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Palm Reading, Psychics, etc: How ?

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posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:30 AM
So I recently saw a palm reader/tarot card reader. I was expecting him to just talk about the lines on my hands, etc, based on what I've read about palm reading. I haven't researched tarot yet, so didn't have any expectations there. But, I was amazed because as soon as he shook my hand, he accurately described health issues that I have, or have had in the past. He told me I'm anemic, went to the doctor, sure enough I am! Too many examples to list; however if anyone is interested I will be happy to tell you all about what he said. He asked to see a picture of my boyfriend and once he looked at the picture, he described my boyfriends personality, his habits, even described his parents. I found that uncanny. Obviously there is much more to it than that. But I'm just baffled. I've had dreams that have come true. But how was this guy able to tell me so much about myself, about my past, describe my family... within 10 minutes of touching my hand? How the heck does palm reading work anyway? I always just thought you had the love line, wealth line, and health line. I'm just baffled and if there are any palm readers/psychics out there... I wanna know how this works! Can you look at a person and describe them? A picture? I'm amazed.

he also predicted a number of events for my future, but since I don't know if those are accurate yet, I'm more baffled by how he was able to describe myself, and my past.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:45 AM
Them people are more in the line of being a psychologist than a psychic. Usually you can tell if someone's Anemic if they are pale, have blue tinge to the white of their eyes and have brittle nails. But thats crazy that he even noticed that. He has an uncanny ability to pick up little stuff, he should be a dectective.
Did he actually say the word Anemic?

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

I spoke to one of those for 20 bucks. They read me some tarot cards. It did not come true. I got upset at what they foretold for my future and they pretty much recycled a bit of what i had already said to them. That was last year and it did not come true. I wish I had gone to Amazonic Indian across the street from this cheap tarot reader. I'm so mad.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:50 AM
What didn't come true? Is it personal? Im nosey...

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:07 AM
Yes, he actually used the word anemic. He also told me of some past health issues that he couldnt have known, such as the fact that I had a lump removed from my breast. I'm not pale...I am tan, lol. I am sure there are MANY more fakes out there than authentic...but this guy has me pretty convinced. He knew that my mom left when I was 10...he knew my sister is going through a divorce, and that my brother is a recovering alcoholic who is recently engaged. He even knew that I got voted most school spirit in high school, lol. Just some uncanny things. That's why I'm like... wow, really? How?

and to pocky... I was more interested in how he was able to describe my life perfectly. You create your own experience. You just need to create the experience that you want

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:15 AM
I think then, the answer to how, would be that he's psychic.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:18 AM
Hello all!

Sometimes we are allowed to know something of our future sometimes not.
There are real people who can see our whole life.


posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:18 AM
There are many reports of people who can see auras,that can also see in the aura,medical conditions. (and in some hardcore cases,thoughts and pretty much your whole life,played out in some sort of holographic film floating around you) we'll add an apparently to the end of that,as it can't be proved either way. I believe some can,cos I'm trainging to see my aura myself,and I kind of can (ish) I can't see colours or layers,but I get a nice white outline around things. (people,animals and plant life)

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:18 AM
I had always thought that being psychic correlated to predicting the future. This seemed more... extremely intense intuition? I don't know. What I'm kind of wondering is if palm reading has a correlation with psychics. I just want to know all about it. He didn't seem as into the tarot cards. He didn't go as into depth.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:21 AM
Even if you are tan someone could tell, if they knew what to look for. He is just very skilled at what he does. I personally don't believe psychics are real. Even though, I think that guy is really really good at what he does though. There really isn't harm in people like him, especially if it gives you hope. Now if he litterally came out and said everything like he actually knew you, he's stalking you! lol.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

If you want to know more,then buy books and read!! (s'wot I'm doin) I can recomend the holographic universe by Micheal Talbot. The first section is about very clever stuff that the universe is all made from,then it goes on to explain how this "could" explain many psychic events. In which he lists and references loads of them. It's a proper interesting read,and it tries to actually give a scientific answer to lots of paranormal things.
Pretty much every page has blown my mind

knowlage is power

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

Let Derren Brown give you some hints. He's no psychic, and possesses no "supernatural" abilities. He makes this very clear.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:42 AM
Derren Brown's a creepy sex pest. *shudders* his shows are laughable,and yes,you're right. he has no powers at all.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Most human hands have three main lines. Such lines appear on the soles of the feet also. The main palm lines traditionally are called the Heart Line, Head Line, and Life Line. Medical people call these lines "flexion creases". Some handreaders do combine textbook knowledge with their own personal psychic abilities.

For those skeptics out there lol I probably will not influence your ideas one way or the other but here are some interesting facts you may not be aware of :

Sometimes, the Heart Line and Head Line fuse to form a single line right across the hand. Medical people call it a single palmar crease or a "simian crease." The name "simian" was adopted many years ago and comes from the fact that some monkeys have only one crease in their palm.

Abnormalities in palmar creases may indicate problems with early development and be associated with other developmental disorders.

From this comes the belief that a simian line indicates an abnormality physically or mentally.

Children born with Downs Syndrome - Aarskog syndrome and Cri du chat syndrome all have a simian crease. One clear line right across the hand fused together instead of two separate lines !!

Everyone, including identical twins, has a unique fingerprint. In other words, people's identities are coded at their fingertips. This coding system may also be compared to the barcode system that is used today. Each hand is totally unique - is it not possible that our subconscious mind is etching our future from our past thoughts and actions ??

Many psychics are very good at picking up your past - reading your mind -but they are not always as gifted at "Seeing your future" so only time will tell

[edit on 29-8-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

i've had many a reading done..palms,cards,astrology ectectectectect

they're are plenty of fakes out there though also some really genuine people who are amazing at what they do. people are born with this craft and the 'gift' is not one to be taken for granted.

i guess people who ask for readings are searching for something in their life in which they dont have an answer b/c they so much want to know what their path will bring. i went through this period in my life and although the accuracy freaked me out at the time, i dont live my life by it anymore. it can drive you alittle loony. i live my life as it comes now period.

if you take readings with a pinch salt its all good. its cool that people can tell you your past though prob not so cool re your future. i think its better left untold, just lived.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

Years ago, when I was 14 years old, I had a similar experience with a psychic, it was quite freaky how she knew specific events from my past and stuff about my family.
But then she said that she couldn't tell me my future and she didn't want to explain why.

I went to four more psychics and fortune tellers in the last few years but none of them wanted to tell me my future.
They flat out refused to do it. These were considered "genuine" psychics, recomended by friends and family members who swore on their acuracy.
I am determined to find out why are they all refusing to reveal my future to me

I went to several others too, who turned out to be kind of fake, one of those who tell you a lot about yourself, specificaly your character (good at reading body language) but then get all vague when it comes to the future (you will meet a blonde and dark guy, there is a change in your future, stuff like that).

I do believe that there are people who can sense others, their auras, their soul, call it what you want.
I am a bit more skeptic when it comes to predicting the future though. There are a lot of non-specific things that come true like "you will change your work in the next few years", but I have never witnessed anyone predicting a detailed, specific event that came true later.

I am slightly freaked out by my experience though, because I cannot figure out what is so scary about me that no one wants to tell me

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by laura petrie
reply to post by Seekingmyself

Years ago, when I was 14 years old, I had a similar experience with a psychic, it was quite freaky how she knew specific events from my past and stuff about my family.
But then she said that she couldn't tell me my future and she didn't want to explain why.

I went to four more psychics and fortune tellers in the last few years but none of them wanted to tell me my future.
They flat out refused to do it. These were considered "genuine" psychics, recomended by friends and family members who swore on their acuracy.
I am determined to find out why are they all refusing to reveal my future to me

I went to several others too, who turned out to be kind of fake, one of those who tell you a lot about yourself, specificaly your character (good at reading body language) but then get all vague when it comes to the future (you will meet a blonde and dark guy, there is a change in your future, stuff like that).

I do believe that there are people who can sense others, their auras, their soul, call it what you want.
I am a bit more skeptic when it comes to predicting the future though. There are a lot of non-specific things that come true like "you will change your work in the next few years", but I have never witnessed anyone predicting a detailed, specific event that came true later.

I am slightly freaked out by my experience though, because I cannot figure out what is so scary about me that no one wants to tell me

Wow...that freaks me out a little bit too. I hope nothing bad is happening in your future!! This guy was pretty vague about my future, but some things he said I just couldn't see happening. First of all, he said that I'm going to marry my boyfriend in 3 years. Now, that's all fine and dandy, even though that seems kind of soon, lol. Buut what bothered me is he said were just going to go off and do it... meaning I wouldn't have my fairytale wedding I've always dreamed of!! Didn't sound like me. I've been dreaming of my wedding day my whole life. He also said I'd only have two kids, a boy and a girl. I want 4 kids. He told me I would own real estate in the next 2 years...which seems unfeasible because I'll JUST be graduating college.

What he said about my wedding got me thinking. Am I able to alter the future if I am aware of it? Or has it already happened? (because how could he see it if it didn't already exist in some form) these thoughts have been swirling around my head for days now, no where to go with them.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by dave420

i don't doubt that there are talented people out there like this guy who are good at manipulating minds by careful observation of a person. He obviously pulled out pretty broad details about her. It makes sense that this woman would have trouble sleeping if she's worried about aliens coming in at night. also the throat thing i'm sure she has a scar. very obvious things.

the things this guy told me; not obvious whatsoever

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by dave420

I figured out how he did his trick:
1. Since the woman did most of the talking and was more dominant, he knew she would be the one to approach him.
2. Her voice is raspy, and he accurately guessed she had an operation a few decades ago. (He may of had relatives who had the same procedure)
3. A throat condition would make breathing at night a little more difficult, hence not getting enough sleep and possible sleep apnea problems.
4. Being into UFO abductions, he knew she would be more of a New Age person, and use herbal and other non medical remedies.

I hand it to him, he is good.

The psychics learn how to read people and can get a lot of information with the simplest of questions.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Seekingmyself
I had always thought that being psychic correlated to predicting the future. This seemed more... extremely intense intuition? I don't know. What I'm kind of wondering is if palm reading has a correlation with psychics. I just want to know all about it. He didn't seem as into the tarot cards. He didn't go as into depth.

i used to think of it the same way. but now i think we all have our moments when we just kinda get in line with everything and some people can either hang on to that longer or be good at several different things to be so consistent. But haven't you ever had moments when you were more in tune with something, maybe the future, maybe someone's thoughts, or a number of other special abilities? i've never had anything truly astounding keep happening that i could control but i have had some "moments". Anyway, to be more direct, i think a lot of the answers people are writing are true, auras, mind reading, pre cog, post cog; some folks are just naturals.

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