would be no difference in looks, so how are they proven? It was actions on their part that proved it to me, so how do I get that in a photo? You have yet to answer that question. Oh, I guess it's just your feelings that will decide, right?


posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:59 AM
My bad, Space Ed!

I did not see your second response to me, if I could I would go back and delete the post above this. It's a built in response now, I mean if I get the impression that someone is anti contactee I go into automatic offense, sorry once again. Maybe it will serve as a deterrent to the super skeptics........maybe.

I'll revive my old thread soon and add the updates, I'll post a link when they're up.

One thing that you might find interesting is that I was shown "visitors" who I was told lived and worked among us. About 3/4s of them were women who looked to be in their mid to late 20s. And shopper that I am I recognized the cost of the clothing they were wearing, it was very high end, like from Saks Fifth Avenue or better. Very business like styles.

Best regards,


[edit on 8/31/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 12:20 PM
To me, a search for, and even a belief in, positive human type non terrestrials is almost a core need now. I don't need to prove existence of greys to myself, they fixed that for me . And with the corrupt cartel at the top, and a creeping feeling that the universe may only be full of opportunists and abusers, to me, existence of altruism, higher principles, a willingness (and if there is truly a spiritual advanced people that help, or federations of them) I can feel a lot better about the universe in general. To me it just gives me hope and peace and corrects a feeling of something universally dismal hanging over our heads. Also, I truly believe that assistance is coming, because that message was given to me. It would all just be philosophical questions and of far less importance except for what has happened with our family. Like I said, now it is a core need.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 12:25 PM
You might remember your crossing here from another time space, and have somebody revive that 'you' at a young age.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 02:23 PM
I found this interesting, as it appears to involve quite a few contactees, including those who had experiences happen in daytime. The first actual experience I quote talks about an emblem on their suits that I believe is Reptilians, and when I had researched the Sirian Wars, where Reptilian or negatives had actually taken over quite a few humanoid planets, it could mean that some of the human types can be oppressors too.

With this background in mind, when one enters the UFO arena as a serious researcher, it would seem obvious that common sense would dictate to us the appearance of alien crews based upon "past performance," Thus, you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that human-looking UFOnauts not only exist, but that they play an extremely important role in the riddle of the flying saucers. ...

I certainly was not prepared for what I was to learn. My preconceived ideas were quickly shattered when it came to this particular aspect of the UFO enigma. In my role as an investigator I found that many of those claiming encounters and abductions were describing the same types of beings and events without knowing each other. ...

For the most part, those whom I spoke with for the purposes of this article are lifelong experiencers. Most frequently their contacts have occurred during the night time hours and in what science might refer to as as altered state of consciousness. In rare instances a small number of individuals have said that their encounters have transpired in broad daylight under like circumstances.

In a total of approximately 100 cases, 36 of the reported episodes involved Nordic-type aliens, Utilizing the testimony of these contactees, I was able to place their experiences in the following categories:

A - The nature and appearance of the Nordics.

B - Special revealing cases that have occurred involving this particular type of being.

C - The Nordics affinity for discussing forthcoming cataclysmic Earth changes.

Appearance and Nature of the Nordics

We hear first from Donna, a Canadian who hold a BA degree whose experiences started in childhood while residing in Scotland. 'I observed the occurred involving this particular Nordics along with the worker Grays and a group of child-like beings who were very pale. They were all in one place and the Nordics - who were blonde - wear silk ysmooth, light blue suits. The only symbol of their victims I recall is a dragon-like snake with wings. The males were handsome with bottomless blue eyes, set in angular faces. The only emotion they displayed was serene amusement until they began to mentally talk to me. The place had a beautiful glow and atmosphere of serenity. Most of the beings looked young, but there were some there who looked older with beards and flowing robes. I had an intense longing for these beings after I left them, and an intense love, respect, and awe when I was with them."

Julia, a rural Mississippi housewife. "They do have underground bases, even an under-river base. I have seen the little Grays, the Nordics and their friends the red-eyed apes. They also had a military pilot with them who was being held against his will. The big blondes might weigh 275 lbs., had striking blue eyes, dark skin, and white teeth. Some of the good kind don't like what the bad kind are doing and there is warfare in space."...

# Andy Anderson, an Indiana man, has been abducted far too many times for his liking. According to Andy, there also exists a shorter, adolescent appearing Nordic. This kind of entity approached Andy in a normal daylight setting as he worked in a supermarket. The two who approached him spoke a strange language making him think they must be retarded. So began years of frequent abductions in which a Sanskrit-like language was used to communicate. Andy was informed of this and when he spoke the language in public he ended up in a mental hospital under observation. Sanskrit was the language of the ancient Gods of India who flew in aerial craft. Who knows why it has surfaced in modern America in this case of an abductee.

I recommend the above site for further cases. To me, the nordic types are being downplayed here in North America, and in fact it seems a little more than a third of the experiences are with human types.

[edit on 31-8-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by seentoomuch
My bad, Space Ed!

I did not see your second response to me, if I could I would go back and delete the post above this. It's a built in response now, I mean if I get the impression that someone is anti contactee I go into automatic offense, sorry once again. Maybe it will serve as a deterrent to the super skeptics........maybe.

I'll revive my old thread soon and add the updates, I'll post a link when they're up.

One thing that you might find interesting is that I was shown "visitors" who I was told lived and worked among us. About 3/4s of them were women who looked to be in their mid to late 20s. And shopper that I am I recognized the cost of the clothing they were wearing, it was very high end, like from Saks Fifth Avenue or better. Very business like styles.

Best regards,


[edit on 8/31/2008 by seentoomuch]

Lol no worries. Thanks for the input. The fact that you responded like you did makes you more believable in my eyes. Although sadly I've learnt that you really can't believe anyone despite how much they seem to believe their stories I doubt you are lying to me.

Did they say where they were from or how they got to Earth or what they were doing here?

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
To me, a search for, and even a belief in, positive human type non terrestrials is almost a core need now. I don't need to prove existence of greys to myself, they fixed that for me . And with the corrupt cartel at the top, and a creeping feeling that the universe may only be full of opportunists and abusers, to me, existence of altruism, higher principles, a willingness (and if there is truly a spiritual advanced people that help, or federations of them) I can feel a lot better about the universe in general. To me it just gives me hope and peace and corrects a feeling of something universally dismal hanging over our heads. Also, I truly believe that assistance is coming, because that message was given to me. It would all just be philosophical questions and of far less importance except for what has happened with our family. Like I said, now it is a core need.

I feel the same! After I'd done lots of research into Greys and abductions I often got rather down hearted because not only the world, but the whole universe seemed full of heartless manipulating scum. When I heard Coast with James Gilliland things started looking up. I think the human ETs probably to exist I just wish there was more info about them.

Thanks for the links again. Interesting and quite possibly true but nothing that can be considered evidence. Everything I've come across so far is totally anecdotal and I can still only believe in them based on faith at the moment which isn't something I'm comfortable with. But then again though even if I saw a really realistic video of someone going for a cruise round the galaxy and back with a couple of nordics that could still be faked.

Anyone got any more links or information to share?

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

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