posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:43 AM
I would like to start this thread to create kindness among my fellow ATS'ers and hopefully worldwide.
The core of the idea being this:
Random acts of kindness are done much too rarely. I feel that we could be a lot more pro-active in this endeavor.
1. Perform an act of kindness for someone, no matter the size.
2. post it here, in this thread at the end of your day when you find time to log in.
3. Feel good in knowing that you did this, for we together can create change, NOW! and see the exponential growth of positive energies reflected in
our life experiences of the everyday kind.
4. Each poster will earn a star from all who post in this thread, no reward really but I did like earning stars when I was a kid.
So shall we try this? Can you be the change you wish to see? I know I will try as hard as I can.
I will post at the end of my day, and hopefully we can get lots of members on board for this. The time is now my friends, we haven't a moment to
Let us begin today!