posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by zlots331
so you haven't figured it out yet?here it is in a nut shell.There is no two party system in this country.There is a one party system which trys to
remain under cover.I call it the corporate party.The corporate party has two branches,dems and repubs.They bicker and fight to keep your attention off
what they're really doing.Neither of these branchs have any use for the people except as cash cows.70% of the people in this country wanted an end to
the war.They elected
the democrat branch to end the war.How did that work for them?They tell you one thing when they run for office and do another once elected.Bush ran on
a humble forgien policy.How did that work for you?The main stream media is corporate controled.Shouldn't the american people get to decide thier
instead of the media?If so why do we not see third party canidates?When you get to the bottom of this bailout you'll find the federal reserve
bank.The federal reserve bank,a central bank,with no athority from the constitution fixes prices.They were responsible for the last depression and
ultimatly they are behind this.How do they get away with it?They own the corporate party.
They own the media.The republicans have thier favorite industrail complex and the democrats have thiers.The federal reserve cares not which one wins
as they are always on the band wagon.They print the money to fund these pet projects.The people owe interest on every dollar they print AS it rolls
off the presses.Therefore we can hand over our dollars to the military industrial complex,medical/healthcare complex,insurance complex,or a dozen
others.The fed still gets it's share.While the people sleep the corporate party has turned this country into a government of the corporation by the
corporation for the corporation and bankers.Maybe this little quote will mean something to you now.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will
deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken
from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802)
You of course haven't seen anyones home repossesed lately?The only way we are going to get out of this mess is by voting third party.We will never
vote third party until the masses wakeup.You can not wake someone up who thinks his canidate is the answer to all our problems.They are mesmerized by
the media.They can not see beyond and as a result this country will fall when the dollar becomes worthless.There will be chaos when that happens and
it opens the door to the north american union.That is the end of the united states of america.With no constitution you will have no freedom.Not that
you have much now.Look at the people on this board.They complain about politicans but when time to vote comes they'll vote for thier choice of one of
the two branches of the corporate party.These people make more money the further up in thier respective branch they can get so why would you have a
problem with them making more money?