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McCains VP Choice Palin Currently Being Investigated For Abuse Of Office: Faces Impeachment

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posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555If elected she won't lie and I'm wondering if even McCain understands that?

And this is why soon she will be deselected as a VP candidate but of course the reason will be "family matters" when she returns to AK and the governorship. We will see the real VP soon enough and it may even be
more shocking than Mrs. Palin.

The whole Palin thing seemed so scripted, theatrical and created for maximum media play. And it worked very well; but the attention span of
the American electorate is very short and will seek more and different stimulation in short order. Lights, Camera, Action.....

Hey, it's a conspiracy site!!

[edit on 30-8-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Looks like the end of McCain's campaign to me. This on top of the firing of the district attorneys, is the icing on the cake. Bye bye McCain...

I think this is delusional thinking.

First, the Gov. Palin story is a total non-issue. Second, this has nothing to do with the firings of the U.S. attorneys.

Third, Gov. Palin welcomed and encouraged the independent investigation to clear her name from the false allegations.

Fourth, it's really naive to think that with months to vet a VP candidate, the Republicans wouldn't have been aware of this issue. Obviously it's a non-issue or she wouldn't have been chosen.

Gov. Palin is the perfect piece of the puzzle to allow McCain to win. Obama erred by not having Hillary as VP. He would have been a lock.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 12:20 PM
IMO this has nothing to do with gender... McCain's VP pick is simply insane... McCain is a man who has had 4 bouts with cancer... His long term health is a big issue... So it is critical that he pick a VP who is literally a heartbeat away from stepping in as president... Instead he picks an unknown and virtually inexperienced governor of a state that has more reindeer than people... Yes, she has done a couple of good things for Alaska but big deal... Doesn't say much for McCain's judgement... Maybe some alzheimer's has already set in?!?!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by gemstone
IMO this has nothing to do with gender... McCain's VP pick is simply insane... McCain is a man who has had 4 bouts with cancer... His long term health is a big issue... So it is critical that he pick a VP who is literally a heartbeat away from stepping in as president... Instead he picks an unknown and virtually inexperienced governor of a state that has more reindeer than people... Yes, she has done a couple of good things for Alaska but big deal... Doesn't say much for McCain's judgement... Maybe some alzheimer's has already set in?!?!

Your post is internally contradictory.

If she is unknown to you, how can you conclude that Gov. Palin is not qualified to be POTUS?

Is a couple of years as a U.S. Senator with scant accomplished in that time make Obama more qualified somehow?

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 12:37 PM
So much of McCain's anti Obama campaign has been attacking his lack of experience... Yet McCain picks a VP who has even less experience??... What degree does she have, some journalism degree?... A soccer mom, model and ex-sports broadcaster??... Yes, that's truly VP material...

I'm sorry, I'm sure she is a decent person, but McCain had so many better and more experienced candidates to pick from... Instead he is trying to play the gender card...

It's truly pathetic that this country cannot produce better candidates from either party...

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by gemstone

He should have picked Huckabee or Romney or even Lieberman. What the heck is he thinking? Something isn't right here. Either he is loosing his mind, or someone else did the picking for political positioning of having an ultra right wing anti-choice, bigoted gay hater, and paid off gun promoter to scare up some of the right wing party faithful with more scare and tear. Either way it isn't in the best interest of the nation.

I'm bias of course, and fully admit that. My candidate is on the Democratic ticket. I do not support the Republican platform, and see the policies out of the GOP as being responsible for the decline of this great nation and resulting in huge deficits and incredibly expensive and needless war activities while the internal infrastructure falls apart and millions more go with out health care insurance despite polling data that shows consistently that more than 2/3rds of Americans want a uniform system. Nevertheless whomever wins has to represent ALL Americans and be able to take care of the hard ball issues both domestic and foreign. America is the largest superpower on earth with the largest and strongest military ever in the history of the earth, and it is in some very volatile times now (on the brink of WWWIII) especially following 8 years of incredible mismanagement. Even though I wouldn't have liked pretty much any of the GOP candidates for ideological reasoning, at least with someone in there who knew what the hell they were doing we could rest at night. It's one thing to manage a small township or village up in the northern burrows of the arctic territories, and quite another to manage the largest economy and most technological savvy sophisticated nation on the planet.

This lady is in way over her head. She even said recently that she didn't even know what a VP does. This goes beyond bad politics, it’s about the safety of our nation and that of the world. Just when you thought the Republicans couldn’t pull anything lower or more stupid than what has already been pulled we get this! It’s scary as hell!

I wish we could hold a Continental congress or something and remove McCain from the chess board entirely and start over. Anyone but these people. Ten years ago if you told anyone this is what would happen, nobody would have believed you; hell the story wouldn’t even have made it into print as a fiction novel because you wouldn’t be able to find a publisher. This is absolutely nuts, and very hard still to believe it’s actually real.

God help us all if these two win!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by skyshow

Very well said indeed... The choice of VP in this election is MUCH more crucial that in past elections, in my opinion... I have fears about McCain's poor health and I have other types of fears that I won't even type, if Obama gets elected... Suffice it to say, this VP will be much closer to being a heartbeat away than others... At least I have confidence in Biden's experience that he could handle being president... But Palin is so far over her head she doesn't even know what she doesn't know... No way could she be the leader of the free world... Scary for sure!... What the heck is going on here?!?!?!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper

Okay that is totally twisted media.

Sarah offered Walt another position, and wanted to place a new-- fresh face into the office of the Director of Public Safety.

He quit -- he was not "fired".

He was angry, and came out in local Alaskan media was a story about how the Palin administration had "pressured" him to "fire" a Trooper (who from all accounts was a real rotten apple...wonder why he's left the country since her VP announcement?)

Wooten, the Trooper in contention was alleged to be drunk on the job in a patrol car, tazer children, and abuse his power.

Sarah Palin had every right to re-assign Walt to another position (considering he was appointed in the first place).

Sarah herself even implemented a open-transparent "investigation" with the Attorney General -- before anyone could do any "investigation" -- she wanted to vindicate herself right there and have it done with.

Why is the "trooper" in question no longer in the United States? HMMMMM...

Interesting details you "lower-48'ers" don't get from your MSM down there. He's probably hiding once it comes to light of all the nasty cr*p he did is brought to the surface.

Honestly, a woman as intelligent as Sarah would not pressure a guy to fire a tropper, and then "fire him" for not doing so -- shes smarter than that.

This is all half-truth-twisted propaganda being fed to you by biased media outlets outside of the state of Alaska.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 03:37 AM
MY GOD!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry! This is what modern politics has turned into I guess. A former beauty queen clearly with NO experience that qualifies her for VP (considering how many other choices there were) nominated in desperation keep the woman vote. And I thought Joe Biden being nominated was interesting. I honestly thought McCain had a fair shot but this is just rediculous. I guess it will be a test to see if America is dumbed down enough to vote for someone simply because she's a hot chick.
Then again, McCain got this far by vote fraud in the primaries so who the hell knows. Who the hell cares any more is more like it.

[edit on 31-8-2008 by Trauma]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by jamie83
First, the Gov. Palin story is a total non-issue. Second, this has nothing to do with the firings of the U.S. attorneys.

That's why Republicans will lose this election and probably be the minority party for the next few decades. For most of us, abuse of power is the cardinal sin. Even the Republican voters are fed up with it from their party and recognize it for what it is - bad moral character. It is absolutely not a non-issue.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:32 AM
If women decide to vote for Palin it will set them back so far and I will explain why. If women switch over to Palin it will show them to be shallow. On the facts that matter, Palin and Hillary are further apart than Barack and McCain will ever be. Hillary and Palin are completely polar opposites, and the only thing they share is female anatomy.
-Any woman that supported Hillary and then supports Palin shows that she will vote for any women regardless.
-Any woman that supported Hillary and the jumps to Palin shows that women are full of emotion and lacking in integrity.
-Any woman that supported Hillary and then jumps to Palin is betraying Hillary Clinton for the sake of revenge against Barack Obama, thus showing women to be vindictive.
- Finally, Any woman that supported Hillary and then jumps to Palin shows women to be undeserving of the right to hold any major political office, because their decision making skills are flawed.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Trauma
MY GOD!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry! This is what modern politics has turned into I guess. A former beauty queen clearly with NO experience that qualifies her for VP (considering how many other choices there were) nominated in desperation keep the woman vote. And I thought Joe Biden being nominated was interesting. I honestly thought McCain had a fair shot but this is just rediculous. I guess it will be a test to see if America is dumbed down enough to vote for someone simply because she's a hot chick.
Then again, McCain got this far by vote fraud in the primaries so who the hell knows. Who the hell cares any more is more like it.
[edit on 31-8-2008 by Trauma]

This choice has VERY interesting implications.
First she has a very long history of telling fedgov to pound sand.
She is strongly 2ed amendment.
She hunts.
She races snowmobiles.
Mother of five.
She is for opening more of Alaska for oil exploitation.

So the only thing that is left is that she does not have enough experance.
Compared to who, Obama? Heck at least she has a record of success as governor. Obama does not even have that. She was chosen (my opinion)
because she firms up McCains weak 2ed amendment history and is getting support for him from lots of sectors that he could not touch before.
Some of them are hoping the stress will cause McCain to no longer function as POTUS and she can replace him.
IF we get lucky and she plays her cards right she could have the office for 10 years.

In her acceptance speech she thanked hillery for paving the way for other women in politics. Do you think they had to sedate hillery after that one?
First woman VP
Youngest VP?
First Alaskan VP?
First VP that ownes her own AR-15
Yep this election just got interesting.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:44 AM
Speculation (for the moment) that her 5th child is actually her 16 year old daughter's child. Google for links...

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Backwoods

She's definitely a republican dream girl. Despises government, loves motorsports, pops out kids endlessly, kills animals with her very own assault rifle and can't wait to put an oil rig on every square inch of the country.

I don't see how she can lose..

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Intilus
If women decide to vote for Palin it will set them back so far and I will explain why. If women switch over to Palin it will show them to be shallow. On the facts that matter, Palin and Hillary are further apart than Barack and McCain will ever be. Hillary and Palin are completely polar opposites, and the only thing they share is female anatomy.
-Any woman that supported Hillary and then supports Palin shows that she will vote for any women regardless.
-Any woman that supported Hillary and the jumps to Palin shows that women are full of emotion and lacking in integrity.
-Any woman that supported Hillary and then jumps to Palin is betraying Hillary Clinton for the sake of revenge against Barack Obama, thus showing women to be vindictive.
- Finally, Any woman that supported Hillary and then jumps to Palin shows women to be undeserving of the right to hold any major political office, because their decision making skills are flawed.

By your twisted logic, that would also make the 95% of Black voters that voted for Obama shallow as well. What else could they possibly have had in common with him other than their skin color?

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

Yes, she is, and I think you underestimate the impact of that. Too many people are concentrating only on the 'Hillary voter' aspect and not looking at the overall picture. John McCain has energized the base with this pick to a level I haven't seen in quite some time. A unified, energized Republican base is a very formidable opponent. Remember, the conservative base has been the driving force behind the Republicans winning 5 of the last 7 Presidential elections. McCain had been struggling to earn their trust, but he knocked this selection completely out of the park with that group.

Palin electrifies the conservative base

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Trauma
MY GOD!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry! This is what modern politics has turned into I guess. A former beauty queen clearly with NO experience that qualifies her for VP (considering how many other choices there were) nominated in desperation keep the woman vote. And I thought Joe Biden being nominated was interesting. I honestly thought McCain had a fair shot but this is just rediculous. I guess it will be a test to see if America is dumbed down enough to vote for someone simply because she's a hot chick.
Then again, McCain got this far by vote fraud in the primaries so who the hell knows. Who the hell cares any more is more like it.

[edit on 31-8-2008 by Trauma]
People seem to like Obama the rock star despite his obvious lack of real experience and his dubious past associations.. All they can provide for his accomplishments is he's a good speaker and he's handsome.

Maybe we are a nation of shallow, unthinking, unfeeling worshippers of celebrities after all.. Who really care anymore about a candidate's qualifications, or their position on the the most pressing issues of society? The American people just want Rico Sauves and Suavettes!

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

If she wants to abuse me, I am available
I'll even supply the cuffs.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by LEAP STICK

I with you...she is a knock out...

On the other hand it is kind of odd no that she fires him during her sisters devorce...?

A: Either he was really screwing up because he was mad or
B: She got rid of him because of anger or
C: She wanted to get rid of him before but because he was her sisters husband she held back until now, when they are getting a divorce.

Either way I think she is T & A above Oblama and Bitten...I am voting McCain...

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by jamie83

I think McCain is genious and will pull the election.

Yeah, such a genius that like Bush, he doesn't even know basic geography of the world in which we are embroiled in conflict. And also like Bush, he cannot speak without committing a major Faux Pas. However, like Bill Mayer said on the Larry King show; "Americans will demand no less than ignorance of its leaders."

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